Edit: Better image
The map has a leak.
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SteamID64 | 76561197990553044 |
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Signed Up | July 9, 2012 |
Last Posted | January 20, 2019 at 7:17 PM |
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Edit: Better image
The map has a leak.
When you say 5CP, it doesn't refer to the number of control points on the map. It refers to a push CP style of map which happens to have 5 control points. Like badlands.
So just because it has five control points doesn't mean it's 5CP.
is there some official place where all this 'jargon' is codified or something
because i think if a map has five (5) control points (cp) then it is probably a fair reason to call it a '5cp' map
No, but the term "5CP" is generally accepted as the name for any push CP maps (Badlands, Granary, Process, etc.). It avoids some confusion, but now I'm seeing that it causes other types of confusion, so I think we should just call those maps push CP (or just push) maps.
SideshowWhen you're attacking last you have crazy short spawns so you can sack people in forever and still defend your 4th point. Extending the spawn time would make it easier to push out from last and stop this.
This is a bug, Phi said it would be fixed in the next version.
sorry, everyone seems to be assuming it's 5cp
MidnitesiteWhy don't you post this on the ugc forums instead of here
HildrethI am banned on their forums
SnowyI don't think you understand what laughing to the bank means
Maybe he made a bet and won?
I got DDoSed a few months ago, when I was hosting New Map Pugs (this was around the time of the last DDoS burst). I never actually confirmed that it was a DDoS, but b4nny was playing in the pugs and also lost connection just before I did. That would be pretty hard to be a coincidence. And I can confirm that it is not fun.
Also, NFO's NY servers were apparently getting DDoSed today, and the NMW mumble is there, so we could not use it at all. Maybe someone really hates TF2?
Modmic sound quality depends on your sound chip/card. On motherboard sound, the Modmic and Zalman probably won't sound much different. To get better quality, you could buy a $30 sound card (Asus Xonar DG), which, combined with the Modmic, is around the price of the Blue Snowball on Amazon currently.
Keep in mind that this is all conjecture. I plan on buying the Xonar DG to complement my Modmic; I'll see how that turns out first.
Edit: I should mention that your motherboard sound could be completely fine. I'd try that first.
It's dead again. Stalin's moving the server.
Mumble is back up. nop yep
Mumble died. We're working on a solution.
Added cp_snakewater_g5 to the ZIP. Download from the direct link above if you have already downloaded the ZIP.
pernixhookyOn a related note, whoever is DDoSing needs to get a life. Ruining the fun of 12 players and 500 spectators is not a good hobby.
Federal crimes are fun
when did i say this
It's kinda a double-edged sword. On one hand, you prevent chat from getting all outraged, wanting to know who did it, etc. On the other hand, people may start thinking it's more than just server problems, and might figure out on their own that it's a DDoS. It could also leak that it's a DDoS.