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Signed Up February 5, 2013
Last Posted March 10, 2021 at 12:40 PM
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#88 the state of tf2mix in TF2 General Discussion

i've compiled all of these valid points/complaints and will be posting it in the tf2mix admin group so it can be discussed with other admins and Cinq.

yes, tf2mix is typically a step below tf2pugna in skill level, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be a good-quality, competitive game.

posted about 11 years ago
#13 the state of tf2mix in TF2 General Discussion

the biggest things i have noticed is having a combo that literally doesn't communicate at all, or medics that are just flat out clueless. both can ruin a game quite quickly.

posted about 11 years ago
#2 Updates in TF2 General Discussion
FogHey guys, recently I added a few new features to the service in regards to class adding. I feel that the following changes allow more choice for the end user as well as easier use for all parties involved.

Here are the new commands for

!add roamer / !add pocket

You'll now be able to add as either pocket or roamer when adding to a pug. The picking process also reflects this change as you will now be able to pick a dedicated pocket and roamer, no longer needing additional time after teams are picked to decide who will pocket and who will play roamer.

!add soldier

If you don't care if you play either pocket or roamer, the !add soldier command will now add you to both roamer and pocket. This is one of the ways I feel will make it easier for users to add as it requires less typing.

!add all

If you don't care what class you play at all, you can use the !add all command to add as all of the classes offered by the service. This vastly improves the accessibility of the service, and greatly reduces what a player needs to type into the chat to add as all the classes (it used to be !add soldier scout demo medic, or with the roamer/pocket update !add pocket roamer scout demo medic). This command will not add you as a captain, only the regular classes.

!add combat

But what about if you don't want to add as medic, but want to add as all of the combat classes? Then !add combat will be the command for you, as it will add as all of the classes EXCEPT for medic. Like the !add all command, this command will not add you as a captain.

I hope that with all of these new commands for, it improves the experience of playing in one of our pugs as well as using our bot. So try it out on on the Gamesurge network.

pretty cool - thanks for doing this. any way this could be implemented in #tf2mix as well?

posted about 11 years ago
#10 Medic LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

positive attitude and good game sense. not afraid to set her pocket straight.

posted about 11 years ago
#2 Scout/Pocket/Roamer LFT open in Recruitment (looking for team)

positive person with good attitude is always looking to improve.

posted about 11 years ago
#17 Open medic LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

i like emma. i think his calls are typically strong and his attitude has always been positive - fun to have him in a mumble. good pickup for sure.

posted about 11 years ago
#17 Old original sound? in Q/A Help
wareyarocket had the same explosion sound as stock iirc


it might just be me, but in an area that has a bunch of crates/objects (granary and process mid, for example), the bass i get from the sound of the original makes it hard to detect exactly where the sound is coming from. maybe i just need to play with my sound EQ a bit.

posted about 11 years ago
#3 AG vs Madmen in TF2 General Discussion

blank mentioned he might stream it and he would probably just use direct hit, so i believe it's happening. cbear said they wouldn't stream it on but who knows.

posted about 11 years ago
#192 What's your job, TF.TV? in Off Topic

behavioral health technician at a non-12 step treatment/wellness facility

posted about 11 years ago
#51 S15 Maps? in Map Discussion
LKincheloemage24365What ever happened to cp_quay?
It showed up in that one night cup in ETF2L, and everyone seemingly forgot about it.
It seems to play amazingly, with a few innovations and a last that doesn't suck.

Because nobody can agree on how to pronounce the name.

If they put me in charge of the map rotation here's what I'd do:

1. cp_badlands
2. cp_gullywash_final1
3. cp_metalworks
4. koth_pro_viaduct_rc4
5. cp_process
6. cp_snakewater
7. cp_granary
8. cp_badlands (or cp_standin)

Unless there's some obscure ESEA policy forbidding a map being used twice, I fail to see why we couldn't have the Daytona of TF2 in twice for a season.

this was my first thought when slin posted a similar thread on gravelpit week, a while ago. my idea was just, if map rotation stayed the same, have gravelpit as default with the option of 2-3 alternative maps (either CP or koth) that the teams could decide if they would rather play instead.

but then again, I guess teams would run into the same problem of not being able to find other teams to scrim gravelpit on. so, I suppose my two cents would be to let teams decide which map they want to play that particular week.

posted about 11 years ago
#59 Weight training for my GF? in Off Topic
santababyI think eventually she'll understand. If she likes the training and wants to get into better shape, she'll start to watch what she eats a little more. Either that or she'll still be exercising but not losing any fat, at which point she'll say something like 'I feel like im not losing any fat.' And then you say something like 'well honey, thats cuz you eat fries and drink soda with every meal.' And then she either slows/stops the fatty foods, or doesn't. In the end, she's gotta want it and realize that it's a long term investment, which (almost) always pay off.

pretty much this. try to plant the seed that the nutrition and exercise are one in the same, and can counteract each other accordingly. pretty pointless to hit the gym and cardio if you aren't eating properly.

good for you though, ping. keep it up!

posted about 11 years ago
#52 ghos7 Donation Drive in Off Topic
Snowyblah blah blah

does this even need to be said? what does this contribute to the cause? unless this is a carefully constructed plan to completely ostracize yourself from the community.

i never understand why people take this kind of stuff so personally, or feel the need to make long-winded retorts to others efforts. if you don't want to contribute, don't contribute.

posted about 11 years ago
#13 Cast of r5 v. AG in TF2 General Discussion
shadowmatterjoddgoing to be honest and preface it by saying that i didn't watch this vod. that's because i watched duwatna's POV stream of it, and also the demo review ruwin did.
Just curious but where is Ruwin's demo review? I don't see it at


it's either "untitled broadcast" or "vidjajuegoes"

posted about 11 years ago
#10 Cast of r5 v. AG in TF2 General Discussion
shredderKoobadoobsoverseer is a girlFigured that out about halfway through; thanks Neb for not mocking me
joddit would be great to cast a game that hadn't gotten any other exposureI'll keep that in mind. Maybe IM/Open games?

i'd be most interested in previously un-casted invite games. there's usually a couple of games that are good but don't get streamed by

posted about 11 years ago
#8 Cast of r5 v. AG in TF2 General Discussion

going to be honest and preface it by saying that i didn't watch this vod. that's because i watched duwatna's POV stream of it, and also the demo review ruwin did.

i just wanted to say that i would have been more interested if it was a game that had not yet been streamed/casted. i know a bunch of games this last week were forfeited; i just wanted to say that, in the future, it would be great to cast a game that hadn't gotten any other exposure.

but thank you regardless for contributing content to the community and others who might not have seen this game <3

posted about 11 years ago
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