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Signed Up October 2, 2012
Last Posted February 11, 2025 at 4:46 PM
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1 ⋅⋅ 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 ⋅⋅ 155
#25 invite drama in The Dumpster

posted about 8 years ago
#56 overwatch butt drives man nuts in Off Topic
toads_tfeeei <3 the conspiracy theorists who think blizzard is lying in their official statement

90% chance they were going to change or remove the taunt anyway because they weren't happy with it yet and it presented a good opportunity to get some positive press and make their development team seem open and community minded
why wouldn't you be critical of a major company's statement that pleases some people and gets some good press, especially with how they made the """"beta""""?

because this conspiracy falls through p hard

why would a multi million dollar company base its art and animation team's actions off of a single thread that received mostly negative feedback? if they weren't already planning to do it they are actually dumb, but it would be quite a tragedy if something that dumb got ok'd by like at LEAST 10 people

posted about 8 years ago
#11 invite drama in The Dumpster


posted about 8 years ago
#1 invite drama in The Dumpster

posted about 8 years ago
#31 cultural appropriation in Off Topic
hektikHas the problem people have with that anything to do with how Christians feel when the cross or other symbols of their religion are used by, like, rock bands and feminists?

Honest question if the complaint is kinda the same.

would depend on who you're asking honestly

some christians would be offended because its sacrilegious or some word and some would be offended because they don't like seeing christianity associated with things that aren't part of the christrian message and some are simply offended because they don't think people who participate in the church have a right to use the iconography

tbh I think the first group, especially when applied to other things has some merit. like the maori tattoos or headdresses or wearing war medals or w/e that you didn't earn is kind of shitty because you're trivializing a lot of what it means, but the second and third are shitty because they involve either censoring artists in yr example or more broadly preventing cultural tidbits from being spread

posted about 8 years ago
#54 overwatch butt drives man nuts in Off Topic

i <3 the conspiracy theorists who think blizzard is lying in their official statement

90% chance they were going to change or remove the taunt anyway because they weren't happy with it yet and it presented a good opportunity to get some positive press and make their development team seem open and community minded

posted about 8 years ago
#20 TF2C Announcment? in TF2 General Discussion

i thought european humor was supposed to be better than ours

posted about 8 years ago
#40 overwatch butt drives man nuts in Off Topic
GetawhaleShouldn't Blizzard should be concentrating on making their game fun or good

they were playing the odds that the good press would drive more interest in their game

they forgot that gamers are children and get upset at innocuous shit

posted about 8 years ago
#73 Campus employee assaults white student in The Dumpster

its fine if you dont see the racial connotation in it i guess but if you're going to argue against social justice and hugbox mentality or w/e you should try to not format your speech in a way that it'd be pretty easy to interpret you as the exact kind of person who necessitated equality movements in the first place

on top of that, it'd just be nice to be able to discuss anything without people shittalking or insulting either side in really creative ways. "yre subhuman intellectually" isn't funny or interesting like yr an adult take a comedy class or euthanize yrself actually fuck niggers and fuck social justice 14/88 trump 2016 MAGA

posted about 8 years ago
#71 Campus employee assaults white student in The Dumpster
the301stspartanBut the ape insult was never used nor hinted at so your point makes no sense at all.

ive heard the ape thing p underhanded and p blunt here so its kind of a common insult, sorry for assuming that someone who was describing a black person as loud and rude could maybe be using an insult that 99% of people i've heard describe black people as loud and rude use

"If someone calls a shredded black bodybuilder an animal, you wouldn't assume they're calling him an ape, would you?"
if he was being a complete fuckin asshole and goin off on somebody calling him an ape would probably not blow over well



english is fairly contextual

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it's 100% possible he didn't mean it that way, but i genuinely doubt it considering how most of the people in these threads present themselves
i'm just going to blame your ignorant attitude on the extremely edgy tumblr linked on your profile

your argument is incredibly stupid, having knowledge about a stereotype and/or racism doesn't mean you're going to perpetuate it, that's like saying that if you know how to kill someone you're a murderer by association to the idea

you literally

just quoted my argument back at me


posted about 8 years ago
#3 looking open s22 in Recruitment (looking for players)

Wari: 12:14 AM - oihguv: can i play med instead of roamer?
12:14 AM - Wari: if you want
12:14 AM - Wari: I didn't want to force you onto med if you didn't want to
12:14 AM - oihguv: i do, i just want to make sure you guys are cool with it
Wari: please update thread for this BREAKING NEWS

posted about 8 years ago
#66 Campus employee assaults white student in The Dumpster
the301stspartaneeethat's like saying that if you know what the word nigger means you're automatically racist. Obv a racist would know what it means, but he'd be a p small part of the overall venn diagram
He said it because you baselessly equated "animal" with "ape", giving a general insult a racial connotation where there was none. By your metaphor, you called somebody out for calling his friend Nick, thinking he was trying to call him a nigger.

i mean context is a bit important but around here calling black ppl monkeys or apes or w/e isn't uncommon

posted about 8 years ago
#61 Campus employee assaults white student in The Dumpster
It never ends. Apparently a paper touching her jacket chest area twice by someones hand gestures = sexual assault and warrants a punch in the face.

tbf there's like 3+ people touching her leading up to the punch, it wouldn't be an absurd thing to think someone touched or harassed u if yr pumped up on adrenaline or being restrained

she's p fucking stupid tho anyone who protests a political rally deserves to be castrated

posted about 8 years ago
#60 Campus employee assaults white student in The Dumpster
sopseeesopseeePendjiFile it under animal control.u realize when yr response to retard SJWs is to be racist as shit it makes u look awful?
Calling some violent idiot an animal is not racist, just rude.
when black people usually get called apes it kind of has a context to it

Doesn't it make you racist if you actually think of black people when someone mentions an ape?

idk how you'd think that

that's like saying that if you know what the word nigger means you're automatically racist. Obv a racist would know what it means, but he'd be a p small part of the overall venn diagram

posted about 8 years ago
#52 Campus employee assaults white student in The Dumpster
sopseeePendjiFile it under animal control.u realize when yr response to retard SJWs is to be racist as shit it makes u look awful?
Calling some violent idiot an animal is not racist, just rude.

when black people usually get called apes it kind of has a context to it

posted about 8 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 ⋅⋅ 155