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SteamID64 76561198068972567
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Country Canada
Signed Up August 27, 2015
Last Posted October 13, 2022 at 11:46 PM
Posts 132 (0 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity 3.3
Windows Sensitivity 6/11
Raw Input 1
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Mouse viper v2 pro
Keyboard keychron q1 v1
Mousepad artisan ninja FX
Headphones 599se
Monitor alienware 2521hf
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#64 mkHUD in Customization
But I only have one problem:
It seems that the Übercharge number is a seperate thing. Where is it located (not the bar ofc <:)?

Ubercharge number and meter are in the same file. HudMedicCharge.res

posted about 8 years ago
#62 mkHUD in Customization
freddiaNHey Guys,
I want to edit this hud a little, especially the in-game hud.
I want to take parts of the ingame hud from mHUD (what I mean you can see here), because I like to have boxes around my HP, Ammo, etc.
Can someone help me with this?

EDIT: By the way: Why do the custom cap-point sprite dont work on my server/valve pubs (sv_pure 1) but does work offline (sv_pure 0)? pls fix :)

This is pretty specific and I have no idea what font definitions mHUD uses - and it's something I would prefer not helping you out with because that's not my HUD.

If you have any HUD editing knowledge, you should probably just add translucent black boxes under whatever you want.

Something like this:

"ControlName" "ImagePanel"
"fieldName" "AmmoBG"
"xpos" "0"
"ypos" "0"
"zpos" "-99"
"wide" "100"
"tall" "50"
"visible" "1"
"enabled" "1"
"fillcolor" "0 0 0 150"

You could probably put this into your ammo, ubercharge and health files. You'll have to mess with the xpos, ypos, wide and tall values as well however.

The custom control point icons not showing up in sv_pure 1 is a TF2 issue, and it's one I can't fix.

posted about 8 years ago
#1099 stream highlights in Videos

posted about 8 years ago
#58 mkHUD in Customization
trashCTF directions are in reverse of where they actually are
(on ctf_turbine)

fixed in the newest github update. i also changed the background of the menus because i didn't feel like the colours fit very well with the rest of what my hud was like

Show Content
posted about 8 years ago
#9 what's on admirable's phone? in The Dumpster

posted about 8 years ago
#55 mkHUD in Customization
pandurrrhow do I change low ammo colors? I can't find it in the scheme folder or ammohudweapon.res

great hud btw

I actually don't have an animation in my file that triggers whenever you have low ammo. I pushed the update to GitHub.

If you'd like to change the colour of the red, find "HudLowAmmoPulse" in /scripts/hudanimations_tf.txt and then edit "AmmoInClip", "AmmoInReserve", and "AmmoNoClip"'s fgcolor value.

posted about 8 years ago
#55 Who are the funniest people in the tf2 community? in TF2 General Discussion

truktruk, getawhale and ma3la. when all three of them are together they're funny as hell. individually too

posted about 8 years ago
#4997 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
shinsonimtrasomeone posted a concept for the main menu text (quickplay, etc) along with other concepts following the same style a while back. i saved them a long time ago. dug em up and now i am actually trying to make something out of them while adding my own touch to it

hud name is a placeholder, when i think of something more clever it will change

hows overwatchHUD working out?

its going fine, but its nowhere near completion
is this something that will be asked every time i post in this thread? i honestly hope not

posted about 8 years ago
#4995 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization

someone posted a concept for the main menu text (quickplay, etc) along with other concepts following the same style a while back. i saved them a long time ago. dug em up and now i am actually trying to make something out of them while adding my own touch to it

hud name is a placeholder, when i think of something more clever it will change

posted about 8 years ago
#51 mkHUD in Customization
SolobeNNo offense but why do so many hud makers put some completely unrelated and shit photo as the main menu background? It's stupid.

You don't have to use my HUD. It's all personal preference and if you don't like it, I could care less. I can't please everybody.

Even though you put "no offense" this still doesn't mean your comment wasn't offensive.

Please never post in my thread again. Thanks!!!!

Nice shitpost btw

Very well thought out

posted about 8 years ago
#11 Easy TF2 Crosshairs in Customization

Hey Omni, thanks a lot for making and updating this.

I was wondering though: How could I make the crosshairs go into HudPlayerClass instead of HudLayout?

I use HudPlayerClass for my crosshairs so that way it doesn't stay on in a freezecam/scoreboard/team select/etc.

Is it just a matter of changing the #base location and putting it in HudPlayerClass? Or is there more to it? Because I tried to change the directories of the files and putting the things from HudLayout into HudPlayerClass and it wouldn't show up.

posted about 8 years ago
#876 /r/tf2 posts that make you cringe in The Dumpster


posted about 8 years ago
#61 lets play the ctrl+v game in The Dumpster

Bring that back, what was that?
Oh my lord, she got back
So precise, so deattached
Oh my God, who is that?

posted about 8 years ago
#49 mkHUD in Customization

Apologies for double posting, but I feel like this should warrant a double post because of how much I changed in my HUD.

June 12th Update

- New animated background
- Moved the time limit and stats to the bottom left of the screen to improve compatibility with different resolutions
- Adjusted almost every element of my HUD to have rounded corners
- Adjusted some colours
- New backpack borders
- New material VTFs
- Slightly different stream panel
- New capture point icons (Better drop shadow, and different colours)
- Better looking target IDs
- Better looking tournament hud
- 6v6 scoreboard (enabled by enabling minmode)
- And more stuff I probably forgot about

New Imgur Album:

Also, I have made a steam group-- I'll be putting announcements and whatever for every time I release a big update like this. Join it if you want



posted about 8 years ago
#3183 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

what borders control this?

EDIT : nevermind i got it, but i still have two more problems

how can i make this

and this

(loadout presets)

have rounded corners?

posted about 8 years ago
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