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Last Posted April 7, 2021 at 6:59 PM
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#5 ESEA S22 W8: RONIN vs. FROYO BLACK in Events


posted about 8 years ago
#44 Muselk's criticism of the MyM update in TF2 General Discussion

half of you guys are the same people who disagree with some of valve's weird decisions in this update, because reasonably, they still have countless things to fix and improve, but you're saying "how are you guys taking muselk seriously"


posted about 8 years ago
#93 Valve give us viewmodel options&community support in TF2 General Discussion
mafia_is_mafiaAlso CS:GO has arguably worse viewmodel options. TF2's min mode hides much more than anything you can achieve in CS:GO even with console commands.

That's definitely an unpopular opinion, as the viewmodels in cs look fine, while the min mode viewmodels in tf2 (the only viewmodel option there is in mm) look unprofessional and are still not too pleasing to look at. Sombrez's pictures of viewmodels in tf2 with adjusted x, y, and z offsets looks clean and isn't really intrusive:

sombrezHow the scattergun and rocket launcher would look with viewmodel_offset_xyz commands changed:


viewmodel_fov 62
viewmodel_offset_x 2
viewmodel_offset_y 2
viewmodel_offset_z -2

Rockets will still come out of the Rocket Launcher by the way.
posted about 8 years ago
#83 Valve give us viewmodel options&community support in TF2 General Discussion
Snowshoepeople asked for tf2 to be like csgo and that's what they got. valve's locked down the game's graphical commands just like csgo. what did you expect?

lol ya thats what they got. they got an mm system that solely favors the players who play the most, not the ones who are most skilled (no placement matches), they have 100+ weapons that are completely unbalanced, they got viewmodels to be forced to 54. yep that sounds like cs to me. oh I guess one similarity is that there are skins now.

they are attempting to balance weapons so that's not the biggest problem at the moment. your comment is just completely ignorant.

posted about 8 years ago
#34 TF2 Major confirmed by Sideshow in TF2 General Discussion

You guys are -fragging milo but he's kind of right. There are a ton of issues that make mm unprofessional and simply inadequate enough to be close to an official competitive ruleset. With that said, I think Valve can easily improve some things if they want. It's just up to Valve, once again.

posted about 8 years ago
#20 Best mousepad? in Hardware
LuvispammyhI've heard people complaining about switching from qck to zowie mousepads cause they track at different speeds
I'd go for QCK, can't go wrong with it really

I was about to buy one and I've been using a qck for quite a while. What do you mean with "different tracking speeds"?

The gsr/psr is way smoother than the qck. The transition just takes a little bit to get used to, like most transitions between mice and mousepads.

posted about 8 years ago
#32 Valve give us viewmodel options&community support in TF2 General Discussion
crwI don't know why would I need to customize viewmodel fov or disable them when minimal viewmodels exist.

As I said in another thread, the min viewmodels are so silly and irregular. They fix the issue of not covering your entire screen, but they are not even real viewmodels. The fact that they cover your screen in the first place should've been revised ages ago.

Most people don't mind viewmodels in other games because they actually look nice and are usually positioned appropriately by default. Since they're not in tf2, I don't see why they wouldn't allow people to change the x, y, and z positions, like people have already mentioned. It especially doesn't make sense that they didn't implement these commands, bc csgo, another fps game they created, has them, and they're forcing viewmodels for the same reasons obviously (even though no one really minds viewmodels in csgo). The minmode viewmodels somewhat remedies the issue of viewmodels being too intrusive, but they honestly just look silly. How is that any more professional, neat, or more familiar to new players than being able to change your viewmodel size and/or x, y, z positions with fair maximum and minimum limits?

It blows my mind how people can possibly deem the min viewmodels worthy of being the "official" viewmodels. It actually says so much about tf2's dev team that they think their current viewmodels (min and normal) are polished enough to be required to use, and on top of that, to limit the maximum to 54 shows just as much about them.

posted about 8 years ago
#9 The DDD looking for: Spy/Engineer [Iron Division] in Recruitment (looking for team)

Hello CallMehELITE, it appears as though this team has died, as this thread and team are over 2 years old.

posted about 8 years ago
#52 Shit that shouldn't happen in matchmaking in TF2 General Discussion

Most people don't mind viewmodels in other games because they actually look nice and are usually positioned appropriately by default. Since they're not in tf2, I don't see why they wouldn't allow people to change the x, y, and z positions, like people have already mentioned. It especially doesn't make sense that they didn't implement these commands, bc csgo, another fps game they created, has them, and they're forcing viewmodels for the same reasons obviously (even though no one really minds viewmodels in csgo). The minmode viewmodels somewhat remedies the issue of viewmodels being too intrusive, but they honestly just look silly. How is that any more professional, neat, or more familiar to new players than being able to change your viewmodel size and/or x, y, z positions with fair maximum and minimum limits?

I've also never had a problem with ragdolls in any other game I've played, but sometimes in tf2 I can't insantly tell if I killed the person. It only seems sufficiently justified to either allow people to turn off ragdolls or redo the ragdoll animations upon death. I suppose the kill sound is a nice addition since you'll always hear if you killed them. I still think the ragdolls in tf2 are a bit strange though.

posted about 8 years ago
#22 Muma cut from froyo? in The Dumpster

it's not a troll. they've asked me and other scouts to tryout, moving b4nny to demo.

shade is in control of the website, not b4nny, so b4nny isn't trolling

..this man has gone too far

posted about 8 years ago
#26 A_Seagull in Off Topic
joddseagull is affable, embraces the twitch/ow memes, and is good at the game. something that I particularly like is that he tends to "thought broadcast" - he narrates the rationality and logic behind certain decisions he makes as he's playing. that's valuable insight for a newer player like me.

overwatch had a lot of money poured into advertisement (national TV, twitch ads, etc.) so the viewership is understandably inherent. I think it's clear that b4nny is basically the "seagull streamer" equivalent in regards to tf2; there is just not nearly as much tf2 viewership.

I don't think it's fair to compare seagull to banny in any way, besides the fact that they both get high viewership in their respective games. God I hate fucking idiots.

posted about 8 years ago
#313 TF2 Blog: "The Meet Your Match Update is Coming" in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 8 years ago
#613 unpopular tf2 opinions in TF2 General Discussion
infinite-mustardoverlordbowswer5I'm pretty sure the ESEA vs CEVO mentality was entirely a community-created conflict to keep ESEA LAN but more leagues weren't going to split the community any more than UGC 'splits' up the community.
It does though

do I need to retell the story of infinite killing Marxist's plan to integrate UGC 6s and esea-o a lot more

Still blaming me for the 6s communities failures? Still whining and complaining about everyone elses work?

How's this for an unpopular opinion:

For literally years and years the 6s community has hemmed and hawed about why their game mode doesn't grow and reach their expectations. At first it was all valve's fault for not seeing their point of view and implementing matchmaking. Then it was UGC's fault for not "officially" becoming a feeder league for ESEA-O. Even though the more obvious choice is an ESEA-FREE league to feed itself but that's a poor business decision AKA BS excuse you all licked up with pleasure from your ESEA gods. Additionally mustard, all our league data is public so if you manned up and actually did some work yourself you could have organized your own feeder program based off our results.. but that would mean you'd actually have to do some work yourself, wouldn't it? Now I am reading its all Highlander's fault 6s is still slowly dying or didn't reach its expected peak. This is the best argument to date - the fact that UGC (and ETF2L) helped bridge the gap for 10s of thousands of public players to get a taste of competition is somehow a bad thing.

Maybe.. just maybe.. its time to take some responsibility that the problems 6s faces are inherit in of itself, the decisions the small circlejerk enigma and company have made about maps, weapon bans, support/coverage on their news sites, etc over the years creating a format thats boring to watch (Valve 2014) and has very little appeal to the player base at large.

I'm not really sure if you're implying that tf2 isn't big because 6s is fundamentally flawed, but I can assure you that if the only game mode that existed were hl, tf2's overall success (money) would not be any brighter than it is now with 6s. It has always been about Valve not supporting tf2 from early on, because having a company's support invariably helps if done right.

posted about 8 years ago
#3 What board do you skate? in Off Topic

hey skeez u wanna skate some time

posted about 8 years ago
#90 Most Toxic people you ever played against/with? in The Dumpster

get trolled

posted about 8 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 ⋅⋅ 79