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Country Australia
Signed Up May 18, 2014
Last Posted June 13, 2018 at 2:54 AM
Posts 932 (0.2 per day)
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1 ⋅⋅ 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 ⋅⋅ 62
#37 Top 10 TF2 plays of the year 2014 in Videos

Was waiting for sheep's spree on process v mixup, can't quite fathom how that's worse than some of these, but these are all good clips as well I guess so thanks

posted about 9 years ago
#8 Help Critique My Viaduct History Guide in TF2 General Discussion

The S8 blight v x6 demo link doesn't work :S

posted about 9 years ago
#21 Majors and jobs and stuffs in Off Topic

I've just started a generic arts/science double degree so not yet sure of majors, probably maths, physics, psych, philosophy, lit or german but idk yet really. Not going to enjoy having to give up some of them.

posted about 9 years ago
#89 Froyotech = Death of tf2? in TF2 General Discussion

I don't think I'll ever understand why Valve doesn't just sell froyo weapon stickers and invite some tf2 teams to dreamhack, esl etc. It's not like it would even take much effort and it would probably pay for itself even if you ignore the fact that tf2 still makes shit tons of money.

posted about 9 years ago
#67 Most Dangerous Situation You've Ever Been In? in Off Topic

A few years ago I got my feet tangled up in my rug and ended up falling forwards into my bedroom window. Both my hands went straight through but somehow I avoided going any further. On my left hand I got a few tiny cuts, but my right wrist got a massive cut, it severed lots of tendons, an artery and a nerve. I bled a lot and had to have surgery to clean the glass out of my arm and reset the tendons and nerve (something like that anyway, can't remember exactly). To this day I hold my right pinky weirdly and have altered sensation in that and my fourth finger, it took a lot of rehab to get it back even this far, I basically had to relearn how to use half that hand. For a long time lifting anything heavy was difficult, so much of your grip strength comes from those two fingers.

On a less life threatening note about five years ago I was playing soccer and just extended my leg to reach the ball, and then fell over because something in my leg/hip region just snapped. I couldn't move the leg, apparently the muscle tore right off the bone. I was at home using crutches for like a month, then a few days after I went back to school I decided it was a good idea to run for the bus, tore the bloody muscle again. I was lying by the side of the road for about twenty minutes pretty much unable to move, then the stonemason next to the bus stop came out and saw me and looked after me until my ride arrived. Nice guy, I never ended up going back to thank him.

I missed out on the obligatory car crash, the rest of my family were in one but I was at home. Thankfully none of them were hurt, the (new) car was written off though.

posted about 9 years ago
#22 TF2 update for 3/18/15 in TF2 General Discussion
downpourblazeit So youre telling me that i am going to lose to some other guy just because he has a better powerup. What is this cod. Fair play and skill is what makes a good fps.Quad Damage?
Mega Health?

Skill-based movement?

posted about 9 years ago
#59 Jeremy Clarkson suspended from the BBC in Off Topic
SchweppesThe guardian is a great and politically unbiased newspaper.

First paragraph: "Jeremy Clarkson, voice of the people/mega-sized tool (delete as appropriate to you, dear reader). It’s really great to have Jeremy fighting in our corner for that under-represented demographic, the self-entitled, middle-aged white man who just wants to beat up on those in a less privileged position than him – from ethnic minorities to a producer who, we are now told, failed to provide Jezza’s din-dins on demand."

Am I reading a mainstream newspaper or a shitty whiny blog? I honestly can't tell.

"Honestly, the rest of the TV schedule is just overrun with middle-aged women talking about feminism and vaginas, 24/7. To get rid of Jeremy is just part and parcel of the feminazi thought-police tactics that are strangling this country, and it’s unacceptable."

I know it's supposed to be sarcasm but lmao

Have you never read an opinion piece before? They're kind of by definition biased. It doesn't mean that the views espoused necessarily are that of the newspaper

posted about 9 years ago
#9 crashing like crazy in Q/A Help

Try removing your config. I got a new computer a few weeks ago and I crash using pretty much any config, luckily I still get playable frames even without removing all the unnecessary graphics.

posted about 9 years ago
#8 how do I find out the season stats for prem etf2l in Q/A Help
R4ndomETF2L seasons have an almost preset start-end season dates.
After the season starts, it's 7 weeks for the normal season to end and then comes the playoffs, which take about 3 weeks max, after the playoffs, there's a 1 month pause between seasons (roughly, it can be 3 weeks of pause sometimes).
Here's the official link for the next few seasons that have already been posted on the etf2l's official website.

You can see on the right the dates and such (season and also playoffs) and on the left the number of the season.

jerk, I wanted to plan my 2016 cast watching schedule

posted about 9 years ago
#7 Recent Spotify Update in Off Topic

I only got spotify last week and I actually googled why the x button did nothing, got answers from like 2012 so to say I was pleasantly surprised at the update would be an understatement :p

posted about 9 years ago
#69 ESEA Invite: Froyotech vs. The Mad Men in Events
bowswer5marmadukeGRYLLSmostly because that's laughable that a team of 6 players picked off of random teams in NA are going to somehow do what europe and australia and americas "super" teams never came close to doing in beating froyo on lan. i could see teams getting close if froyo kept not giving a fuck and not scrimming and other teams put in 3+ hours nightly with demo reviews and shit like that but if froyo went tryhard to prep for lan lolggandyourelyingtoyourselfifyouthinkotherwise
I was always kind of curious that besides the lack of true high level competition in Australia, why iM with such an incredibly talented roster still couldn't place even after boot camping for a week or two at the i52 LAN.

You would think that's way more hours of practice than what I think most Invite teams put in now let alone way more than how much effort established TF2 teams would put into the game in a short period of time. I don't think any other top TF2 team has ever done the boot-camp style practicing you normally see CS:GO teams do for majors but maybe I'm overestimating the advantage it would give over other teams in our scene.

It doesn't matter how hard you train for two weeks or w/e if you've only ever played against the best once before. It's only the fact that every player on i52 iM was astonishing at their class + yuki and sheep being insane that let them compete as closely as they did. If they played invite for a few seasons it would be a very different story, it's a pity how shit au-us ping is atm. I think theoretically if the packets travel directly across the world at the speed of light with no delay the best ping possible is ~60ms, something to look forward to in the distant future I guess.

posted about 9 years ago
#23 tips on avoiding procrastination in Q/A Help

Just do all your homework as soon as you realistically can after you get it. I'm lazy af but because I just do my homework first I still do fine, even if I procrastinate a bit. Just remind yourself that if you get it all done you'll be able to binge tf2/whatever for a few hours, and if you stay on top of everything you'll be able to do that regularly, with plenty of leeway in case you get given a ton of homework one week.

posted about 9 years ago
#9 Quick Question in TF2 General Discussion

^ you forgot cp_process_final but that's actually a really solid pub map rotation

posted about 9 years ago
#4 Internet is suddenly slow in Hardware

Probably means something's wrong with your particular ports related to browser usage

posted about 9 years ago
#20 Viewmodel show/hide script in Q/A Help
Frost_Bitenopebind "1" "slot1; viewmodel_fov 0.1; r_drawviewmodel 0"
bind "2" "slot2; viewmodel_fov 0.1; r_drawviewmodel 0"
bind "3" "slot3; viewmodel_fov 110; r_drawviewmodel 1"

Put this in your autoexec if you want it to be the same across all classes, or in individual class configs if you want variations. Modify the values to your personal preference.
Viewmodel_fov 0 doesn't work anymore.

No but viewmodel_fov 0.1 still does.

posted about 9 years ago
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