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Signed Up July 2, 2015
Last Posted April 8, 2020 at 12:41 PM
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#32 Mapchamp by in TF2 General Discussion

I do not have another server. If someone would like to let me borrow one, I can set it up. Also I have to fix a few things because I set this up late last night and didn't realize I have an outdated map.

Edit: Brought a second server on.

posted about 8 years ago
#26 Mapchamp by in TF2 General Discussion

Both sites are now set up to run the new maps. I added Cardinal to this week as well. Remember to leave feedback to the map makers. The better feedback we can provide, the better the maps will end up being.

posted about 8 years ago
#707 PugChamp in Projects
ZestyWould people be interested in adding bagel to the map pool? I think it's probably the best map out of new ones being tested right now and it would be useful to have it tested in pugs.

We could pick a Saturday or Sunday and do a for fun map test day on mixchamp. If there are some other maps that we could add to the pool just let me know.

posted about 8 years ago
#704 PugChamp in Projects

Update Time.

ELO: Is still hidden but is being calculated. It is there even if you can't see it. There is a couple of issues with it. One being a bug that was causing people to have negative elo... and the second was that it was causing performance issues on the site. Even if 'lol no elo' there is still elo. This will come back once we improve other areas of the site.

NA Site: There are some temporary fixes that should help with what you have all been experiencing. I applied the changes to mixchamp and pugchamp. If they work I will also apply them to the EU site. NA server has been upgraded as well.

Rewrite: It's going.

Again if you have any questions or concerns please send me an email. I am not on steam that often and I check my email a few times a day.

Edit: Applied the changes to the EU site because the NA site didn't catch fire. Let me know if you notice anything unexpected.

posted about 8 years ago
#23 ETF2L Season 26 Predictions! in TF2 General Discussion

I am obviously biased.
1. ChampGG.

posted about 8 years ago
#694 PugChamp in Projects

I added a server.

posted about 8 years ago
#690 PugChamp in Projects

We have a lot of work to do but when we have something that is testable I will be running a closed beta and will post an update here. I have no eta.

posted about 8 years ago
#688 PugChamp in Projects

We are completely rewriting the site so it doesn't hang, and I have to whitelist you. Send an email to with your details and I will do it tonight when I am home from work.

Also if you need to get a hold of me, twitter or emailing me is the easiest way.

posted about 8 years ago
#678 PugChamp in Projects

Servers should be fixed for now. Message me if something weird happens with the servers.

posted about 8 years ago
#677 PugChamp in Projects

Working late today. I will take a look when I get home. For some reason only certain servers are failing to start.

posted about 8 years ago
#673 PugChamp in Projects
damneasyDont know if you know but just saying eu pugchamp has been dead for like the last 3 days

I know and I have been trying to find the problem. Unfortunately, I haven't found the problem.

posted about 8 years ago
#671 PugChamp in Projects

Our servers are pooping themselves a little. I am looking into the problem and seeing if I can find a short term solution. I sound like I am beating a dead horse but this will get fixed (exams are over and my job isn't crazy anymore).

Edit: unfortunately this needs to wait until tomorrow.

posted about 8 years ago
#668 PugChamp in Projects
Max_Caeliif only people stopped baiting the system all over again maybe it wouldn't break as muchI firmly believe people that bait pugs to start by adding and removing on captain or Medic should be forced to stay added or banned from adding up for like 3 hours or something like that

This is something that is planned to be fixed in the next iteration.

posted about 8 years ago
#666 PugChamp in Projects
YppYEU PugChamp is dead again. Draft is holding the next draft.

I restarted.

posted about 8 years ago
#44 Faceit news post about matchmaking algorithm in TF2 General Discussion
b4nnyIt doesn't matter how hard anyone worked.

Go fuck yourself.

posted about 8 years ago
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