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Signed Up July 2, 2015
Last Posted April 8, 2020 at 12:41 PM
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#40 New Map Cup sponsored by announced in News
JusaThanks a lot for including Kalinka!

If anyone has the time to test out Kalinka b3 before the cup I would be really thankful. Mostly concerned about the spawntimes on forward spawns, since I lowered the spawns for last attackers quite drasticly in b3.

If anyone finds anything that should definitely be changed let me know and I'll push out an update before the cup!

Its on mixchamp today. Hopefully people give you feedback on it.

posted about 8 years ago
#89 Mapchamp by in TF2 General Discussion
erynnI set this up dead tired again so I probably forgot to do something.

It should be fixed.

posted about 8 years ago
#87 Mapchamp by in TF2 General Discussion

New maps are up. I am waiting on the new version of logjam so once I get it, I will put it online.

Please let me know if something breaks, I set this up dead tired again so I probably forgot to do something.

posted about 8 years ago
#79 Mapchamp by in TF2 General Discussion

What maps would people like to try this week? We will be bringing Logjam back to try out the changes. Daytrip is also on the list.

Tentative list for week 3:

posted about 8 years ago
#40 ESEA S24 W3: Nutting 2 Lose vs. mario party 4 in Matches

Sorry my computer caught fire, then wouldn't post, then tf2 decided to take 5 minutes to launch...

lf new computer s24

posted about 8 years ago
#716 PugChamp in Projects

Thanks to Arie, we have more servers!

Since Bagel has received a lot of positive feedback, I wanted to gauge interested in adding it to the map pool on PugChamp.

posted about 8 years ago
#65 Mapchamp by in TF2 General Discussion
AlfieerynnAlso just realised there is a map called haddou.... Is that the Jaddou that people suggested and I have the wrong map up?lmao I made that mistake as well, I posted in the haddou thread about jaddou. I have no idea which one people wanted though

If someone can confirm which map we should play, I can get this changed

posted about 8 years ago
#63 Mapchamp by in TF2 General Discussion
Moulderynn- just posted in the chat but idk if you'll see, one of my entities broke in compile somehow, fixing it right now, won't take 15 mins, but pls disable for a bit

Not at my computer but is this game crashing?

posted about 8 years ago
#60 Mapchamp by in TF2 General Discussion
Ash_What's with the whitelist on EU mixchamp? Why isn't it the one used in ETF2L currently?

I don't understand why cardinal is in it, again, after no changes since the ETF2L winter maps cup(?) ?

Should be. I will double check when I get back to my computer.

Also just realised there is a map called haddou.... Is that the Jaddou that people suggested and I have the wrong map up?

I was requested to run cardinal again for another week by a few players that wanted to continue to test things out.

posted about 8 years ago
#50 Mapchamp by in TF2 General Discussion

Here is a link to the new maps this week if you want to quickly download them.

Maps are:
Kalinka, Drudgery, Jaddou, Logjam and we are bringing back Bagel and Cardinal from last week. Let me know if there are any problems etc.

posted about 8 years ago
#49 Mapchamp by in TF2 General Discussion

Newmaps are on tomorrow. Alex will post the list and a map pack later on. The new map config for the sites will be put on later tonight.

posted about 8 years ago
#713 PugChamp in Projects
ArieerynnRe4lityonly 2 servers in eu pugchamp?
we cant play more then 2 pugs at the same time :(
We lost 4 of the servers that were provided to us recently. I have been trying to source a few more servers to add. I unfortunately can not afford to pay for game servers. We do have the ability to allow people to lend us scrim servers and take it offline from pugchamp via a cvar so if anyone would like to do this, just shoot me a message.

You mean the 4 servers I provide? I sure didn't take them away.

No, those are still up! Had to move two over to the mix site for new maps tomorrow. So we are running two and two on each site.

posted about 8 years ago
#711 PugChamp in Projects
Re4lityonly 2 servers in eu pugchamp?
we cant play more then 2 pugs at the same time :(

We lost 4 of the servers that were provided to us recently. I have been trying to source a few more servers to add. I unfortunately can not afford to pay for game servers. We do have the ability to allow people to lend us scrim servers and take it offline from pugchamp via a cvar so if anyone would like to do this, just shoot me a message.

posted about 8 years ago
#30 ESEA S24 W1: mario party 4 vs. fishy fishes in Matches

Shoutout to Azazel for coming in hot to save my ass.

posted about 8 years ago
#709 PugChamp in Projects

That was my bad. I tried to quickly bring on a server and didn't set something up right. Next week I will hopefully be a bit more prepared serverwise for the eu site. There were way more people queueing for new map mixes that I anticipated.

posted about 8 years ago
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