I also have some troubletiming when I pop my ubers so my question is
When should I pop uber? Should I use it in a even uber 6v6 if my core classes are about to die ?
FinniganSince you're new and your mechanics/timing/priorities aren't really there yet I would generally recommend popping uber sooner rather than later. Better to use a bit early than drop someone/yourself and get flamed.
@ Finnegan This mentality can be helpful, but it can also be dangerous. Dropping an Uber and popping uselessly are essentially the same thing. You'll be flamed much harder for dropping, but you need to try and use your Ubers well.
This is why, when pushing, you almost always want your heal target to tell you to pop. Since they can see everything, and you can't, they're a much better judge of if it's a good time to use Uber. If your players don't remember to do this, remind them. You can use Uber if you see something that your heal target doesn't see, but otherwise, trust your teammates. If you drop there, it's totally not your fault, it's your pocket's fault. If you pop through every scary-looking choke you'll waste a ton of Ubers.
When you're defending and people are trying to force you, try not to pop against a single suiciding player if you have your combo (Soldier, Scout, +1) around you, unless you know 100% that you will die to the next shot. Your team should be able to kill the guy before you die, and if they can't, it's their fault. If they sac multiple people, it's fine to use Uber since you can get two kills off of that Uber, which is great.
What you're trying to do with an Uber depends on the situation. Generally, you want to Uber people so they don't take huge amounts of damage, because you generally want them to be good health in the post-fight.
If you have even Ubers and are exchanging with your pocket, it's okay to hold for a bit since you're tanking him for the entire Uber, so there's enough time for him to get fully-healed again. Your teammates shouldn't derp in and risk taking a bunch of damage and need flashes to not die, but if they do, you should still flash them, even though it'll make your Uber last shorter.
If you have advantage, then you don't need to worry about milking, since you don't have to worry about your Uber ending before theirs. Flash liberally to get people through the choke, catch out kills, and have good position and health for the post-Uber fight. Think about whether or not you can win the push without using Uber at all - if you can comfortably win a fight without popping, try and save it. If not, don't dilly-dally until their Medic manages to build his own Uber up.
If you're down a bunch of people then you either want to leave without popping and get a force off with your team, or trade Ubers and run away without anyone dying. If you're looking to trade, again, your pocket is largely in charge of deciding when to pop. Since you're numbers down, it's highly likely you're pushing into multiple people who can quickly do 200 damage to your Soldier, so be wary.
If I have kritz 100%, when would I use it ? Whats the ideal situation for me using it?
Kritz is good because it charges faster than Uber, but the actual charge is much worse than Uber. You want to use Kritz so you can Kritz on them before they get Uber, so the best time is when you'll be even Ubers with regular Medigun and have a small ad if you have Kritz. You need to be using pretty much as soon as you get it so you can take the fight before they get Uber.
It's also weak against Sentries and Pyros, which negate it, and Snipers, who just snipe you. It's also important that you don't telegraph by showing them your Medigun / heal beam, or have your Demo suspiciously peek chokes around the time you should have Kritz. If they know you're on Kritz, they can neuter it just by playing extremely aggressively while their Medic plays very safe. Since it's reliant on surprise, it's countered by a Spy disguise-checking your medigun, which makes it less likely to be surprising when pushing last, or if they have someone respawning who can quickly check that. You also don't want to do it too much or they'll suspect you're doing it.