GetawhaleI think these threads don't tend to go anywhere except bad and that's why admins don't like having them
If you find a cheater playing in a league or on a lobby site, report them to that league or the admins. I guess I'm missing the point of making a thread here.
I do agree that the last thread did make a couple unfortunate turns, but a little moderation could have taken care of some of that. Or some better rules and requirements for making a post. The last thread did lead to around 30 UGC bans, and quite a few TF2C and ETF2L ones as well.
There are several reasons why reporting them in an open community like this is a good idea:
1) There are multiple communities where comp players play which includes UGC, ETF2L, ESEA, TF2C, Pugme, tf2pickup, MGE and DM servers. If you report him to a league admin or to center, that information stays with the league or with center, and is generally not openly shared. I know there is some level of internal communication between UGC, ETF2L and TF2C, but not much beyond that and none of that is made public.
2) If you run across this player again in the future, a google search of their steam ID would pull up a thread like this where you can find out that the individual has been deemed a cheater.
3) To shame the player and to make a larger audience aware that they are a cheater and to watch out for them or any of their alts
4) To make it well known to the community that we look out for cheaters and report them. Think if those neighborhood watch signs that they put up in communities all over the US.
5) Sharing STV's and other proof can enable others to also keep out a watchful eye
IMO if a thread like this is to stay open, or the old one opened up I think a few guidelines would improve things:
1) Only make a post if you are 99% convinced after watching an STV that someone is cheating.
2) Always ask for a friend or someone else some-what familiar with cheating to review that STV and correspeonding logs, to confirm your suspicion prior to making a post.
3) If you *think* someone is cheating but are not quite sure, keep that information private for now and contact league admins or someone else in the community that has found a handful of cheaters (several people you can contact).
AndKennethEveryone who gets reported in this thread will just switch to an alt. What's the point.
TF2C and UGC actively look for alts and ban them. It's not as easy as you think. Plus someone with a 100 hour fresh account that is absolutely crushing everyone would raise more than a few eyebrows in UGC.