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Last Posted March 2, 2015 at 11:19 PM
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#67 Sheep in CSGO in CS2 General Discussion
Its easy to get an awp ace in csgo, happens all the time.

no it isnt and no it doesnt.

When was the last time you saw a fucking sniper get 6 consecutive kills in the same play?

your two situations are not even remotely comparable, this goes back to when plat first said that tf2 was "more hype" because 6ks were so much rarer than aces which is just absolutely brain dead logic.

But you cant deny that having an awp on your team against a team with no awp is a huge advantage and you can't tell me that hitting a walking csgo player is easier than a fucking flying in the air soldier or double jumping scout.

something being difficult extends beyond the % chance they hit the shot, the actual activity of awping is what im describing as difficult with all the decisions, risks, timing, and yes flicks

Sniping is so weak and hard that is is rare to run one full time, yet full time awp is pretty common.

again, use!=ease. pyro is rarely used in 6s does that mean it takes a lot of skill

They are different, each one has its ups and downs, but because of the headshot mechanic i think csgo awping is easier.

based on this one thing its harder? in tf2 you can peek for free, you can NEVER peek for free in cs, theres always some risk unless its the start of the round. in tf2 if you set up your angle you NEVER have to worry about being pop flashed. in tf2 when you peek with the sniper rifle you basically NEVER have to worry about being instantly killed (not killed a couple seconds later, i mean essentially at the moment you peek you die)

Im not saying its the only variable but it definitely is the tipping point. Also aiming in quake is harder than in tf2 and tf2 is harder than cs and cs is harder than bf4 and bf4 is easier than solitaire. CSGO tbh is more about positioning than aim.

ur a joke

unfyour silver level is shining through

also nice alt you spineless faggot

not an alt u just cant rename tf.tv accounts

posted about 10 years ago
#60 Sheep in CSGO in CS2 General Discussion
Dougfargobawlersthe term raw aim is meaningless. in cs you peek and have to react in an instant, its tough and you need to hit a body sized target in that instant. in tf2 you peek and have more time to aim, its a smaller target, but you have more time to line the shot up. you have an easier time playing with the awp because the people you play against arent able to punish you, again its not really reflective of comparing the top level of either game.That's exactly what I said
DougWhat you could say is that AWPing is more about reaction time and positioning and Snipering is more about raw aiming.
And, ONCE AGAIN, since the first line of my first post in here I said it's DIFFERENT to play with an AWP and with a Sniper. And I, PERSONALLY, have more difficulty to play with a sniper even though I have much more experience with TF2 than I have with CSGO.

Start reading my whole posts before you reply, god damnit.

i really dont know why this is difficult for you but the concept of "aim" isnt simple

reaction time and aim are fundamentally linked, to say one game requires more reaction time, and one requires more aim is a misnomer. during the process of aiming you are constantly reacting as the target shifts, the better you are at REACTING to those shifts the better your aim will be.

i would argue that awping is a better demonstration of "raw aim" because its aiming on a single tick, you peek and fire instantly, no corrections. the fundamental skills on display are the same.

posted about 10 years ago
#56 Sheep in CSGO in CS2 General Discussion
Dougfargobawlersthis means LITERALLY nothing because we have no frame of reference as to what "better with an awp" means except your own (flawed) perspectiveDude, I'm just talking about my own experience, I never said it was a fact that AWPing is easier than Snipering for everybody. In the part of my post you ignored, I said that it's different and why so, and how they can be harder in different ways. What you could say is that AWPing is more about reaction time and positioning and Snipering is more about raw aiming.

They are different as I said in the first phrase of my other post, but in my own experience, I have more difficulty with playing sniper than with AWPing.

the term raw aim is meaningless. in cs you peek and have to react in an instant, its tough and you need to hit a body sized target in that instant. in tf2 you peek and have more time to aim, its a smaller target, but you have more time to line the shot up. you have an easier time playing with the awp because the people you play against arent able to punish you, again its not really reflective of comparing the top level of either game.

bowswer5fargobawlerscomparing theoretical "hardness" is a totally pointless exercise. i can say concretely that what KennyS does for Titan is 10x more impressive than what sheep did for iM.
It's only the huge amount of competition and popularity surrounding CS that makes KennyS AWP plays so great. Nobody knows for sure how well he would do sniping in TF2 competitively and how much of his actual FPS skill transitions over; I'm honestly willing to bet not that much though. They are completely different ways of sniping with their own huge learning curves.

The only time I've ever seen an Invite AWPer picking up sniping in TF2 was m0E, and the guy missed enough shots in a pub that you could tell no matter how much AWPing experience he had he was still incredibly new.

worth mentioning that the zoom fov in both games is different so muscle memory is different. obviously hes not going to start banging heads left and right with 0 muscle memory.

posted about 10 years ago
#50 Sheep in CSGO in CS2 General Discussion
DougIn the 500 hours I have of CSGO, I can play better with an AWP than I can with an sniper in the almost 5000 hours I have of TF2 (I main soldier ok).

this means LITERALLY nothing because we have no frame of reference as to what "better with an awp" means except your own (flawed) perspective

AllealI only watch CSGO but as far as I can tell the only real difference between it and TF2 6s is pacing. CSGO is more about team tactics and TF2 is more about tech skill like aim and movement, but they're both about both.

CSGO snipers have to be fast to avoid getting killed.
TF2 snipers have to be precise in order to get their pick without alerting the enemy team to their player advantage. And when they're getting attacked they have to be precise enough to hit the head and fast enough to avoid getting killed.

pretty sure TF2 sniping is harder but that's not supposed to diss CSGO. It's just a different game with less emphasis on that kind of stuff.

comparing theoretical "hardness" is a totally pointless exercise. i can say concretely that what KennyS does for Titan is 10x more impressive than what sheep did for iM.

posted about 10 years ago
#46 Sheep in CSGO in CS2 General Discussion
Thalashi bet you're gold nova LOL

youre a benchwarmer for a tf2 team, maybe hold off on the elitism?

posted about 10 years ago
#42 Sheep in CSGO in CS2 General Discussion
ulmyxxHitting a head is harder than hitting and entire body.


do u see how youre taking 1 aspect of a much larger thing and then acting like it tells the whole story? yea hitting the head is harder, but u also arent facing targets that are able to tear your head off at any range. as a tf2 sniper you can post up at an angle and not worry about pop flashes, getting smoked out etc, hell if youre kept above 150 you dont even have to worry about the enemy sniper prefiring u.

is there shit in tf2 sniping that takes skill and isnt in cs? obviously, but when you congregate in tf2 boards and repeat over and over that tf2 is better, that tf2 should be more popular, that tf2 is HARDER, its embarrassing. get over yourselves

posted about 10 years ago
#39 Sheep in CSGO in CS2 General Discussion
KanecoMIndKanecogod dammit hltv is so fuckin aids
Competitive TF2? saw some of his i49 fragclips, i don't really see anything special about his shots, i mean they're nice but i don't get why the casters are pure jacking off everytime he hits one, it's not that hard to snipe in tf2.
It's true tho, TF2 sniping is ezpz.
Yeah, on the other hand 1 shotting everyone with awp is so hard, specially when csgo movement is so much more slow paced and predictable.Why cant it be easy like tf2?

if u actually think movement in cs is easier than sniper movement in tf2 you need your head checked

and so do the 13 retards who actually plus fragged this comment, congrats guys u understand cs even less than the hltv troll understands tf2!

posted about 10 years ago
#9 Identity in Other Games

Darkfall 2.0

i cant wait to be told its the future of mmos for the next 8 years

posted about 10 years ago
#29 dazed/ibp confirmed match throwing in CS2 General Discussion

the match is hilarious if anyones curious


posted about 10 years ago
#28 TF2 PLAYER RANKINGS WEBSITE in TF2 General Discussion

it would be neat if you could sort classes by total kills

i mean not totally relevant to the ranking obviously, but it would be interesting to see who has the most center kills as each class

posted about 10 years ago
#91 Overwatch, Overhyped? in TF2 General Discussion
Cryptoi dunno about that. even when standing still, an AK's first tap still has a decent amount of deviation. its really hard to 1-tap someone on A site when you're in pit. that can easily determine a round whether you get the pick or not

how many players per team in overwatch? i'm assuming 5

1st shot inacc is really dumb, but that was a really vague situation and in no way are even 1% of dust 2 rounds decided by an ak in pit. again, rng exists in csgo, but its really used pretty successfully (and non invasively) to influence gameplay

localsonlyOkay, are any of you vanilla WoW players? Unlike Valve creating unbalanced weapons, Blizzard constantly threw classes out of balance. Burning Crusades PvP was on the slower side, but was more strategic and highlighted raw skill. Following 3 expansions, they constantly screwed up balancing issues leading hardcore PvP (ie: tf2s comp community) away while only pros(+streamers) and new players continued. To fix 3 terrible expansions they had to roll back and re-scale all healthpools on players, raids, and NPCS to attempt a re-balance on terrible damage and burst reliance.
Did I mention Blizzard absolutely LOVES RNG? Our communities disdain for random crits, is a concept blizzard absolutely LOVES. Imagine the frustration of losing a match because the enemy was lucky enough to get the 15% stun chance 3 consecutive times in a row in a matter of <10 seconds, leaving you in a stunlock for up to 12 seconds. This is how a Blizzard game is structured, if you're looking for a skill-will-prevail type game, you're looking in the wrong direction.

rofl all of your credibility is thrown out when you highlight tbc as the highlight of wow pvp (that was wotlk btw), theres nothing fun about 20 WLD teams making glad, and warrior was absolutely BROKEN all expansion with the most rng bullshit EVER in the stunherald/mace spec

posted about 10 years ago
#66 Overwatch, Overhyped? in TF2 General Discussion
downpourCorsacsgo is actually good thoughwhile i enjoy playing csgo i wouldnt say its better than either 1.6 or source, but its so different than tf2 its hardly possible to compare them

its better than source lol

and 1.6 was stale as FUCK when go was released so i dont think anyones complaining. there are annoying parts of go like first shot inacc (and smokes and molotovs and dust doors and deagle taking 1.7s to reset), but its still a great game and its still counterstrike

posted about 10 years ago
#47 ESEA S18 & TF2 in TF2 General Discussion
Ond_kajaNormally, you would pay to play in a P2P league because of the quality of servers, organisation, customer service, cheat free environment etc. This is what you should get when you pay up. You get value out of paying other than the mere possibility of winning more money. There's nothing wrong with pay to play.

However, when I played in the only season where ESEA operated in Europe, everything was basically a trainwreck and it was all ESEA's fault. I've NEVER played in such a disorganised league, and I've played in many free leagues. Three weeks delay of the season, servers weren't working when the season finally started, when the server issue was fixed there were no server available suddenly, ESEA doesn't give a fuck and forces us to play four officials in one week, and then the BTC scandal happens again. The competition was non-existant because nobody bothered to play four matches a weeks and would rather fold (because the league was at this point a joke, there was no reason to not drop once you weren't able to reach play-offs anymore). Meanwhile the ESEA staff posted dumb shit on TFTV to everyone who complained, it really showed that they don't really give a fuck about TF2.

So yeah, I basically paid them to fuck me up in as many ways as they possibly could think of. It still gives me a headache thinking about this, which is why I think they are fucking crooks.

ya see the thing is that tf2 isnt some hot new game that every league is scrambling to cater to. esea is the ONLY company that offers tf2 players a consistent lan

the whole tough guy/hardball act works better when you have a bargaining chip

posted about 10 years ago
#44 dota to league in Other Games

how can u possibly act like league isnt p2w... yes you dont need to spend money ever but the game forces you to invest a lot of time to get GAMEPLAY ENHANCING champions/runes. the fact you can skip the time investment (which is equivalent to $$$) by spending real money means its p2w, full stop. if riot wasnt seeking to make money on people who want to pay instead of invest time getting the best runes and champions they would have a different monetization model

p2w doesnt mean that you HAVE TO pay to get the best runes/champions dont be intentionally dense

posted about 10 years ago
#54 running on little sleep in Off Topic
AlwaysIf you really need to sleep less, then go to polyphasic society and check out some of the info they got there. http://www.polyphasicsociety.com/polyphasic-sleep/overviews/everyman/ describes a sleep cycle where you only have to sleep ~4.5 hours. The uberman cycle lets you sleep the least(6*20 min naps = 2hrs) but it's pretty much impossible to accomplish a uberman cycle by yourself(plus researchers don't really know the long term effects of it).

If this stuff seems too extreme for you, then try a segmented sleep cycle (http://www.polyphasicsociety.com/polyphasic-sleep/overviews/segmented-sleep/), which is the natural sleep cycle humans had before industrialization turned us all into monophasic(aka one long sleep) sleepers. You sleep around 7 hours with this cycle, which is still less time than the reccommended 9 hr sleep one gets from a monophasic cycle(http://www.polyphasicsociety.com/polyphasic-sleep/overviews/monophasic/).

If you are fine with your sleep schedule , then a quick walk outside will keep you alert. Exercise in general will do that. Chewing gum(mint or peppermint generally works best) or popping a mint will make you feel more alert. Coffee does have health benefits, but caffeine and energy drinks such as red bull has stay for long periods of time in your bloodstream(like someone mentioned earlier), and does lead to crashes.

Sorry for getting all my sources from one place, but the site explains everything in detail, and does cite its evidence.

segmented sleep is ridiculous, the only way you can get away with it is if you avoid artificial light during your period of wakefulness (it would reset you biological clock) which is also ridiculous.

a candle is pretty much all the artificial light you can allow yourself without harming your cycle and if that works for you and you have something you want to do that doesnt require much light go for it, but 2 hrs of being awake at 3 am and only being able to use candlelight really limits my activities to the point where i would rather just get monophasiac sleep

posted about 10 years ago
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