ThePersonYouHateI was looking through the menus on this great hud, and I noticed there's no achievement tracking area. If there is one, where is it?
There isn't supposed to be one. I have never used that feature before, so I removed it.
HUD is now for 4:3 resolutions. Just use the scoreboard fix. Enjoy @the people who wanted support for 4:3 :)
Edit 2:
Edited the MvM and Competitive menus. Everything should fit the style of my HUD now.
The screenshots here are using the alternate font for my HUD - Neutra. I am still using Roboto for my HUD, this is just something you can change with #base in clientscheme.res.
Enjoy! I'm not sure how to remove the brown line beside the "GLOBAL" button, but if I get that sorted out I'll push an update containing that fix.