making art against glorious leader
Account Details | |
SteamID64 | 76561198006886607 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:46620879] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:1:23310439 |
Country | Korea, Republic of |
Signed Up | October 2, 2012 |
Last Posted | February 11, 2025 at 4:46 PM |
Posts | 2381 (0.5 per day) |
Game Settings | |
In-game Sensitivity | 1.945 (9.4"/360) |
Windows Sensitivity | 6 |
Raw Input | 1 |
900 |
Resolution |
1920x1080 |
Refresh Rate |
144hz |
Hardware Peripherals | |
Mouse | DeathAdder 2013 |
Keyboard | Microsoft Rubber Dome, i ctap w/ RMB |
Mousepad | Steel Series QCK ( |
Headphones | Audio Technica ATH700x but not the black |
Monitor | Benq panel that everyone else has idr |
why would u make fun of a 12 year old
hooliwhat happens when the round timer ends?
i think it just resets the round so that teams will try to rebuild momentum
hooliimagine a game being played for a billion dollars. no team would not park the bus when they are up rounds. it would devolve the game into a turtlefest. while games aren't being played for a billion dollars this thought experiment does reveal an inherent flaw and something the devs should address.
MM has different round timers than ESEA in an attempt to fix this i think
sheepy_dogs_handthe301stspartanit doesn't hurt anybody who cares
yes it does. It hurts Donald Trump and all his supporters and its fucking disgusting. Women like this should be put in jail for being a disgusting pig. How do you think the world would react if some guy made the same thing but with Hilary Clinton and semen.
I know you have a German flag but at least have some dignity.
is anyone shocked that sheepy hates free speech?
literally the smartest tf2 player i knoww if u pick him up for IM or open yr team will get better insanely fast!!!
I was out walking down town and like 3 dudes followed me for like 30 minutes and i took a bad turn and ended up in an alley and thought i was going to die but they tried to sell me weed
idk how people think this is a good business strategy thank god they were all skinny manlets
my entire side of town is kind of sketchy actually. the city is in the 1st %ile of crime apparently :(. My side of the city is mostly apartments and it isn't too scary walking home from school, but my street is the last one with streetlights for like 3 blocks for some reason so the area immediately behind my apt has a shitload of muggings :(
Checkers took over 4000 years to be solved mathematically
the first tf2 aimbots were out within days
checkers is more complex QED
^yr med after playing ry4ns team^
Giuseppedude HOLY SHIT this video literally changed my FUCKING life thanks for the UPLOAD man hope to see more of your CONTENT on this site
even when you post what i was going to post it looks retarded to me
Nub_Danishreally takin advantage of the downvotes no longer showing tambo
we've made a betting game in mumble about how many downvotes a thread will have when it gets moved to the dumpster
im out like $60 but its been fun
(-18 for this one dont let me down boys!)
b4nnyJDMYoshioka.I asked him if hes down to play comp TF2 and he said sure so were prob gonna set something up with 20b.Honestly showstopper should be kept as far away as possible from potentially influential people.
1.36 downvotes per minute after 45 minutes u might've set a site record dude
phobiathere's tournaments for gamecube smash brotehrs?
pls stop i was trying to learn and yr making me look like an accomplish to shitposting