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#36 slin's valve visit in Videos
dashnerMaybe a valve visit would benefit more if people didn't make a youtube video/tweet about everything that happened there.

The company is secretive for a reason.

I can't seem to think of a single way a valve visit would be more beneficial if people didn't talk about it.

posted about 8 years ago
#6 ESEA S22 W5: RONIN vs. in Theory in Matches

posted about 8 years ago
#12 Best way to practice rockets against scouts? in Q/A Help

try practicing with gunboats so you don't rely on your shotgun.

posted about 8 years ago
#77 The Highlander Open #2 Sponsored in TF2 General Discussion

You're probably right in saying that hl/ugc helped tf2, but that is only because valve didn't support competitive. At this point in time--with valve's support--it's in the best interest to aid what valve is focusing on.

posted about 8 years ago
#73 The Highlander Open #2 Sponsored in TF2 General Discussion
EmilioEstevezHighlander has around the same number of players as 6s, there is an existing community who obviously like playing highlander and want it to grow (even if you do not). They have every right to host and promote events for HL.

If you guys want a 6s tournament, literally nobody is stopping you from stepping up and hosting one yourself.

I think you're missing the point of these posts. Since this is one of the most critical times to support tf2's growth, putting resources towards the competitive scene that valve supports is significantly more beneficial than using those resources for a game mode that valve has stated they don't particularly like. Nevertheless, if there were already a bunch of 6s tournaments, this would be a different discussion.

posted about 8 years ago
#47 should i take steroids? (PT II) in The Dumpster

you guys are getting trolled so hard by this guy lmao...but the thing is, his trolls aren't even funny???

edit: lol^^

posted about 8 years ago
#1 ESEA S22 W5: froyotech vs. in Theory in Matches

sigh is our demo and b4nny/paddie switched.

posted about 8 years ago
#9 ESEA S22 W4: FROYO BLACK vs. EVL Gaming in Matches

Yimi doing a fantastic job for his first time casting!

posted about 8 years ago
#36 Ban Toasterbr0 from all pugs in The Dumpster
liasJust in case it wasn't clear enough, this was a j o k e

Funny Joke :D

posted about 8 years ago
#23 Does mge actually help? in Q/A Help

There is absolutely no way mge doesn't doesn't help your actual aim and understanding of movement, especially as a new player. However, youll get to a point where youll realize just because you beat somebody in mge doesn't mean you can 1v1 them in real games the same, because mge is really forced. Despite this, mge is always helpful for a new player; the most important thing you should get from it is an understanding of movement. on top of that, it's just good practice for aiming.

There are plenty of invite players who have never really mge'd much though, but then again, I've seen an invite player who was known for their dm be that "bad" at mge. It's just a useful tool if you can find some joy in it when playing with friends.

posted about 8 years ago
#200 I've updated some huds in Customization

dinohud and tresh hud look like pretty sick huds to update.

posted about 8 years ago
#83 Valve Visit in TF2 General Discussion
GentlemanJonCorsaHow is announcing your goals telling your audience nothing? and you're right, these announcements would keep you engaged, but that's exactly the purpose of this communication between the community and developers.

I'm not sure why you said "while there's nothing tangible to actually put out" when I said put goals/what many other successfully companies do. This means concrete things to accomplish. It doesn't need to say how exactly they're doing it. For instance, I believe blizzard told the community mccree and widow were getting nerfed but nobody knew what exactly they were going to do; that's the point of the official update. That's enough communication. That's engaging.

I can't tell if you're legitimately trying to say that communication is irrelevant in succeeding.
The only PR channel they actually use, b4nny, has said they're looking at weapon balance and if it takes off there will be tournaments so I guess you've been told. Is that not enough? You need a video?

Also implying Valve are unsuccessful, interesting.

It's not professional to have one tf2 player communicate what the updates might entail. Do you think the entire tf2 community knows what b4nny said on his stream or twitter? More legitimate information can be spread if the actual company did this.

Sure, valve telling b4nny that there will be weapon updates is some communication to start, but I highly doubt they're going to say which weapons in particular they might buff or nerf. That's the whole issue here.

Are you implying that a company is perfect and can't improve to be even better?

posted about 8 years ago
#78 Valve Visit in TF2 General Discussion
GentlemanJon I wouldn't call it transparency to post a video that tells you nothing, it's just there to keep you engaged with a company while there's nothing tangible to actually put out

How is announcing your goals telling your audience nothing? and you're right, these announcements would keep you engaged, but that's exactly the purpose of this communication between the community and developers.

I'm not sure why you said "while there's nothing tangible to actually put out" when I said put goals/what many other successfully companies do. This means concrete things to accomplish. It doesn't need to say how exactly they're doing it. For instance, I believe blizzard told the community mccree and widow were getting nerfed but nobody knew what exactly they were going to do; that's the point of the official update. That's enough communication. That's engaging.

I can't tell if you're legitimately trying to say that communication is irrelevant in succeeding.

posted about 8 years ago
#74 Valve Visit in TF2 General Discussion
GentlemanJonCorsaThere is absolutely no way you can argue that being transparent with the community is bad, especially considering it allows for more communication between the developers and community to fix true problems.Allow me to oblige. If the game developers and designers don't want to deal with it, and don't want marketing people putting words in their mouths, then doing it anyway or forcing them to do it quickly nets you a set of pissed off developers who leave. If they did want to do it then they would do it already.

I don't get why anyone would think their desire to be acknowledged by Valve is more important than them working in the way they want to. Everybody here enjoys the fruits of their labour, and they produce best in class games and products. Are people really so scared of Overwatch?

Blizzard do things their way and produce a different style of product, I don't want Valve to be like Blizzard. I don't think people realise how strongly the culture of the company informs the products that they create. If Valve changed to start doing all this marketing activity it changes the thinking of the company.

The point isn't that valve is supposed to emulate blizzard/overwatch, and the fact that valve and blizzard work differently is completely irrelevant, because efficient communication is key to literally everything when it comes to improvement. Valve can still run the same loose way.

I don't get what you're really trying to say though, since you didn't even argue that communication is a bad thing, even though that's what you quoted. It's just as simple as valve making a post or video to communicate, and it has nothing to do with the way the company is run. You guys are over complicating this.

posted about 8 years ago
#71 Valve Visit in TF2 General Discussion
Geel9Maxi-CollaideI just don't get why everything has to be a secret... TF2 is losing players to overwatch daily and more mysterious updates that will released in 3 months won't stop anything
I never understood the whole privacy thing with game updates.
Sure, if a game is early-access you might not want someone taking the idea, but at this point, is there anything left in TF2 that someone hasn't copied themselves?

Why doesn't Jill & Co. Just say "here's what we're planning, no timelines at the moment". What's the negatives behind it?
What stops b4nny from just saying everything he talked about? A banned steam account?

When you tell the community something before it's absolutely confirmed (which only happens on release), you're either locked in to doing that thing in the way you said it (which means you can't iterate on it and improve it before release), or you have to disappoint a lot of people.

Hasn't blizzard done a pretty good job with being transparent before updates officially release to produce hype? They don't seem to have a problem with being "locked in" with an idea or dissappointing the community with an update because they announce their goals. The idea behind somewhat vaguely announcing what they want to do, yet being quite transparent, is that it still leaves room for improvement and experimentation. If they do somehow release a disappointing update, they can just release another update to improve it.

There is absolutely no way you can argue that being transparent with the community is bad, especially considering it allows for more communication between the developers and community to fix true problems.

posted about 8 years ago
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