my bad
Account Details | |
SteamID64 | 76561197989243222 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:28977494] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:0:14488747 |
Country | Hungary |
Signed Up | February 4, 2014 |
Last Posted | February 7, 2017 at 2:23 PM |
Posts | 108 (0 per day) |
Game Settings | |
In-game Sensitivity | 1.05 |
Windows Sensitivity | default |
Raw Input | |
800 |
Resolution |
1920x1080 |
Refresh Rate |
144hz |
Hardware Peripherals | |
Mouse | Logitech MX518 |
Keyboard | |
Mousepad | custom made |
Headphones | Panasonic RPHTF890 |
Monitor | Benq XL2411 @ 144hz |
could someone revive this and modify it a little bit?
last update was a year ago, so its pre-killstreak update. i would like to use the MM version for streaming matches. all i need is bigger cap point indicater (probably im gonna make icons which are not rounded to match the style), bigger time and servertime panel, and a bigger targetid (maybe it should be moved down a bit to dont take too much space.
most of the time the huds have terrible spec part, but this one has great big teamcolored parts, and no rounded panels. unfortunatly my hud editing skill stops at editing the custom crosshair rgb colorcode :D
looks like the alternative huds werent fixed, and they are pre killstream update
yeah, the ddos thing is getting out of hand here. im also trying to stream some of the matches in hungarian and advertise the comp a little bit in the home community, but gonna be pretty hard without stv connects.
botmodeThere is TDM in this game, I've played a handful of pickups of it already on but ctf is still really exciting
also there will be cool looking grass
doesnt have playable tdm maps yet, and really bothers me that everyone has a different colour. one is green other one is pink, the outline doesnt really helps in teammodes. im still waiting for a forcecolor command.
ive played the steam beta release warsow version, which has a reworked code, and some issues, but looks a lot more promosing. gonna be free, and for every platform.
ctf coming at 0.37, until then its gonna stay a duel only game
im still not a huge fan of using red hp number on a red cross. terrible visibility. big kudos for the readyup thing.
edit: when i spec in stv, how do i change the gap beetween the player panel and the teamcolor line of the player?? i want to have it next to the black panel, below the name basicly
just by not eating proper food your feelings/mood can change rapidly. for example if you eat a lot of sugar (like lot of gamers do) you get this rush feel, but the opposite when the body is done with the sugar.
playing with a fix team helps a lot. you going to tolerate situations a lot better if you feel closer to your team mates...sort of.
also recommended to play a secondary game. jump into quake live clan arena sometimes where everyone is terrible and cant shoot, or just some single player game something rewarding.
hud_saytext_time 0 -> this. hiding the chat in cod back in the days actually helped me.
whats with sideshows batman voice?
i wouldnt mind a dx9 no rocket trail pack
any way to make the rocket trail smoke smaller as well?
yes statusspec_specguiorder_enabled 1 fixes what gaben fucks up.
btw i like the stream, i think you guys want to set up a log scene on obs or whatever you use, looks stupid if you just add it after match and resize the window on the fly. the stream is far away from my timezone, but sometimes i watch a vod when im eating.
how did you managed to fix the spechud bug in the last update? blueteam always aliigns to middle instead of left.