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Signed Up December 25, 2012
Last Posted October 2, 2018 at 10:30 PM
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#22 Monitor freaks out when watching videos sometimes in Hardware

On driver 13.12 now, still having the problem :\

posted about 10 years ago
#21 Monitor freaks out when watching videos sometimes in Hardware
jp_I had the same problem too and since downgrading from 14.0 driver to 13.12, videos no longer causes my screen to go nuts.

I'll try rolling back my drivers to 13.12 and see if it fixes it.

posted about 10 years ago
#18 Monitor freaks out when watching videos sometimes in Hardware
ZoltandelpoCJ-delpo Yeah, it's the 144hz one. Haven't really tested it with other refresh rates and I don't really use any other video players other than Youtube so I wouldn't know if the problem persists elsewhere as well
Did you try changing your refresh rate temporarily? If it's happening on youtube I guess this isn't a viable solution really since youtube is used a lot, but when I would want to watch things on HBO Go I would just put it down temporarily. I would be interested to see if this "fixes" the issue for you too.

Yeah, I don't get the problem when I change my monitor to 60hz. For now I'm just sticking to 60hz on desktop and 144hz in games, although it's a pain having to change it so often.

Did changing the refresh rates fix it for you? I checked my refresh rates and both were set to 60, but when I changed mine to 75 and 60 it stopped happening for a little bit.

I'm fairly certain that if I change it back to 144hz after changing it to 60hz the problem still occurs.

posted about 10 years ago
#16 Monitor freaks out when watching videos sometimes in Hardware
CJ-delpo Yeah, it's the 144hz one. Haven't really tested it with other refresh rates and I don't really use any other video players other than Youtube so I wouldn't know if the problem persists elsewhere as well
Did you try changing your refresh rate temporarily? If it's happening on youtube I guess this isn't a viable solution really since youtube is used a lot, but when I would want to watch things on HBO Go I would just put it down temporarily. I would be interested to see if this "fixes" the issue for you too.

Yeah, I don't get the problem when I change my monitor to 60hz. For now I'm just sticking to 60hz on desktop and 144hz in games, although it's a pain having to change it so often.

posted about 10 years ago
#3 Space Monkies | by Jay [over-edit alert] in Videos

Monkeys is the plural form of monkey


posted about 10 years ago
#13 Monitor freaks out when watching videos sometimes in Hardware

I'm going to try a different gpu driver and see if anything changes. It seems that the problem has started to crash my computer instead now.

posted about 10 years ago
#2 Bottleneck/what shall i upgrade? in Hardware

I'd definitely get a better graphics card as the 560 is getting really outdated and it's likely the main contributor to your Fps problems especially if you're playing on higher than lowest graphic settings. I would say to get a motherboard that you can over clock your CPU on but I think it would suffice as is until it's time for a CPU + motherboard upgrade.

posted about 10 years ago
#11 Monitor freaks out when watching videos sometimes in Hardware
CJ-delpo Yeah, it's the 144hz one. Haven't really tested it with other refresh rates and I don't really use any other video players other than Youtube so I wouldn't know if the problem persists elsewhere as well
Did you try changing your refresh rate temporarily? If it's happening on youtube I guess this isn't a viable solution really since youtube is used a lot, but when I would want to watch things on HBO Go I would just put it down temporarily. I would be interested to see if this "fixes" the issue for you too.

I'll try to test it out, though it seems pretty random as to when the problem occurs.

posted about 10 years ago
#6 Monitor freaks out when watching videos sometimes in Hardware
CJ-This is the 144hz one right? I have had this too but only on specific video players, namely netflix (not sure if it was through the website or the Win 8 app) and HBO Go. It's some issue between the player and the 144hz monitor refresh rate. If I tune the monitor down to 120hz (or if that doesn't work 60hz) it fixes for me.

Yeah, it's the 144hz one. Haven't really tested it with other refresh rates and I don't really use any other video players other than Youtube so I wouldn't know if the problem persists elsewhere as well

posted about 10 years ago
#5 Monitor freaks out when watching videos sometimes in Hardware
UnwittyWhen you say your second monitor functions fine, does that mean that it's fine with the regard it's on the same card, or it's fine when you tested it out as the primary monitor?
Not sure if those two are exclusive since I'm inexperienced to dualing monitors myself.

They're both always hooked up to the same card and while my main monitor is freaking out nothing happens to the secondary one.

posted about 10 years ago
#1 Monitor freaks out when watching videos sometimes in Hardware

Sometimes when I watch videos on Youtube, my main monitor (VG248QE) will instantly start having weird horizontal moving lines the colour of my desktop background.

This problem doesn't happen for every video and when it does my secondary monitor functions fine. I can still pause the video on the main monitor by approximating where the video is on the screen and pausing it. When I pause it, the problem goes away and then I can resume playing the video and it'll work like normal. However, sometimes when I pause the video and the problem goes away, everything on the screen will be jaggedy and blurry like each horizontal line of pixels on the monitor is misaligned or something. The only thing I found that fixes this is by restarting my computer. I have an Asus 280x that isn't overheating or anything and Windows 8.1.

posted about 10 years ago
#11 What to buy? in Hardware

Been using my Qck+ for like 3 years and it's still perfectly fine

posted about 10 years ago
#99 the art thread in Off Topic


posted about 10 years ago
#3 dont get hacked or w/e in TF2 General Discussion

Takes you to a fake steam website and they steal your info when you try to log in

posted about 10 years ago
#7 ASUS VG248QE vs Benq XL2411Z in Hardware

I have the VG248QE and it's great but assuming they have the same performance and price I'd get the Benq because the monitor bezel and stand look better IMO.

posted about 10 years ago
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