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Signed Up June 4, 2013
Last Posted April 7, 2021 at 6:59 PM
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#201 TF2 Pro League in Projects
you two act like entitled kings in every non-invite pug regardless of whether or not your teammates listen to you anyways so dont try to justify your sickening attitude by playing the "oh I just get angry" card

i feel like you actually didn't read either post, because that's not the "oh i just get angry card" but what can be expected from someone who said "the only real toxic ppl in 6s are the few invite players that think they're kings irl for being good at a videogame" when we all know there's only one person in invite with that attribute.

i'd also like to note that you said "you two act like entitled kings in every non-invite pug regardless whether or not your teammates listen" when nobody listens, so that's not really a thing, but in the cases that people do listen, in higher level pgus, i've never seen aim or highfive act like "entitled kings." i'm not sure what this whole "entitled kings" concept comes from, but i've only heard it from permanent low invite players.

posted about 6 years ago
#198 TF2 Pro League in Projects
Wandum b4nny | but youre the one throwing a tantrumlmfao

12:11 AM - b4nny | get the fuck back in the server
12:12 AM - b4nny | why are you doing this

12:12 AM - b4nny | ?????

12:12 AM - b4nny | REJOIN

12:14 AM - b4nny | rejoin the game dude
12:19 AM - b4nny | ive always been right about you
12:19 AM - b4nny | worthless fucking baby
12:19 AM - b4nny | go emo out in a corner

12:20 AM - b4nny | YOU ARE THE PROBLEM
12:20 AM - b4nny | NOT THE SITE

posted about 6 years ago
#196 TF2 Pro League in Projects
aim-because the IM players don't enjoy playing with passive aggressive, condescending invite players
when people insta-lock classes repeatedly and do the same high risk-low reward play every pug u get pretty jaded

theres no hard feelings behind it unless ur literally trying to say what ur doing is right when someone says that was a bad play

i'd like to add that under the assumption it is a tryhard pug where people instalock their mainclasses, when you tell people 10+ seconds in advance to not go for a play and they do anyway (without using their mic either), i can see how that can get pretty annoying to some people

posted about 6 years ago
#194 TF2 Pro League in Projects

problems with faceit

12:12 AM - 3D ghost in your dream: im not playing if milan doesnt med
12:12 AM - b4nny | rejoin the server
12:12 AM - 3D ghost in your dream: tell milan ot med
12:12 AM - b4nny | campy will med
12:12 AM - b4nny | rejoin

-your intended (or even 2-3 people who were possibilities for) medic pick doesn't "want" to medic, because they either have a huge ego or want to simply have fun. it's fine if players just want to have fun and not play medic, but that's a very big issue with this website, in that it's supposed to be taken seriously, and there's rarely room for "fun" pugs. I'm not saying that's a request of mine, because i prefer tryhard pugs, but there are many players that prefer having the option to play pugs for fun rather than to try as hard as possible to win by mainclassing.
-half the time one of your two substantially better players has to play medic, as a result

12:13 AM - b4nny | youre trying to be a top player in this game
12:13 AM - b4nny | and you emo out of pugs

-the ceo of the website not recognizing the difference between an issue and emoing

12:14 AM - 3D ghost in your dream: he shouldnt be in the same pug as me

-every single invite/advanced pug (except literally one pug out of my maybe 80?) i've EVER played on faceit has the most ridiculous skill disparity between players that it's legitimately unbelievable that ANYBODY can think tf2 can support a matchmaking system for pugs, where the counter argument for that is that this platform will help tf2 grow. we all know why that logic makes 0 sense; the root of the problem is tf2's playerbase not being competitive players and a very pub and casual-esque game, not to mention that faceit just has very terrible quality pugs, not quite helping the case of making pugs "fun"

12:20 AM - 3D ghost in your dream: its because the site is bad
12:20 AM - b4nny | whats an awful pug?
12:20 AM - b4nny | one where you lose?
12:20 AM - 3D ghost in your dream: being forced to play with skp
12:20 AM - 3D ghost in your dream: and milan
12:21 AM - b4nny | youve played DOZENS of pugs with them on pugchamp
12:21 AM - b4nny | you realize that right
12:21 AM - 3D ghost in your dream: no
12:21 AM - 3D ghost in your dream: i would fat kid them
12:21 AM - b4nny | MILAN CAPTAINS
12:21 AM - b4nny | HE PICKS YOU
12:21 AM - 3D ghost in your dream: i dont add to milan pugs
12:21 AM - b4nny | you realize this attitude of excluding people is harmful to growing the game right?
12:21 AM - b4nny | excluding people left and right

i'm pretty confident in saying the awful quality of pugs is much more harmful to the "growth of the game" (lol) than "excluding" players that are 1-2 divisions below you.

12:21 AM - b4nny | if you want to be a diva, play invite pugs
12:21 AM - 3D ghost in your dream: i pug more than 90% of the invite players
12:22 AM - 3D ghost in your dream: play invite pugs
12:22 AM - 3D ghost in your dream: do u hear yourself
12:22 AM - 3D ghost in your dream: there are none to play
12:22 AM - b4nny | what efforts have you gone to to organize one?
12:22 AM - b4nny | or do you just prefer to bitch and complain into the wind

first of all, "invite" pugs are worse quality than 90% of the pugchamp pugs i've ever played, because you have a few high invite players and then you have multiple high IM / low invite players who can only play one class in the game. the quality of invite pugs can also never be top tier, because it's first come first serve, so I don't really see the point in an mm system for invite pugs when there's only 95 invite players in the system, but most importantly out of those 95 people, a lot of them never pug in general, some people aren't always online, etc etc. i've tried organizing invite pugs and every single time they've taken at least 1-2 hour to start, absolutely no exaggeration, and then when they did start, they were very bad quality pugs as mentioned above. also, isn't it extremely telling how pointless an mm system is if you have to ask people to add up. that literally defeats the entire purpose of an mm system. you can think "oh if we get them started, they'll keep going" but that's obviously not the case as a couple reasons mentioned above.

i just want to add up to roamer or demo only without having 3+ players every pug who can only play those classes

posted about 6 years ago
#4 Essentials.TF April NA Monthly: Day 1 in Events

I would just like to point out it's been 60 days since the first tournament in February, I believe, and nobody, as far as I know, has received their prizes, so perhaps that's a reason for the lack of teams.

posted about 6 years ago
#27 ESEA S27 UBF: froyotech vs. Ascent in Matches

posted about 6 years ago
#11 ESEA S27 UBF: froyotech vs. Ascent in Matches
catman1900I'm predicting 3-2 Ascent with corsa dropping 50 frags on product

I’m washed and my psu broke over the weekend...don’t expect much

posted about 6 years ago
#15 did anyone else just see the prolander playoffs? in TF2 General Discussion
CitricVeccwow..almost like....7s isnt worth trying in..yeah it's not like we've had 6s teams soft throw in invite upper bracket finals or anything

as rando would say,


posted about 6 years ago
#24 Sens too slow? in TF2 General Discussion
Stylaxcorsawhile all of these comments are true that you should use what's comfortable for you, it's also true that a slower sens just limits how much you can airstrafe and do other things. i've never seen somebody use a really slow sens and have legitimately good airstrafe movement, because it's honestly not possible, even if you do have a very spacious setup. this doesn't necessarily matter for every player though. as far as aim goes, that's 100% preference and probably can't be too slow for that if you're used to it.What do you class as a really slow sens?

20+ inches, like 14+ is pretty slow

posted about 6 years ago
#20 psa to dm players in TF2 General Discussion

i've personally literally never seen that as somebody's primary objective, so i'd imagine nobody actually does that unless they're awful at the game. i feel like you're overexaggerating just a little.

people complain when good players rocket jump 24/7 in dm, is what it sounded like.

posted about 6 years ago
#16 psa to dm players in TF2 General Discussion
messiahtrippamessiahyoure also a huge bitch if you use gunboats and spam rocket jumps for kills
you arent good dude please leave the server

but marmaloo does this and a bunch of other invite soldiers

its also more fun to jump around and go for dumb directs than play waddle and splash rockets fortress 2

treat it like mge? would you do that in fights????
you should only jump once and try to land all your shots
no skill dude
i can display it on stream for you how easy it is to top score if you gunboats soldier and rj every second just to get a free kill and abuse the 100 hp regen per kill

i actually cannot fathom that people think jumping around with gunboats in mge is lame and also not beneficial. there's a reason a ton of actual good soldiers dm like that. yes i would do that in real fights. you literally rocket jump in real fights more than you should be 1v1 waddling. it's also more fun.

how is that gay to play against? as a scout it's super fun to just roll jumping soldiers, not to mention good practice. as a demo/soldier you just go for airshots which is fun and relatively good practice

posted about 6 years ago
#17 Sens too slow? in TF2 General Discussion
ZhdukenYeah, movement and an easier time w/ projectile classes were the main reason cited as to why i should up my sens. I do main hitscan classes tho so that's a large factor as to why I'm hesitant to switch things up. If I wanted to progress deeper into comp/esea my main concern would be whether or not I'd be hindering myself from improving (at least movement wise) if I were to keep my sens. After seeing what the thread says I'm inclined to stay w/ 2.5 @ 400, but since you have invite exp I wanna know your thoughts on it.

sens is just a number so i'm sure you can get used to a faster sens. it could take as long as like a month to get used to though since you don't change your sens often. if you want to be a more versatile player in those regards in the long run, i mean honestly, you should probably just make it fast enough to where things like jump maps are relatively bearable. everybody is different though and some people are capable of being comfortable rj'ing/airstrafing with very slow senses

posted about 7 years ago
#9 Sens too slow? in TF2 General Discussion

while all of these comments are true that you should use what's comfortable for you, it's also true that a slower sens just limits how much you can airstrafe and do other things. i've never seen somebody use a really slow sens and have legitimately good airstrafe movement, because it's honestly not possible, even if you do have a very spacious setup. this doesn't necessarily matter for every player though. as far as aim goes, that's 100% preference and probably can't be too slow for that if you're used to it.

posted about 7 years ago
#36 MyAnimeList BLACK lfp IM in Recruitment (looking for players)
Kev777also b4nny said Happycool was fine we asked beforehand and phlps never changed his alias

@b4nny I really don't understand why or how you're responding to any other comments than this one. If this is true, xd. If kev is making this up or stretching the statement, maybe it should be cleared up :D

posted about 7 years ago
#2 Tacos or Burritos in Off Topic



posted about 7 years ago
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