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Last Posted April 7, 2021 at 6:59 PM
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#1071 stream highlights in Videos

posted about 8 years ago
#269 unpopular tf2 opinions in TF2 General Discussion
eeebeing able to name players "who fit under "not in a circle jerk who made it to invite." " doesn't mean being in a circlejerk isn't an advantage, it just means that getting better at the game is a good way to get into invite. It doesn't really defeat the point that a fair portion of people get into invite based on friendships nor does it dispel the idea that being in a circlejerk is a good way to improve at tf2

You're trying to fight anecdotes with more anecdotes.

lol you're slowly arguing away from your root point, which was that circle jerks are the prime way to get to invite.

edit: exactly what connor said

posted about 8 years ago
#263 unpopular tf2 opinions in TF2 General Discussion
bowswer5CorsaIf I hear another person talk about needing to be in a circle jerk to get to the top IM GONNA CRY
Not really. I agree with alfa and Nursey from earlier. At least from my experience a year ago, playing at an Invite level is overrated and if it wasn't circlejerks that helped players get into Invite it was from being on Open and IM teams that didn't keep dying or splitting up every season. I can name tons of people I've played with on teams that made it to Invite relatively fast, but unless they were decent at demo or pocket they never got individual recognition for their up and coming talent unless the team they were on was already good.

Don't say that's bullshit because outside of Invite pretty much every team leader never builds a team dedicated to actually improving and making Invite instead of getting their friends and hosting half-assed tryouts before dying at the end of the season or staying in IM forever. I've seen better captains in than the rosters people come up with in ESEA lol. There were definitely players at the top of Open or in high IM there longer than necessary because they could have easily adjusted to Invite with a season or two of experience given the chance.

I agree with what nursey said too, because that's what I said. There are so many players I can list who fit under "not in a circle jerk who made it to invite." There are also tons of players who were recognized for their individual skill who were not on consistent or good teams (that also didn't play pocket/demo) such as slemnish and phorofor.

posted about 8 years ago
#259 unpopular tf2 opinions in TF2 General Discussion
eeesorry 4 using my phone to talk to internet virgins on the video game forum :(

i'll proofread my shitposts in advance to make sure the mistakes are consistent

i'm assuming you'd only call others internet virgins if you aren't one yourself, so if you're not a virgin, you must be able to interact with people, which you claim to be one of the biggest factors in succeeding in tf2, so what stopped you from getting to the top?

oh thats right.

posted about 8 years ago
#228 unpopular tf2 opinions in TF2 General Discussion

That's the point. They both mean the same thing.

And yes you contradicted yourself again even though they're not directly opposites (when you said):
-the main ways for you to be in a cj is if you like anime, memes, or are a tranny
-you will be favored by being able to work with other people

The latter means you are a normal human according to your logic. If you are a normal human, then what's stopping you from getting to the top if you're truly skilled enough?

posted about 8 years ago
#218 unpopular tf2 opinions in TF2 General Discussion

Honestly, the people who talk about it being hard to get to the top if you're not in a circle jerk tend to be people I've never noticed being relavent in any match. On top of that, what you said about you having to like memes, be a tranny, or like anime is awfully wrong. Half of the people I've ever played wih fit none of those. And tbh, any normal human in real life finds the occasional meme funny (those who don't even touch the Internet besides social media)

If I hear another person talk about needing to be in a circle jerk to get to the top IM GONNA CRY

posted about 8 years ago
#163 unpopular tf2 opinions in TF2 General Discussion
aim-the301stspartanGive one example of a player who has demonstrably played at invite level consistently over a significant amount of time and has never been picked up by an invite team/had the chance to form one.tagg after hrg
szeco after LiT

Tagg quit, then only came back to play when we asked him to play with mangoes afaik, and nobody on our team were friends with him
Marm played multiple times. However, it's a shame he got fucked from a top 4 team so many times.
Sez played invite after that, just not on a good team, and he's now on 8K.

I've been on teams that have tried out all of these players and I can tell you the decision to pick/not pick them up was not made based on friendship (except for the fact that alfa didn't like marm, for some reason..fuck u alfa...)

p.s. those decisions weren't up to me

posted about 8 years ago
#162 unpopular tf2 opinions in TF2 General Discussion
eeethe301stspartanwhat about the people in open/IM who could've been invite level in a year but never meshed into the circlejerks very well and dropped the game? Maybe you have the causality backwards and the only people who stick around long enough to make it to invite are people who have friends in invite

In tf2 specifically, they didn't make it because they weren't good enough almost 100% of the time. You don't even need to have many friends to make it to invite. There are plenty of players who were never in a circle jerk who made it to invite.

posted about 8 years ago
#151 unpopular tf2 opinions in TF2 General Discussion
ShooshkevShooshAlso, getting to high levels in TF2 is no longer about how good you are (to an extent) but rather who you know and what circlejerk you're in.
this is basically life though i can't really back this up

networking IS a skill

Aye it is:P I'm not saying it isn't, but I dont believe thats how it should be in TF2.

It's like that in literally every single game and everything in life, and it's worse when there's more competition involved. In tf2, it's not that bad; pretty much everyone who is invite level can play on an invite team if they give it time and effort. With games like cs, however, you see a lot more "pro level" players in prem than in the pro div, despite trying hard to make it on one.

posted about 8 years ago
#107 unpopular tf2 opinions in TF2 General Discussion
owlCloudmaker is a better player and better teammate than pretty much everyone who hates him

He's just the new version of geknaiir

A lot of open players hate him for no reason, but there are plenty of invite players (who used to play IM when he was IM/open) who express their hatred towards him.

owlThe 'cloudmaker is retarded ' meme is sooooo much more successful than 'geknaiir sucks'

"cloudmaker is shit" has been a meme for almost 3 years.

posted about 8 years ago
#9 unban woogie in The Dumpster
cerealgive woogie's ban to dishsoap
posted about 8 years ago
#66 Doing FREE LOGOS For TF2 Teams or Anything in Off Topic

Could you make me 6 Coheed and Cambria avatars please?

Thank you :)

posted about 8 years ago
#44 invite scout push to talks in TF2 General Discussion

Here's ur little essay:

I used to use ptt (m4 or 5) on my da, but when I got an ec2a I switched to voice activation.

On the da, my thumb was almost exactly where the side buttons were, so it was pretty comfortable to use ptt. On the ec2a, unfotunately, they're slightly higher than where I would like to normally put my thumb. It got annoying to aim when I had to slightly adjust my grip, especially on hitscan classes when you need to be able to talk while shooting, not after.

I tried switching to alt, but I started to jump a lot less when talking while fighting. Similarly, with ptt's like r or f, I was not able to strafe exactly how I wanted while talking. I suppose shift or caps lock is the most practical ptt if you find your mouse buttons annoying, but I wanted to use shift to crouch instead of ctrl (at the moment, though, I've gotten used to using ctrl in other games, so I don't really care anymore), and I never tried using caps lock. It's basically the same thing as shift. I ended up just trying voice activation with a mute toggle (mouse 4) just to see what it was like.

There ended up not really being any downsides since it's the same thing as a ptt except it's more convenient; you don't have to adjust your grip if you use a slightly uncomfortable mouse button (or whatever your issue is with your particular ptt). However, I rarely even use my mute toggle (unless I'm at home and people are talking around me), because my $8 mic doesn't pick up my brown switches or any other extraneous noises.

It's also funny to leave myself unmuted when my brother is playing ow so people can hear him rage.

I'd say shift/caps lock/mouse buttons, but only if it's exactly where you want it (ptt) = shift/caps/mouse buttons/anything honestly (voice activation w/ mute toggle) > other ptt's

or a pedal if you have the money/equipment, like pharaoh mentioned.

posted about 8 years ago
#22 faceit TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

Not sure what exactly is happening with this but if this is actually a usual tourney like cs, so many people have said it already: low level teams have to sign up or it'll die, and here's your reason.

AvastNothing is wrong with lower level teams wanting to play against people closer to your skill level as practice but don't act surprised/disappointed when these cups die because you don't sign up.

Fact #1: if more open teams just signed up for the cups they would be not only be enjoyable for lower level teams but more successful.
Fact #2: games you get stomped on by super strong teams you can still learn instead of whining about how much better they are than you I gurantee from first hand experience and the experience of many others

There is an online cup for OW tomorrow where many of the current professional teams will be playing (like 4 or more) and they are leagues better than everyone else currently. Guess how many teams there are? 64. They know they're going to get smashed (I wanted to play and get smashed too but it filled too quickly) yet everyone is eagerly going to play Bc the point of cups as a low level team is exposure and improvement.

the only thing holding back these cups for being enjoyable for low level teams is the low level teams

On top of this, matches are good practice even if you're going to lose; teams play differently in matches than scrims, and the more you play matches, the more comfortable you'll be (if you tend to get nervous).

posted about 8 years ago
#44 someone else missing here? in TF2 General Discussion

it's not a troll. they've asked me and other scouts to tryout, moving b4nny to demo.

shade is in control of the website, not b4nny, so b4nny isn't trolling


..this man has gone too far

posted about 8 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 ⋅⋅ 79