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Signed Up July 2, 2015
Last Posted April 8, 2020 at 12:41 PM
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#662 PugChamp in Projects

I think I fixed it.

posted about 8 years ago
#9 hELP! Bugchamp is broken in TF2 General Discussion
chiefdogerynnIf you would have checked the main thread I mentioned that I forgot to update the certs.

You can just proceed to the site by clicking on the link saying 'proceed to site'

Ty it worked this time, last time it did it the hole website was bugged out.

F12 to bring up dev tools, press and hold refresh button, clear cache and hard reset.

posted about 8 years ago
#5 hELP! Bugchamp is broken in TF2 General Discussion

If you would have checked the main thread I mentioned that I forgot to update the certs.

You can just proceed to the site by clicking on the link saying 'proceed to site'

posted about 8 years ago
#659 PugChamp in Projects

What browser are you using. It really only works best in the newest chrome. F12 to pull up dev tools then press and hold the refresh button, clear cache and hard reset. If that doesn't work dm me and we will figure it out.

posted about 8 years ago
#657 PugChamp in Projects

I am a noob and forgot to renew the certificates again. You can find the button that says proceed to site and it should work properly. I will see if tsc is around to do it otherwise I will have to do it tonight when I get home from work.

posted about 8 years ago
#49 FACEIT EU Weekly Cup #1 in Events
Re4litycan we have a team restriction of 32 teams next week instead of restricting teams to 16? or would that mess up the seeding.

I could do that. We would have to start a bit earlier, and I don't think we would cast the first few rounds. I also really want to have double elimination because I know how much it sucks to get rolled 5-0 in 10 minutes and be out of the tournament. Faceit really needs to fix/finish developing a few features because it would be way easier atm just to use free bracket/discord system.

posted about 8 years ago
#47 FACEIT EU Weekly Cup #1 in Events

Hey guys, for the top two teams I will be in contact with you about your keys.

I am going to be sending feedback to faceit because of a bunch of issues that happened that we should be able to fix without needing an admin.

Thanks to Saam for stepping in and helping out by being the main contact for the admins/teams. Also thanks to War, byte, and Bren for casting!

posted about 8 years ago
#39 FACEIT EU Weekly Cup #1 in Events

So with the platform, there is a bug that says that there is still x minutes to connect, but if you don't connect within 3 or 4 minutes of the match going live it declares a FF. I will find out what is up with this for the next one.

also sorry for computer bluescreening.

posted about 8 years ago
#29 FACEIT EU Weekly Cup #1 in Events

Because I am streaming and trying to be an admin at the same time, Saam will be helping out on the admin side. If you can't get a hold of me, get a hold of him.

posted about 8 years ago
#27 FACEIT EU Weekly Cup #1 in Events
Re4lityDo the subs have to check in aswell or only the main roster?

I think you need to check in with the 6 that you are going to play. I am not sure if you can use subs yet.

posted about 8 years ago
#24 FACEIT EU Weekly Cup #1 in Events

We have 12 teams signed up. If you have a team or even a pug team there are still 4 spots left. I am in contact with an admin so if we experience hiccups they should be fixed. I would suggest that team leaders find me in the tftv scrim discord and say hi just so we can have quick communication tomorrow. Please have all 6 players readied so you don't get forfeited by the system.

If the system shits the bed like the na cup we can still play out the cup for fun/keys on the pugchamp servers.

Admins so far for tomorrow are myself, yttrium, Ondkaja, Alexandros, and kaidus will also be lending a hand. I will update this post with others who confirm.

Edit: No spots left. I think you can still solo queue and if a team doesn't ready up, then it will make a team. I could be very wrong though.

posted about 8 years ago
#18 LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

he keeps asking me to watch anime with him.

posted about 8 years ago
#22 FACEIT EU Weekly Cup #1 in Events

Single. They are not done the double elim yet. I couldn't select it as an option.
Edit Also bo1 because bo3 was not available.

I also was just informed that there is another cup going on. This should be done by then but we could always bump this one back an hour just in case.

posted about 8 years ago
#11 FACEIT EU Weekly Cup #1 in Events

Going to add 18 keys for first place, and 6 keys for second on top of the Faceit points. . It isn't much but hopefully it encourages teams that are on the fence to sign up.

posted about 8 years ago
#3 FACEIT EU Weekly Cup #1 in Events

Pugchamp is an opensource project that provides a pug platform for anyone to set up and use. Faceit is a company that is showing interest in tf2 for whatever reason and may have the ability to facilitate league play in the future. They also have a shit ton of money.

I guess it is ironic but at the end of the day, pugchamps code base has always been available to use and we don't see ourselves as 'the competition' to any tf2 pug or lobby site (we actually don't make any money at all). So if companies like razer and Faceit come and go, there will always be something that the community can use.

So sign up. I am reaching out to potential sponsors to get more prizes but I may have to bite the bullet and buy some keys to beef up the prize pool.

posted about 8 years ago
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