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Last Posted April 7, 2021 at 6:59 PM
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#220 Vent your anger in Off Topic
bearodactylMax_-protoMax_I hate when East Coast players or people who live in Chicago play on a Colorado or Dallas server and complain that they have 30 ping instead of 5 ping. How do you think we feel on the West Coast when we regularly play with 80-90 ping. Like I'm happy when I get 60 ping and they're still complaining that they have 30no!!! please be trolling me... everything about your post is incorrect. chicago is the only viable server location for na and i know most people will agree with me. not only is dallas a terrible location to host servers they all have brutal routing compared to chicago.Most people will agree with you because they live on the East Coast. I've seen so many people complain when they have 30 ping instead of the 5-10 they are used to

What is wrong with Colorado servers? Last time I played on one literally all 12 people in the server were withing 10 ping of one another and 60 ping for 12 people is reasonable
pretty sure corsa is the only person who complains about <30 ping

I don't complain about ping unless it's ironic bc people joke about 5 ping. I don't care what my ping is as long as it's consistent. I would rather the Atlanta servers be Colorado (seems more fair than Dallas) even though I ping 20-30 higher to Colorado than Atlanta.

posted about 8 years ago
#81 Vent your anger in Off Topic
micspamWatching Korean progamers with <500 hours playing FPS having better Overwatch DM than NA ex-TF2 players is pretty XD
Show Content
What actually pisses me off is that the NA players are getting payed more

What are you talking about? The people who had good dm in tf2 and have been playing ow for a bit pretty much all have good ow dm. You have to remember, though, that a lot of the na tf2 players that are pros in ow now were never known for their dm in tf2.

posted about 8 years ago
#78 Vent your anger in Off Topic
bl4nkPretty sure I hate corsa. Especially having to play with him and having him throw to get 3rd.

wtf you troll. I carried you to 3rd

posted about 8 years ago
#1094 /r/tf2 posts that make you cringe in The Dumpster
Hclegendsaamdo u actually think anyone here cares enough to downvote ur posts on reddit rofl
Surprisingly enough, I know you're all pathetic enough to. Because I've seen it happen with my own eyes.

Anyway, leaving now for real. Enjoy your circlejerk echochamber, you fucking faggots. Die of cancer and get raped.

Yes, I am trying to get banned, you sad sack of shit. Please choke on a dick and get herpes from it.

How much do you think I can bait you fuckers? Because I can bait you all. Because ya'll are no different from Reddit folks. You're so easy to manipulate. Just have to talk shit about you and you crusade against me. Ah well, enjoy your "cringe" posts. You'll hit puberty one day anyway.

so when I hit puberty, I'll be as edgy as you?

posted about 8 years ago
#7 question for girls in Off Topic
capnfapnok so sometimes ill snapchat a girl late at night and she'll be respond with a snapchat of the ceiling and say somethin like "lol sry not wearing any make up!" but i dont see why thats a big deal cuz i thought girls dont wear make up on their boobs

posted about 8 years ago
#4 are tf2 players more attractive than other gamers? in The Dumpster

i love cookiejake ^_^

posted about 8 years ago
#251 faceit TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

It's ideal to not require captaining if they add some type of ranking/experience system like they did for their csgo faceit system, similar to csgo's esea/cevo. It's way quicker, more efficient, and just as fair as captaining if done right.

posted about 8 years ago
#19 Did Ma3la quit TF2? in The Dumpster
He's on this Overwatch team. He's likely leaving RONIN like shugger at the end of S22.
I knew it. :(
Well at least I still got blaze and paddie.
no, you got TLR.
blaze > everybody
My opinion. TLR is awesome tho

He said tlr bc blaze quit and paddie sux lol !

posted about 8 years ago
#69 Do pros consider scout op? in TF2 General Discussion
Hellbentspoken by a 5 ping scout main on snooze noises

First of all, this actually doesn't make sense, because 5 ping allows you to react faster, so I would be less likely to complain about prenerf demo. You always complain about having awful ping, notably complaining during scrims from what I heard when from streams, when I rang, and from others, yet you comment on tftv that ping is irrelevant in tf2...but now you're acting like 5 ping matters to you for the sake of a meaningless insult. I'm sure you got confused reading that, as I did thinking about how somebody can't make up their mind whether or not ping matters. Then you add "snooze noises" implying bird noises played slow and that it's easy for me to think this because of the way bird noises plays, acting as though that's how I personally prefer to play tf2. Bird noises would've played even slower prenerf, and on top of that, they played slow since open and started to play much faster since I’ve been on the team. Not really sure what you're trying to get at here, but nice try on your 10th or so comment to bird noises.

Why is literally everything you say on tftv, stream chats, your stream, etc. towards everyone on bird noises condescending? You've been the biggest cunt to everyone on bird noises since you've gotten cut. You were obviously toxic to play with and also mentally unstable, as you complained and still complain when something doesn't go your way in or out of game. Instead of just learning from it, trying to make good out of a bad situation, you seem to attempt to insinuate an argument, even going as far as joining bird noises' mumble and making "noises." You keep on going because you know that everyone that's played on bird noises isn't going to post something like this since they're actually nice people. I hope I'm wrong, though, and your attitude in game, despite still being mentally unstable, actually changed.

It's still amusing how somebody can take a literal 180. When you were on bird noises you spent hours bitching at how people on 8K were "annoying retards" and you'd "never in a million years play with any of them" but then you post something like "8K is the nicest team" then lie by saying "oh I only found deathy annoying." Does somebody really need to reply to your comments for you to finally grow up? That's pathetic.

posted about 8 years ago
#51 Do pros consider scout op? in TF2 General Discussion
mustardoverlordthere's a reason the demo nerf was the single worst thing to ever happen to this game and it's not just how it made demos feel

Making it easier for the other team to push is not a bad thing, considering the pace of 6s. The game is slow and has a ton of stalemates, because people are still afraid of spam to get forced or die. I don't understand what tf2 players want. They complain about tf2 being boring to watch because there's nothing happening half the time, and then the same people complain about the demo nerf which most definitely helped teams be able to push a lot easier. The whole way 6s works, demo is a bit complicated to balance properly because if you buff it too much, the game is slow, but if you nerf it too much, demos are a lot less impactful. Overall, it's fine the way it is, because demos can still carry games, can still shut down scouts in a team fight if they have good aim, and can still single handedly shut down a push, but at the same time, the team pushing into a demo can peek more without too much risk.

posted about 8 years ago
#27 Do pros consider scout op? in TF2 General Discussion

It doesn't really make sense to buff a heavy class or nerf scout when tf2 is already stalematey. The only exception is what downpour said, because soldiers would still be able to play at a fast pace.

posted about 8 years ago
#240 faceit TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

This is actually one thing everyone has been asking for, but no one is playing the pugs or tournies....5 hours into the afternoon daily ladder, a grand total of 63 players had played one pug in the entirety of tf2...come on

posted about 8 years ago
#4 TF2 aim improvement through other games? in TF2 General Discussion

Playing multiple games gives you a good understanding of other techniques from different games. There are various aiming styles in pretty much every game that can be applied to tf2. People don't heavily weigh little things like good crosshair placement in tf2, but when you play cs, it becomes more natural and can obviously be applied in tf2. Also, the scouts wih the best aim in tf2, for example, just have good aim in general on everything they play.

After becoming more diverse (for most people) it's important to grind your specific class and play it as much as possible. If I ever have a match, I try to play scout mostly, but I've also seen people warm up in quake. Different things work for different people, but playing your class is just what works for most people.

posted about 8 years ago
#223 faceit TF2 in TF2 General Discussion
MenachemILLEGALELEPHANTGUNattn: low level players
you can play against noobs all day and stay inside your comfort zone and maybe slightly increase your own level of play, or you can step outside your comfort zone and get smashed by pros and learn new stuff. its called adaptation. eventually, those pros arent going to be rolling you as easily because you will become a more competent opponent. i mean shit its not like its a real life fight where your life is in danger, its a video game. just take the beating and try to learn from it and be grateful that good players are still playing this game.

thats a nice concept

but it doesnt actually keep people playing the game

Getting rolled is demoralizing to a lot of people, but if you're truly a competitive person, you should never let it negatively affect you; it should be inspiration to improve, no matter what. It was for me and is for the majority of pros in every game. Also, losing to anyone makes competitive people want to prove themselves or their team.

This concept applies to every game and sport that's big. It's just that there's less reason for those types of people to play tf2 a bunch and improve.

posted about 8 years ago
#197 faceit TF2 in TF2 General Discussion
micspamsaamI mean it's not like the IM stacks are going to be super tryhard against open teams they're gunna be offclassing.Thats a downside not a benefit.Also if more open teams actually signed up then you would play eachother in the early stages. So many people cry about the lack of support for TF2 and then when something like this shows up they're nowhere to be found"Yeah you won't win but hey if you can convince enough people your skill level to sign up you might have some close matches"

You know why no other esport on FaceIt's platform has this issue, its because the highest tier of players literally cannot afford to waste the time in small scale tournaments beating up random shitters.

So when people say TF2 has a lack of support, we're talking about at the high end and the low end of the player-skillbase, not the lack of conglomerate tournament systems that are trying to attract the average player AND invite players at the same time

But don't be surprised when this dies because of this attitude.

CorsaNot sure what exactly is happening with this but if this is actually a usual tourney like cs, so many people have said it already: low level teams have to sign up or it'll die, and here's your reason. AvastNothing is wrong with lower level teams wanting to play against people closer to your skill level as practice but don't act surprised/disappointed when these cups die because you don't sign up.

Fact #1: if more open teams just signed up for the cups they would be not only be enjoyable for lower level teams but more successful.
Fact #2: games you get stomped on by super strong teams you can still learn instead of whining about how much better they are than you I gurantee from first hand experience and the experience of many others

There is an online cup for OW tomorrow where many of the current professional teams will be playing (like 4 or more) and they are leagues better than everyone else currently. Guess how many teams there are? 64. They know they're going to get smashed (I wanted to play and get smashed too but it filled too quickly) yet everyone is eagerly going to play Bc the point of cups as a low level team is exposure and improvement.

the only thing holding back these cups for being enjoyable for low level teams is the low level teams

On top of this, matches are good practice even if you're going to lose; teams play differently in matches than scrims, and the more you play matches, the more comfortable you'll be (if you tend to get nervous).

Let's not forget that the bigger this gets, there will be opportunities for lower level teams to win, like in csgo, because of a creation of a pro division, for example.

posted about 8 years ago
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