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Signed Up June 4, 2013
Last Posted April 7, 2021 at 6:59 PM
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#7 awful ping to faceit server in Q/A Help
Geknaiircan we move back to pugchamp please

The pugs literally just started and I feel like it’s already better and specifically a lot more convenient. The servers, the notification system, and perhaps the captain system, are the only real issues, which can all easily be changed and improved. It’s suggested by some that discord is a problem because some people in discord are quiet, but I haven’t needed to turn anybody to 200% yet so I’m not sure. I also heard people say the comms are delayed (sometimes?), but I haven’t encountered that either idk. Am I missing anything else?

posted about 7 years ago
#5426 stream highlights in Videos

posted about 7 years ago
#5 ESEA S27 W6: Ascent vs. Velocity eSports in Matches

(Voice) Ascent-paddie: MEDIC!
(Voice) Ascent-Bdonski: HELP!

posted about 7 years ago
#1 stickiest mousepad? in Hardware

mousepad with the HIGHEST static friction?
also mousepad with highest kinetic friction?

i currently have a gsr & psr, qck, aritisan zero, and have tried a few others

posted about 7 years ago
#5303 stream highlights in Videos

honestly, the way raptor commed that is more tilting than the fact that the scout had 20 seconds to kill a medic. granted it's a silly pug, i feel like i have to comment because i see raptor and literally 99% of medics in the game do this in more serious pugs, and even scrims/matches

i swear every medic either spergs "asl;dfjksadlfjk WTF KILL THE SOLDIER aw4tklwetl" not saying where, or they quietly, without any urgency, say "scout's rushing me..." not even saying where. sure people should know where their own medic is and see that someone is on them, but not all 5 players on your team are keeping track of your medic, so if you saying exactly where, persistently with urgency, you will get more help more often :)

posted about 7 years ago
#5297 stream highlights in Videos

posted about 7 years ago
#27 Paddie lft Pocket in Recruitment (looking for team)

nice and chill dude

posted about 7 years ago
#793 Vent your anger in Off Topic


it sounds like your parents hate video games altogether for the wrong reasons (violence), but it could really be that they are just looking out for you in a realistic manner and they're just making violence an excuse, where they want you to have other interests than video games (not sure if you do). if you don't have other interests and do get your own computer, they are very likely right in that you'll waste a lot of time in your life

in the case that they don't want you to play video games because of violence and that is the only reason, you should probably try to educate them why it's really not that big of a deal, first by yourself, then from another adult, such as a counselor or something. probably won't do much, so marxist/raytek's advice is pretty solid.

in any case, it seems your parents want whats best for you and probably love you lol, in which case you shouldn't do anything that you'd regret a few years down the road, such as completely removing them from your life.

posted about 7 years ago
#3 Rewind II Photos and Video Thread in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 7 years ago
#3 ESEA S27 W3: SVIFT NA vs. Velocity eSports in Matches

posted about 7 years ago
#10 Why do not competitive Players playing Spy??? in The Dumpster

I actually laughed reading this, good shitpost dude

posted about 7 years ago
#88 Rewind II details revealed in News
Maxi-corsaWadeESAduring the summer

edit: just a thought to increase attendance

There's almost 4 months of summer break. I agree the winter makes more sense than the summer since i-series is in the summer, but there could be a 3 month gap between i-series and esa if the summer was desired. I think the attendance to both lans, if they were both in the summer, would still be higher than having esa during the semester. Early summer (late may / early june) makes more sense than having it straight up in the middle of the semester when midterms are. Not everybody that plays TF2 competitively goes to school, but the vast majority do. I have an exam on that friday and I know a bunch of other people (posts on these threads, personal friends, etc.) that have ones on friday/monday as well, or even people who just can't miss four days of studying, or two days of class for various reasons.

Having an event that's supposed to represent the top teams and be "the (second) lan for tf2" during the semester isn't most ideal. It's possible to suggest that, similarly, there are people who couldn't make it in the winter or summer because some people schedule obligations during those times, but it most definitely wouldn't be as many people that couldn't make it during the semester.

posted about 7 years ago
#86 Rewind II details revealed in News

hi wade can the next one be during the summer or winter breaks? ty :D

posted about 7 years ago
#13 ninox aurora in Hardware
crackbabydumpsteri got the g pro for free off faceit, i like it a little more than the revel but not enough to say its worth spending $25 more for

The shapes are completely different to me. I like the shape of the revel, but I dont like the g pro because of the shape, even though it definitely has the best quality out of any mouse I've ever tried

posted about 7 years ago
#8 yuice lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

probably the best demo available for invite rn

posted about 7 years ago
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