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Last Posted May 8, 2023 at 4:07 AM
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#45 cp_cargo in Map Discussion

I've made some small changes, here's a5:

cp_cargo_a5 download:

Imgur album: N/A

Changelog a5

* New sky and light settings

* Removed the barrier near the shed
* Removed the shelf in lobby

* Tweaked the valley
* Removed some obstructive crates on yard
* Widened the choke and added a little ramp

I'm currently looking to rework last completely as the last major change before going into beta phase! If anybody would be interested in a tf2center test, hit me up on steam!


posted about 8 years ago
#225 Updating cp_snakewater in Map Discussion

I was disappointed to find that the Competitive update didn't include the updated Snakewater version - this luckily means I can spend more time on improving the lighting.

I'm really happy with the ambiance of the map as of _u10, but I will most likely add a lot of artificial lighting to improve gameplay.

If you keep submitting feedback of dark areas, I'll get to work on it shortly!

posted about 8 years ago
#25 cp_metalworks Official Feedback Thread Mark 2.0 in Map Discussion
ScorpioUprisingI feel like I've seen someone (chojie?) who has a fix for overhanging rooftop pieces, something like turning the edges into a func_brush and then turning the collision off. So, I'll probably look into that.

Yeah, that's what I did for the most recent public Snakewater update, but it causes some lighting issues, and generally Fubar's solution from Product with displacements solid only to bullets and projectiles but not to players has a far better feel.

posted about 8 years ago
#43 cp_cargo in Map Discussion

Thanks to Carn and Beater's great feedback, here's a4 ready.

cp_cargo_a4 download:

Imgur album: TBA

Changelog a4

* Removed top left route
* Added a larger platform at the top right route
* Removed healthkit and ammo
* Blocked off the top left route in lobby
* Removed some clutter
* Moved the right side flank route

* Simplified the ramp onto balcony
* Moved the barrier behind the platform near choke
* Reworked pickup locations
* The point is now jumpable from balcony

* Removed top platforms
* Increased height of crates
* Slightly widened the valley
* Moved healthkits into the valley

The largest changes are to last and the lobby, to make the different routes play with more integrity. Looking forward to your feedback!


posted about 8 years ago
#210 MAJOR TF2 update for 7/7/16 (Meet Your Match) in TF2 General Discussion

Where is updated Snake?

posted about 8 years ago
#41 cp_cargo in Map Discussion

Once more, thank you for your feedback. Much thanks to Carn's extensive and well illustrated feedback, I've been able to work on the next version for the last few days.

cp_cargo_a3 download:

Imgur album:

Changelog u3

* Reworked pickup locations throughout the map
* Improved lighting throughout the map
* Improved clipping throughout the map

* Removed top exit from spawn
* Removed walkway above last
* Made the route behind last a bit tighter
* Lowered last in relation to the low ground
* Lowered the left side flank route
* Added a platform to the side of the point
* Made access to the top route easier
* Removed the massive high ground above last
* Reworked the right side flank route

* Reworked the lobby, reducing the height differences
* The connectors are now more protected
* Removed the right side lower route to 2

* Removed one set of crates near choke
* Moved the second set of crates closer to the point
* Made the central "house" route much less open
* Added a ramp to the left side route to lobby
* Added a ramp to the balcony
* Removed the route from house onto the point
* Added a ramp onto the point
* Reworked valley
* Added a little ledge as an extra access route to the point

* Made the choke much less open
* Removed the high ground overlooking valley
* Removed the bridge near valley
* Reworked the house
* Added some crates and roofs on mid for more height variance
* Changed the choke-house connector to be a window for bombs
* Replaced the crate over point with some hanging platforms

Huge changes all around. The main theme of this version has been to implement Carn et al's theory of holding positions and choke points, and try to define the battlegrounds of the map better. Furthermore, the two levels of the map have been somewhat evened out and better connected.

The mid point is the one which is most experimental at this point. Please give me any thoughts and feedback on this area.

I'm looking to iterate quite rapidly over the next couple of days, so please submit your feedback and I'll be sure to try to implement it in the next version. I have a feeling that the map is nearing a stage where it's worthwhile to conduct a proper 6v6 test shortly.


posted about 8 years ago
#221 Updating cp_snakewater in Map Discussion

Here is the poster:

Be sure to credit the creators: uberchain, TheScurvyOrange and DiscoSwan, if you share it anywhere.

posted about 8 years ago
#215 Updating cp_snakewater in Map Discussion
GizmoFound a little difference between final1 and u10:
Show Content
Is this intentional?
Show Content

Thanks Gizmo, the door is supposed to be nonsolid.

posted about 8 years ago
#211 Updating cp_snakewater in Map Discussion

I wasn't aware of this bug! Is this true even for sv_pure servers?

I'll definitely look at it.

posted about 8 years ago
#34 cp_cargo in Map Discussion

Thank you for all the excellent feedback for such an early version, I've been working this week to complete a2 and hopefully take the map in the right direction:

cp_cargo_a2 download:

Changelog u2


Imgur album:

* Reworked mid, valley got smaller in the process
* Middle spawn door at last is now one-way and a lot smaller
* Added a route onto the point from defenders' right side of last
* Lobby completely reworked
* 2 and house reworked


* 2 does no longer require a crouch jump
* Lobby top walkway is now flat
* Reduced sightlines through shelves in lobby
* The top entrance to last is now easier to reach for defenders
* Simplified lobby geometry
* Removed pills on top platforms of mid
* Barriers on mid are now double jumpable
* Removed perches throughout the map

Basically, each area has been somewhat reworked.

The main goals have been to make the map tighter, and reduce the strength of the flanks. The connectors are still mostly very open which I hope will encourage offensive play without making the chokes impossible to hold. I will need a lot of feedback here as it's a tough balance.

I've also tried to simplify geometry throughout the map and reduce frustrating elements.

Two things that I feel haven't yet been resolved are:

* The mid point seems a bit too complex for it's basic concept. I might do a complete overhaul here once the other areas are nearing a more stable state.
* The area beneath the second point still feels very disconnected from the upper level. This might work (e.g. Badlands), but it feels like a too harsh punishment as of now to fall from the point.

Hopefully you'll enjoy a2; I'll be back soon with more updates.


posted about 8 years ago
#20 ESEA - Snakewater map exploit in TF2 General Discussion
aieraAbove shutter on last is also a thing just btw

Can I get a screenshot?

posted about 8 years ago
#16 ESEA - Snakewater map exploit in TF2 General Discussion

Hi, map maker here.

I have two comments on the issue:

* I think it's problematic that I wasn't contacted by ESEA admins to verify that u8 was a stable version. The version had been released for a handful of days when the map pool was decided, and within these days the mentioned exploits had already been found. I could have easily released a stable version in time for the league to start if there had been any communication.
* That being said, the exploits are limited to the awnings above yard, and the kitchen ceiling. I think it should be fine to play this version as the exploits are very clearly such.

I do apologize for this flawed version - it was poor luck that it should be the one to be played.

posted about 8 years ago
#209 Updating cp_snakewater in Map Discussion

I wasn't contacted by admins of either ESEA or ETF2L admins to confirm that u8 was a stable version ready for tournament use. Hence these problems.

I would suggest updating the map pool to u10, as the gameplay changes are rather small and it's 99% sure to be bug free.

posted about 8 years ago
#204 Updating cp_snakewater in Map Discussion
so we using this in esea?

Is that roof awning solid? Which version?

posted about 8 years ago
#7 Class-Specific Spawnpoints in Map Discussion

Nice one!

posted about 8 years ago
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