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Last Posted May 8, 2023 at 4:07 AM
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#24 cp_cargo in Map Discussion

Cheers for the early feedback, I'm glad you're taking the time to play the map in this clunky state.

For a2 I am focussing upon a few key problems you've stated in your feedback and that I've noticed when running around the map:

  • Too few connections between the two levels which are a key feature of the map
  • Not enough clear chokepoints
  • Overly complicated mid for what it is
  • Overall too many routes between areas
  • Narrow, "trench"-like connectors

I'm glad to hear you find the overall idea promising, and I'm definitely looking forward to working with all this feedback.

posted about 8 years ago
#200 Updating cp_snakewater in Map Discussion
BumFreezechojje* Commemorated a memorable momentIts the harbleu 1v2 for those wondering


Huge thanks to uberchain, DiscoSwan and The Scurvy Orange for the poster art, and JackyLegs for the initiative!

posted about 8 years ago
#1 cp_cargo in Map Discussion

Most recent release:

cp_cargo_a5 download:

Original post:

Hey everyone!

Now that Snakewater has more or less reached it's ultimate form (for now), I couldn't help myself from getting started on a new map project. Thus I proudly present

cp_cargo_a1, download:

Cargo is a new competitive control points map in a harbor/granary setting. For now it's in alpha state, so the visuals are yet quite barebone.

The design of the map has been governed by three design intentions to work well in a competitive setting:

  • Distinct arenas with varying gameplay possibilities
  • Dynamic connectors between areas which reward offensive play
  • Fun and progressive rollouts for all classes

It would be great if anybody would want to run around and get a first feel of the map. If anybody would want to arrange a double mix I'd be happy to join in, but perhaps it's better to wait a few iteration before putting the map to the true test.

Here's an imgur album with screenshots:

I also made a horrible rollout video to get your imaginations going:

Please give me your feedback and impressions, and I'll be sure to keep updating the map rapidly over the next couple of weeks!


posted about 8 years ago
#199 Updating cp_snakewater in Map Discussion
Warichojje* Added appropriate amount of snakies

Have a look under mid :))

posted about 8 years ago
#194 Updating cp_snakewater in Map Discussion

Hey guys,

Updated to u10:

Changelog u10:


* Returned half of the canopy at the saw-mid connector
* Fixed hiding spot in kitchen


* Fixed stickies on forward spawn door
* Removed some clutter
* Fixed some clipping bugs
* Cleaned up some details
* Returned the ledge beneath the window
* Added cheese
* Commemorated a memorable moment
* Added appropriate amount of snakies

Unless some gamebreaking bug appears this is likely to be the final updated version.

It seems like the canopy change near saw has been controversial and problematic. This just goes to show how tiny changes can have huge impact on the map flow!

Thanks for all your help, and please be sure to comment on this version if it is to be the final one.


posted about 8 years ago
#21 perilous to look for a new soldier?? in TF2 General Discussion

wtf is shootmania

posted about 8 years ago
#181 Updating cp_snakewater in Map Discussion
azarunHi, chojje. You made a lot of bug fixing and polishing work for the map, and thats good. New snakewater is better than the old one, but compared to other maps new snakewater is not better than the old. I hope you understand the statement i try to make - you can try and polish, add shiny things to your map infinitely but if its not improving the gameplay then it doesnt matter at all.
Its a fact that the biggest problem with snakewater is the last point, and it is also the hardest last point to push in the entire mappool. And no one ever tried to fix it? I dont see any players come to offer possible solutions or you try to make last point any different (increasing capture taunt by few ms doesnt count), and thats why i have to ask you to try my shitty idea - basically the idea is:
to move spawn halfway closer to point (so you can reach the spawn door in 1 rocket jump from lobby -> to make attacking/sacking easier) and leave the rest of spawn the same (to make it bigger -> to punish spawn switch even more) and replace truck with smaller object (to block sideline from left lobby).
Im not asking you to do exactly this, but i ask you to look into last point problem some more. I threw this idea just beacuse no one tries to make the difference.

I came into this with the goal of fixing bugs and streamlining the map; not reworking it completely. Having tried a couple of gameplay changes during these iterations, I've immediately found that any tiny change means a massive butterfly effect of unexpected gameplay alterations. Considering this, I feel it's better to keep the map we've all gotten to know, with its perks and quirks. The last point may be problematic, but it is also different and I think it's an interesting aspect of the map.

Hopefully I'll be able to take what I've learned in Snakewater to another level in my next map, where I'm more free to experiment with a clean slate.

posted about 8 years ago
#179 Updating cp_snakewater in Map Discussion

Thanks benroads, as always a pleasure to go through your posts.

I really hope the u10 version released this weekend will be the one shipped to valve. This means it's a good time to spam your feedback right now, especially considering the map has been played in the first week of the ETF2L season.

The main concern that I've been made aware of is the canopy above the saw-2 connector which has had two negative consequences:

1. Making medic chases from saw to lobby far too easy
2. Making bombs onto saw too efficient when defending 2

The current solution is to pull back the canopy halfway to its original position - I firmly believe this change will make the map flow faster, and it also helps rollouts, so I won't revert it fully for now.

Huge thanks to anyone who's submitted feedback so far, and please keep at it until we've got a perfect version to ship to Valve.


posted about 8 years ago
#172 Updating cp_snakewater in Map Discussion
bearodactylNot sure what led you to remove the ledge underneath window but imo it should be changed back to the way it used to be, I've never heard anyone complain about it being too easy to jump into window in the final version and now it just screws you if you don't do the jump perfectly
edit: also the lighting is really ugly imo, on red second (iirc) the entire point is brightly lit and in sunlight, but on the other second it's all dark and shadowy and the only part that's bright is part of grass which makes it pretty hard to look at

I really can't comment on the lighting unless you supply screenshots - on my setup it looks fine but I'm running rather high quality settings, maybe fps configs or other variables affect the appearance. Now it should be pretty much reverted to _final1 (literally the same lighting settings), which I personally think looks far worse but which probably plays better.

posted about 8 years ago
#170 Updating cp_snakewater in Map Discussion

Hey guys,

Updated to u9:

Changelog u9:

* Repainted RED lobby (already in u8)
* Removed clutter in lower lobby (already in u8)
* Fixed top right roofs on mid not being mirrored
* Fixed lobby "shelves" not being mirrored
* Fixed corners of top left roofs on mid
* Removed beams and clutter in spawn ceiling
* Kind of fixed being able to stand on clip walls (apparently it's a known Source bug)
* Improved lighting further
* Fixed some shadows leaking through walls

posted about 8 years ago
#167 Updating cp_snakewater in Map Discussion
CorsaThere are so many more shadows on this map than the previous version of snakewater and also every other map. There's a shadow everywhere a person stands. I'm not sure if this is intentional, but it's a pretty big issue. There are literally no hiding spots anymore. Every single corner you can possibly stand in, you either see the person through the wall or you see their feet. There are shadows where teams/players push. For example, if somebody grabs the hp in saw, you can see their shadow from mid. If somebody is hugging the any part of the wall on the ramp in lower, or even just pushing lower, you can see his shadow from anywhere on 2nd.

If you can get me screens of where this happens I can start adding "shadow blockers" where necessary.

As for the lighting, this version is now slightly darker than the stock one. I suppose this is a matter of design preference - I think the current version is fine in terms of gameplay and doesnt look nearly as flat and bland as _final1.

Also, thanks for the bugfinds. I hope u9 will be veery close to the final version.

posted about 8 years ago
#160 Updating cp_snakewater in Map Discussion

Thanks Bilbert,

I didn't have time to fix these bugs as I compiled u8 over the day. Here's the download:

Changelog u8

* Improved clipping near window
* Fixed not being able to jump from fence to cheese
* Fixed some texture bugs
* Fixed some more edges
* Fixed some misaligned clips
* Fixed a weird hiding spot
* Improved log splash behaviour

It seems like bugs keep cropping up; but it's good to get this in depth. I really feel like the stable version is creeping closer.

Thanks for all your assistance!

posted about 8 years ago
#155 Updating cp_snakewater in Map Discussion

I can't reproduce this one, what are you standing on?

What am I looking at?

posted about 8 years ago
#152 Updating cp_snakewater in Map Discussion
Air_i live for a benroads map post
posted about 8 years ago
#149 Updating cp_snakewater in Map Discussion

Here's u7 just in time for the preseason cup:

Download link:

Changelog u6


* Made the map brighter


* Improved clipping on mid
* Removed some obstructive detailing
* Fixed floating stuff
* Fixed some missing clips
* Fixed clips blocking off window
* Fixed some visual bugs

Hope you'll enjoy this version in the cup.

posted about 8 years ago
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