smzicorsasmziMissing froyo is a downer but lets be real the rest of the teams is at the same skilllevel as at previous lans
that's just not even true though. pretty much every top 4 team for the past few years at i series is respectively better than the ones at i61, meaning each 1st place team is better than this 1st place team, each 2nd place team is better than this 2nd place team. the only exception from memory is that crowns from i58 and 7 this time are pretty similar
i'm not trying to shittalk i61, but people disagreeing with true posts need a reality check about the competition in tf2
not trying to shittalk but the only player/ team that you can rate out of all the previous/current lan teams is b4nny / froyo since you havent played vs the others
my judgment is from actually watching matches outside of NA. if you watch these matches and think the quality of play is the same, you have terrible understanding of high level tf2, or you're just delusional.
on top of that, literally every top NA and EU player (that's actually good) agrees that it's not the same. also, i've played against the vast majority of those teams in matches, at LAN, and also a few scrims in the past. i haven't played against (but still watched) the current mid level EU teams but it's clear they're worse than 7, while 7 would agree they're currently worse than a lot of those i series teams in the past.
e: i'm not saying you specifically are bad or delusional, but you're making yourself sound that way considering every single top player i've ever talked to agrees from personal experience.