Comangliabeen awhile since I looked at your config, have to say I like alot of the work you're doing but it's mildly infuriating to have to go through 4 text files just to figure out which shadow or lighting quality I'm using.
You don't have to look at any files, you only have to look at the console, type shadows into console and the autocomplete will say the quality you are using. Same with lighting.
And besides, the only file that sets that in the config is the preset file. Then you can set it in your modules.cfg. So two files at most.
Comangliafps_max - Why is this set to 240, and not for instance 300?
240 is a multiple of 120, 60 and 240, while 300 is only a multiple of 60. Using a multiple for your fps_max makes the output smoother.
Comangliahow do you feel about the new hud element that's being enforced by default
It's useful, but I think it would be interesting to see if custom HUDs can optimize it somehow.
Comangliar_norefresh 1 - what's this?
It's exactly what the comment in comfig.cfg says it is. It makes it so the Source Engine does not set an unused variable to the time it took to render the last frame.
Comangliacl_mute_all_comms 1 - The wording in the github repository you have for commands is a bit ambiguous. As I understand it this means you have the ability to mute all comms from people at will, not necessarily all comms by default right?
Is it really that ambiguous? It states that voice and text chat will be muted for muted players if you use 1, and only voice if you use 0.
Comangliafor the texture settings why do you have mat_filtertextures in there twice with opposite values?
It works around a bug where the cvar is not being set on the first time.
Comangliafor mid-low which has the description of max performance but without bugs and good visibility, so why is
r_eyes 1 (in the characters_medium section) used
Because no eyes is creepy and causes holes in the character. b4nny and many other competitive players use r_eyes 1 too.
Comangliacl_particle_batch_mode 1 and 2 - what's the difference between these 2 settings
batch mode 2 clumps particles together to render it as one, and causes some particles to be invisible
Comangliacl_smoothtime - you have this at 0.1 when you used to recommend cl_smoothtime 0.0455 what changed?
A realization that how many packets the smoothing takes place over does not matter and it's just the highest smoothing you can get away with that matters.
Comangliahud_escort_interp 0.1 - what is this?
This is the interp for the payload HUD. So updates to the payload location will be smoothed out over 0.1 seconds instead of the default 0.2.
Comangliasnd_mixahead - you have this at 0.08 is this actually the best value for a reason or could it be set lower without issues such as 0.066]
I've found it to be the best balance between batching mixes together and getting low mix complexity, as well as avoiding crackling glitches. You can set it lower if you find it beneficial to you.
ComangliaI don't understand alot of the sound commands so I'm just going to copy a paste the ones I'm primarily wondering about
All of these are documented in the config already but I will reexplain them here.
snd_spatialize_roundrobin - delays sound spatialization (being able to tell where a sound is from hearing it (at 60 degrees, behind you, etc). most noticeable if you rotate your view quickly. the delay is determined by 2 ^ x, so for 1, it would be 2 ^ 1 = 2 frames needed to spatialize all sounds
dsp_room - if set to 1, automatically adjusts DSP based on the room you're in (its size, shape and type). DSP is a variety of sound effects, including echos, reverb, low pass filters, etc. Preset DSP effects are associated with a number which leads me to these:
dsp_facingaway, dsp_speaker, dsp_water, dsp_spatial - these set which DSP preset to use for each of these scenarios.
dsp_facingaway is for things you are facing away from, so you would typically use 0 (none), 30 (low pass filter), or 31 (low pass filter + 80ms delay).
dsp_speaker is used for radio/speaker sounds like the administrator 0, 50 to 59 are typical values
dsp_water is for when you are underwater. Typical values are 0, 14, 15, 16. 14 is the default and is the least watery, while 16 is the most aggressive with its water effects and also has a higher delay.
dsp_spatial - this is for spatialization/positional audio and adds delays. Now before you say "delays? in my competitive gaming experience?" please realize that delays are useful for your ears to figure out where sounds are coming from
snd_defer_trace - 1 makes it so that sounds are spatialized first and then tested with a trace on the next frame to see if they are obstructed. This improves performance and makes spatialization (which is arguably the most important sound effect) happen sooner. 0 makes sure that tracing and spatialization are calculated at the same time.
snd_disable_mixer_duck - 1 disables sound ducking, which makes some sounds labeled as important to play a higher volume than others
Comangliarecommended launch options for better FPS or less frame variance but without necessarily destroying the way the game looks
I already have a list of recommended launch options. You can try the other ones to see if they improve anything on your PC.