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SteamID64 76561198040946044
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Signed Up March 28, 2014
Last Posted July 3, 2023 at 4:03 PM
Posts 762 (0.2 per day)
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120 Hz
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Keyboard shit
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Headphones Logitech H540
Monitor ASUS V248
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#4 Insomnia 71 (7-10/09/23) - incl a TF2 Esports Zone in LAN Discussion

might be a hot one

posted about a year ago
#4 RGL 6s Season 69 Grand Finals in The Dumpster

I had way too much fun.

posted about 2 years ago
#1 RGL S8 W6A: Penguins of Madagascar vs Kronge Realm CQ. in Events

posted about 3 years ago
#3 Essentials game skills in TF2 - educ. project in Videos

You should've recruited Marxist, he can give you a huge speech on how managing a TF2 team taught him how to curate a museum in Indiana

posted about 4 years ago
#21 Refresh: Gully (Prerelease thread) in Map Discussion

Small thing but there's the area above elbow/banana that you could stand on, and previously soldiers could taunt kill through the floor with it. Not sure if it's a spot that should be removed or kept, but it still exists so it's probably worth bringing up

posted about 4 years ago
#2 Battle of the Exiles in Events

hottest duel since flame

posted about 4 years ago
#7 mak is a pedo in The Dumpster

didn't even bother to change his nickname in your steam friends

posted about 4 years ago
#3 TF2 Map Test; New platform to try competitive maps in Map Discussion

Tomorrow will be cp_villa day as kevin gator wants us to try it before it gets into RGL season, feel free to join us !

What time?

posted about 4 years ago
#10 Mannbase Alpha (5cp) in Map Discussion

Second runthrough was short enough, everything genuinely feels ready and in place. There's some awkward clipping with the solar panels on mid, both the wall and a spot where you actually can stand for some reason (very finnicky). Last feels awkward to push from the right side, since the point is so far away, and it's a blind corner. Potential fixes there to make each entrance feel viable, and honestly it might be ready to roll to the next phase.

posted about 4 years ago
#17 what is the your most satisfying thing in tf2? in TF2 General Discussion

I've only experienced this once: using all 4 pipes in the chamber to take down a pocketed something (like a demo) without missing a single one

posted about 4 years ago
#6 Mannbase Alpha (5cp) in Map Discussion
skazYou're right the drop down would be very interesting but it did actually exist around a9 or a10 but was deemed too op for attackers. Will definitely reconsider.

With the amount of ground needed to cover from that entrance, I didn't think it would be quite that powerful, but it definitely feels empty without it

posted about 4 years ago
#4 Mannbase Alpha (5cp) in Map Discussion

I've been playing too much magic because my first thought was this being named "Mana Base"

Just uploaded a somewhat unfiltered blind runthrough with thoughts scattered throughout. It's a bit lengthy but overall I feel it's fine for such a wide open map, where normally a wide open map would have some issues.

TL;DW, add a dropdown to second from the lobby room between mid and 2nd, lower the height of the pallet in front of the door leading into lobby (from second, to allow soldiers to do a cool bomb I attempt), small clipping issues scattered throughout, add ammo packs to mid, maybe change the size or location of the mini pack behind the small houses on mid, make the clipping of the solar panels completely flush so soldiers don't accidentally shoot between the cracks, push the last point closer to the middle of the area, adjust the distance of the spawn doors accordingly.

I see a lot of potential for it in a pugtest. Sniper could be a little too strong on last defense.

posted about 4 years ago
#2 I want to become a TF2 caster. How do I start? in TF2 General Discussion

Honestly you can just apply straight up, it's not like "Hey you're inexperienced so we won't take you in," it'll be more like they can hit you up if something does arise (at least with TFTV, if something small can be streamed, they can pull inexperienced talent for it).

As for practice, doing recordings is always great (though challenging when recording the game at the same time as casting it, but even that is practice for casting when you need to follow the action for a cast). I always recommend just recording yourself over a demo of a match (which you're going even further, by streaming it live).

My first cast with TFTV was being slammed into the Intermediate Grand Finals for ESEA with TheFragile, they just threw me in 'cause I applied (and had done at least 1 or 2 recordings of my casting I think). You'll be surprised what some producers will do to help those who are wanting to get in

posted about 4 years ago
#10 Message in a Bottle in TF2 General Discussion

My time with you on pub servers helped change my mood as a person. It was easier to have fun and to win and lose, and not be upset, because it was more about spending time with you. I really miss those times

posted about 4 years ago
#3 Copenhagen Games 2020 TF2 in LAN Discussion
WiethoofdFrequently Asked Questions (and answers)

Q: I want to order pizza and bring my own bottle of coke to the venue, can I?
A: No, there is no outside food or beverages allowed in the new LAN venue, but with the new venue we will get proper food & drink stands with more reasonable pricing.

What about canisters for water?

posted about 5 years ago
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