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SteamID64 | 76561198015165800 |
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Country | United States |
Signed Up | April 15, 2013 |
Last Posted | September 14, 2018 at 10:46 PM |
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TechDudeSteam locking you out of chat while verifying is indeed terrible.
honestly though, who implemented this feature...
mustardoverlordI resent Lennon for making smobo seem like he can reasonably justify why people are banned
For the record I have not ejaculated on a picture of Fornaught's great-grandkids
I didn't make the decision, but I don't think it was wrong considering your long history of admin disrespect and disregard for the rules. You're personally insulting people (not offering relevant criticism) that are having a hard time dealing with DDOS and hack attacks, and acting surprised when they treat you with the slightest bit of unprofessionalism. You're in the wrong here, whether that ban message was respectfully worded or not.
Also, that was only a forum ban. There are many other ways to talk to admins and players, and you can still partake in the league itself. I personally will read any email or steam message you send me, even if other admins have had enough.
bobmusI'm all for jokey analogies but can we maybe not compare posting a picture on a dead videogame forum to 9/11?
smoboedit: sorry for the hyperbole analogy, not trying to compare the two acts, just the phrasing.
in no way did i compare the actions. i'm talking about oversimplification of a story to spin an issue in your favor.
LennonHey if we're complaining about ugc can we talk about how i got perma bannned for posting a picture
You can restate anything to sound like you're not a sick human being.
Bin Laden Hey if we're complaining about usa can we talk about how i got executed for flying a plane
The content of that picture is what's important, and UGC deemed it appropriate to give a ban for what boils down to sexual harassment of a player's children.
edit: sorry for the hyperbole analogy, not trying to compare the two acts, just the phrasing.
mustardoverlordI made a post explaining that, when Loops was an admin like 2 1/2 years ago, he complained about passwords being stored in plaintext, and when he brought it up Fornaught (head UGC admin) got really angry at him and told him not to tell anyone.
Never change, UGC!
You were banned from the forums for personal insults toward admins, not for posting a chatlog talking about our security measures. You're skewing the facts here, mustard.
Most site functionality is up again, but login stuff for team owners may not work yet. You should be able to play 6v6 matches tonight unhindered, just add the other team on steam, and if you need something you would normally use match comms for, talk to an admin.
Whoever sent that message can't do any more damage. All hands are on deck trying to sort this out.
I'll try to keep this thread updated with our announcements, as well as emailing UGC leaders and posting on our forums. Bear with us please!
blendtecThere are plenty of cheaters in UGC spread throughout every div in highlander and 6s despite a lack of cheaters in ESEA
There's even an admitted wallhacker starting on a UGC hl platinum team right now
Care to share with the rest of us, or are you just trying to look smart?
Why don't you come with me to Gullywash? It won't be stale, but I can promise we'll mate.
I wanna dry push you and force your charge
i can't do this i'm sorry
don't forget, if you use raw input in one, use it in the other
If you're getting that message your password is just too similar to your old password. I removed a character and it suddenly became strong, lol.
LeRayonVertHow long have you been 'banned'? I had that for like 1 day and then it just disappeared.
That's a relief! i've had it for about 2 days now and i hope it'll be like that
rosiehappened to me before one day it just stopped happening and twitch went back to normal except my account was banned
i emailed support and they didnt respond until after it stopped happening so idk what to tell u man
:( i hope not
cMwim assuming ur on the university isp but you're going to have to email support and ask them why your universities ip range is banned(at least thats what it sounds like) and ask if theres a way you can get it lifted
did that, hoping for the best
thanks all you guys, good to know other people experienced this