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Signed Up October 27, 2013
Last Posted February 16, 2014 at 9:48 PM
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#9 A new, more in-depth hud guide initiative in Customization
SevinSo I can't change any of the player stats individually? That's ridiculous then my scoreboard is broken.

Mine's broken too, even the fonts are screwed up. The image I cited was the one before the Two Cities patch that fixed the custom HUD crash.

Also, I would like it if anyone knew how to change the font that appears while selecting menu voice commands?
It's Default ._.

posted about 10 years ago
#7 A new, more in-depth hud guide initiative in Customization
Sevinmain_giSevinIs the ping for the MVM scoreboard in mvmcreditsubpanel.res ?It comes from mvmscoreboard.res, and it's a fixed container. You can see the ping if you increase 'wide' enough in the MvMPlayerList.
Hmm, that never worked for me. There was nothing I was supposed to add to it from the Two Cities update?

EDIT: I'm stupid, that worked. Don't know what I was doing earlier. But now the ping goes way out over my bounds so I need to shrink the distance between each element but I don't know how to do that either.

It's a fixed container. It can't be shrunk like the main scoreboard.

posted about 10 years ago
#4 A new, more in-depth hud guide initiative in Customization
SevinIs the ping for the MVM scoreboard in mvmcreditsubpanel.res ?

It comes from mvmscoreboard.res, and it's a fixed container. You can see the ping if you increase 'wide' enough in the MvMPlayerList.

posted about 10 years ago
#2 A new, more in-depth hud guide initiative in Customization

Although I can't say I'm THAT seasoned, since my HUD is more obscure, I still have a lot for MvM.

For MvM:

hudmannvsmachinestatus.res - VERY IMPORTANT. Is the 'hudlayout.res' for MvM, use this file for definitions instead. This goes hand in hand with mvmscoreboard.res.

huditemeffectmeter_heavy.res - Edits the Heavy's rage bar. Two Cities update made this a copypaste with the Medic's energy bar.
huditemeffectmeter_sapper.res - Edits the Spy's sapper bar.
mvmcreditsubpanel.res - These two files are the second part of the scoreboard. Here is a picture that I took with the scoreboard. I think everything else is outdated, but it's the second one down.
As you can see, the "1" and "4" are the bonus money waves.

wavecompletesummarypanel.res - Self explanatory.
wavestatuspanel.res - Changes the "WAVE 1/7" or "2/6" etc with waves. Also affects the SUPPORT panel. If you change the SUPPORT word, hud_reloadscheme doesn't show it unless you restart TF2.

enemycountpanel.res - Hand in hand with WaveStatusPanel.res, it's the actual numbers. Can change fonts and critical marker.

New things:
huditemeffectmeter_killstreak.res - Killstreak bar. Putting this here since a surprising amount of HUDs don't yet have this made.

Border tweaks: A lot of huds nowadays use boxes around ammo and health. I do, the default hud does. (Obviously, some huds still go for a minimalist style, which I'm fully fine with.)
Use "border" "BORDERHERE" in a certain panel, whichever you want it to be.
You can edit borders in clientscheme.res.
However, my minmode hud makes these boxes disappear with this little tweak with borders.

			"bordertype"			"scalable_image"
			"backgroundtype"		"2"
			"image"					"../hud/tournament_panel_brown"
			"src_corner_height"		"0"				
			"src_corner_width"		"0"
			"draw_corner_width"		"13371337"				// more publicity for any non-hud editors looking at the hud's code
			"draw_corner_height" 	"90019001"	// who cares that this certain meme is around 7 years old

Hudlayout.res building tweak:
Thanks to something I said with the 'tall' value, omni found a nice tweak that lets the ypos of the buildings on Engie look fine on the spectator/deathcam. Doesn't work with MvM, but oh well.

Remember while using the tweak, hudlayout.res definition should have ypos on 0.
Also works with Spy's sapper. It IS a 'building', after all.

There are many ways to make a HUD, but I haven't found one that hasn't done one of 3 things with the ammo. Be careful, some HUD's fall into the Box-Squeezed problem.

Yes, it's possible to combine Box with Top-Down, but the box would only be an image.
Basically, Default is when the numbers seem to outline a wall, box is where the numbers use the outline of an image wall, and top down is when Reserve and In-Clip are in completely seperate boxes. Garm3n 7MF/4MP is a "Top-Down" even though the boxes are left-right.

200 = Minigun
6/24 = Revolver
12/36 = Scout Pistol
40/100 = Syringe Gun with some expended
8/24 = Stickybomb Launcher.
4/20 = Rocket Launcher (it's a TOP DOWN, remember)
120/200 = Syringe Gun, max clip size and some Ammo Capacity

Inconsistently: It's inconsistent because even though the centering looks nice,
the ammo IN clip was centered to the left. Consistent type makes it look consistent, but it could also look subjectively ugly.

Another thing I'd like people to watch out for is number consistency. I'm saying to make the style identical but the colors the same. For example, there are a LOT of numbers and bars in a HUD.
So here are numbers:

(This kind of turned into a rant. I put a spoiler tag on it)

Show Content
Engie Metal
Demo Stickies
Demo Heads
Sniper Heads
Spy Crits
Pyro Crits
Engineer Crits
Reserve Ammo

If I'm a Demoman with heads, a killstreak weapon, health, grenade launcher, and stickies,
it's annoying to keep track of which one it is if you're using an inconsistent HUD. It feels kind of minor, but still.
posted about 10 years ago
#19 Engineer Building Status Position in Customization

That didn't seem to do anything, strangely. In fact, it screwed up more things than it helped, because when I set it on hudlayout.res, the wavestatus just nope'd off the screen.

On a side note, I got my Spy sapper progress bar working, so ... yay...

posted about 10 years ago
#16 Engineer Building Status Position in Customization

Bumping this, because it turns out MvM uses a slightly more lowered position for the buildings. That's depressing. It shaves right into my Money and Currency bars. Hopefully your clients won't play MvM!

posted about 10 years ago
#3 AmmoInClip as progressbar? in Customization

Not as far as I know. Unless you want to make a font where the numbers actually are replaced with bars for example:

0: []
1: [___]
2: [______]
3: [_________]
4: [____________]
5: [_______________]
6: [__________________]


It's great, because fonts have 'tall' and 'weight' values.

This would also kind of work for making the AmmoInClip as a crosshair, making the amount of 'dots' or 'squares' for the crosshair:

This doesn't really work well if you don't play a class where the primary weapon number is greater than 10, or play on x10 servers a lot. For example, the Pistol's 12 wouldn't show up right, nor would the Medic's Syringe Gun. So unless you use a Winger or Crusader's Crossbow 24/7, you can't use those classes right. And DEFINITELY AmmoNoClip doesn't work unless you specifically don't play Pyro, Heavy, or x10. And, well, MvM.

In clarification to post #2, those bars are item effect meters in disguise. Some huds make them look like meters, which can be enhanced with a bgColor_override "0 0 0 255".

posted about 10 years ago
#11 BlackHUD in Customization

Most killstreak kits are worth 1.00 on the community market. I'm not giving currency because there actually isn't any currency on it. However, some kits like Degreaser kit have more demand, and sell for more (almost 4.00). You don't need to get a Strange one.

posted about 10 years ago
#23 dystHUD in Customization

Okay. Here ya go:

I crapped this under the LocalPlayerStats.

Wow, this code doesn't even WORK because the spaces don't show up.

			"ControlName"		"CExLabel"
			"fieldName"		"BigNumberLabels"
			"font"			"hudfontsmallestboldperformance"
			"labelText"		"    Dominations             Kills                   Assists                   Deaths                  Revenges"
			"textAlignment"	"south-west"
			"xpos"			"39"
			"ypos"			"25"
			"zpos"			"53"
			"wide"			"655"
			"tall"			"20"
			"autoResize"		"0"
			"pinCorner"		"0"
			"visible"		"1" // "0"
			"enabled"		"1"
			"fgcolor"		"white"

				"font"		"hudfontevensmallest"
				"xpos"		"160"
				"ypos"		"16"
				"labelText"		"        D               K                 A                 D                R"

posted about 10 years ago
#21 dystHUD in Customization

It's there. The five numbers are Dominations, Kills, Assists, Deaths, Revenges.

posted about 10 years ago
#10 Engineer Building Status Position in Customization

Yup, it works. For anyone else: Only change the ypos of the 'SentryIcon1, 2, 3', 'Background', 'BuiltPanel' and 'NotBuiltPanel', not every single one, or it won't work right.,enZMHTf,ksBsoMD

Remember that hudlayout.res's definition of the file should not be changed from 0.

(Also, wouldn't this apply for Spy's sapper as well if he's dead?)

posted about 10 years ago
#19 dystHUD in Customization

Updated a few things;

Pomson works on Minmode, because I didn't do that before.
MvM's enemy panel count has the regular TF2 Build font with red and white bars.
Crit on MvM counts blend in.
It's not like I ever voluntarily play 32 player servers, though.
Engineer's HUD is changed. Kind of? It's more minimal? Compact?

Do you guys want my customized version of the HUD that has a custom crosshair and with "Building Saps:" on the scoreboard?

And it looks like my HUD isn't getting anyone interested, so here's some more pictures! BLAH!


Now check out the rest of the screenshots on the first post before I get too snarky.

posted about 10 years ago
#6 Engineer Building Status Position in Customization
omnixetsogI know Garm3n's huds don't have it fixed either. Probably nothing you can do about it unless you do some digging yourself or a kind soul answers with the solution
I know Omp has it figured out, so I know it's possible.

I'm pretty sure that's because he put it at the exact spot where it would be in Spectator mode no matter what ("0" ypos). I checked the gitHub files.

Well, unless you want to set the hudlayout.res's tall definition to a ridiculous tall level and then move every single 'ypos' down by (a number), it's not possible as far as I know.

This would be an even greater pain in Minmode.

posted about 10 years ago
#23 Insanehud in Customization

I'm thinking about changing my DystHUD name into SaneHUD.

posted about 10 years ago
#14 Insanehud in Customization
ZimmyRambadiliani didn't make it but here are some pics

So he basically changed the font colors to hideous ones?

I guess that's the 'insane' part of the HUD. Might as well have made it flash seizure-inducing colors whenever health gets low.

posted about 10 years ago
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