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Country United Kingdom
Signed Up August 17, 2014
Last Posted August 21, 2023 at 10:11 AM
Posts 2561 (0.7 per day)
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1 ⋅⋅ 163 164 165 166 167 168 169
#6 Help me build my TF2 PC in Hardware

officially Hxx series boards can't overclock, but apparently they can allow changes to the multiplier due to old microcode... read this

anyway, i'd say you can save $30 off the mboard by getting a H8x/Z8x/B8x chipset instead (B allows overclocking but no onboard graphics, Z allows both) since you don't need the newer features. make sure to research it to make sure it can overclock the pentium though

also i recommend buying older processors used, you can probably save another $20 there

posted about 8 years ago
#15 Confirmed MM Hackers in TF2 General Discussion

got put on his team, like 4 prem/high hl players tried running bullet-vacc kkalltuu heavy against him sniping but it wasn't enough cause we didn't want to lose elo ourselves B)

spec'd him for a bit, definitely aimlock

posted about 8 years ago
#2 area portal demo glitch in Q/A Help

r_portalsopenall 1 opens all area portals. there's still some glitches with shutter doors that may/may not be related but im not sure how to fix those.

posted about 8 years ago
#5 Encoding uncompressed video? in Q/A Help
m0nkeiI use Handbreak to encode videos and it works pretty well.

this is perfect. I'm using this cause i couldn't find a profile in AME to support compressing at higher than 60fps and this has so many clear options and encodes at 240fps at any bitrate (seemingly)

posted about 8 years ago
#3 Encoding uncompressed video? in Q/A Help
KanecoI use adobe media encoder, if you have it you can use the presets I shared on my moviemaking resources thread.

cheers, this looks very useful

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Encoding uncompressed video? in Q/A Help

What do people use to encode uncompressed avis? Making a freg movie and don't have the disk space to store all the uncompressed recordings so I'm trying to encode them (240fps 1080p). Previously I used ffmpeg (an implementation of h.264) with the following settings:

ffmpeg -i input.avi -b:v 24000k output.mp4

but apparently this produces videos with frame skips now. vegas won't even render them (even though it picks up the audio). vegas itself renders the uncompressed avis fine (showing the issues are a problem with encoding rather than recording) but only seems to allow outputting up to 172fps and obviously isnt ideal for encoding 20+ videos.

posted about 8 years ago
#22 TF2 update for 3/10/16 (3/11/16 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion
nopecan valve PLEASE unlock zoom_sensitivity_ratio, I really want to snipe :(

zoom_sensitivity_ratio 1 master race

lol but seriously 1 isn't even the default. another thing to note is fps_max is fixed to 300, which isn't even restricted in csgo, and that game's an esport :o

posted about 8 years ago
#91 funniest binds in TF2 General Discussion

the binds scream memer but the effort required to make the script screams unfunny tryhard

posted about 8 years ago
#95 Changes for MatchMaking in TF2 General Discussion

i'd like matchmaking to work during eu stress tests 4Head

posted about 8 years ago
#119 Stress Test has begun in TF2 General Discussion
MedusaSo for those who played it: How was it and how much stuff was forced on?

pushing out of last is impossible cause backcaps and disorganisation. as far as how much stuff was forced on, it seemed like my models were still on low but most stuff was forced to default, everything looked a lot brighter. i wouldn't be surprised if they kept the cvars related to the graphical options unlocked and locked everything else. i was also on dx9 by default so idk about dx8.

viewmodels were locked to 50 or something which was weird af, but for some reason when i changed rocket launcher from stock my crosshair switcher started working (r_drawviewmodels 1/0) but viewmodel_fov was still locked.

posted about 8 years ago
#42 MAJOR TF2 update for 2/29/16 (3/1/16 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion
grenadineThe changes to some of the maps are weird. Foundry blue last has some weird hole in the ground. I'm curious what all the map changes are.

rofl wtf

you cant walk in it btw.

posted about 8 years ago
#33 MAJOR TF2 update for 2/29/16 (3/1/16 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion

anyone else not getting world lighting at all?

edit: nvm, it happened after visiting tr_rocketshooting and went after visiting a valve server.

posted about 8 years ago
#18 Nursey joins Planet Express in News
DavidTheWinDeathyplease dont fucking start another nursey gender discussion...
Edit: don't remove it smh stand by your shit posting

nah, i just read the deathy comment and decided to remove it

posted about 9 years ago
#16 Nursey joins Planet Express in News


posted about 9 years ago
#15 Highlight: DamnEasy vs. LEGO in News

do you have access to the caster's recordings when making these, or are they edited out of the vod?

posted about 9 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 163 164 165 166 167 168 169