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Signed Up April 15, 2013
Last Posted September 14, 2018 at 10:46 PM
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1 ⋅⋅ 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ⋅⋅ 67
#20 SoapDM Map Support in TF2 General Discussion
yttriumTeams are often left guessing what the other team is going to do, and they're forced to play off of that.

Not trying to talk trash, but when you barely have any HL experience, most maps are probably going to seem like that.

posted about 9 years ago
#8 How to Twitch (Guide to setting up a stream) in Off Topic
Twitchmy fps drops when i stream from a regular 200+ to 60-100. Is this just because of my hardware or could my quality settings possibly be too high/unoptimized?

hardware specs:
amd phenom II @ 3.4ghz
radeon hd 6970
gigabyte 990FXA-UD3
4 gb ram

obs settings screenshots

Yes, it's the hardware. 720p 30fps is very demanding for a Phenom II. (Also 1000 bitrate is too low for that resolution, so i'm willing to bet your stream looks pixellated whenever there's movement)

posted about 9 years ago
#7 How to Twitch (Guide to setting up a stream) in Off Topic

I would recommend making a video talking about what draws in viewers, and what pushes them away. Not about what to stream, because you should just stream what you like, but how to keep viewers so that streaming is interesting for the broadcaster and the viewers.

A lot of people make mistakes like video/audio issues or music that turns people off, and it would be helpful for new streamers and old ones.

posted about 9 years ago
#46 A Guide to FOV in TF2 in TF2 General Discussion
THEBILLDOZERthe only thread i could find about this was p old. any way to add black bars to my game? it looks like this now:

don't play in windowed mode

open a picture of a large black screen in your browser and fullscreen it with f11, set your taskbar to auto-hide, and then tab into tf2
looks like this when i did that

posted about 9 years ago
#38 koth_viaduct_pro6 release in Map Discussion

Posted a UGC forum thread asking for teams to test and give feedback. It looks great just walking around in it, but play testing is important.

posted about 9 years ago
#47 UGC Steel 6v6 Finals in TF2 General Discussion
What he's trying to say is that since it's hard to prevent sandbagging, they decide not to reward the sandbaggers, therefore reducing the incentives to sandbag
all ur doing is contributing to the lolugc mindset and having an excuse for not being an admin that actually takes care of the league and promotes an actually health division

placement badges would be the hypest thing ever for lower level players tbh

You're missing the part where we want people to actually leave steel. Perks for higher divisions add to the prestige, making people work harder to improve and reach those levels. You might not think so, but to many people, being able to call yourself a "gold player" means a lot. That gold participation badge is something you can't just get by asking your pub buddy to roster ride, it means something to players.

Winning steel isn't supposed to feel like a big deal, because chances are whoever did it was intentionally sandbagging (trying to appear less skilled than they are so they don't get moved up)

These perks such as placement medals also serve to keep higher level players from thinking "I could try my hardest to place, or i could go down a division and win every match running full time spy". There is a strong case for 6s gold medals, but that will come when the competition warrants it.

It's not laziness, it's not stupidity. It's what we think is best within the constraints Valve puts on medals. Giving placement medals to every division is impossible, and what we have now is a pretty good way to divide them.

posted about 9 years ago
#16 So what is your favorite operating system? in The Dumpster

Windows 7 is sweet. Hoping Windows 10 and DirectX 12 change my mind!!

posted about 9 years ago
#37 UGC Steel 6v6 Finals in TF2 General Discussion
tetrominosmobomarketyo anyone wanna stack steel with me so we can get a 1st place badge high im /invite players only DO NOT ASK TO PLAY IF YOU'RE IN OPENNo placement badges for 6v6 below platinum because the skill just isn't there to justify it, and because we found they encouraged sandbagging more than they inspired improvement from newer players. Participation badges and double elimination playoffs are rewards for making it to higher divisions.
Alright man but what's your excuse for no silver 4v4 placement badges? I was so hyped for those.

4v4 is the lifeblood of competitive TF2 and deserves more respect. I have no excuse for you.

posted about 9 years ago
#29 UGC Steel 6v6 Finals in TF2 General Discussion
fatswimdudesmobomarketyo anyone wanna stack steel with me so we can get a 1st place badge high im /invite players only DO NOT ASK TO PLAY IF YOU'RE IN OPENNo placement badges for 6v6 below platinum because the skill just isn't there to justify it, and because we found they encouraged sandbagging more than they inspired improvement from newer players. Participation badges and double elimination playoffs are rewards for making it to higher divisions.not even for silver/gold anymore?

Haven't had them for several seasons. HL Silver and Gold still get placement medals because people actually take those divisions seriously.

posted about 9 years ago
#39 Robbers steal 300 million dollars in jewelry in Off Topic
AvastomnificAvastYou're British?

aren't jokes supposed to be funny?

posted about 9 years ago
#26 UGC Steel 6v6 Finals in TF2 General Discussion
marketyo anyone wanna stack steel with me so we can get a 1st place badge high im /invite players only DO NOT ASK TO PLAY IF YOU'RE IN OPEN

No placement badges for 6v6 below platinum because the skill just isn't there to justify it, and because we found they encouraged sandbagging more than they inspired improvement from newer players. Participation badges and double elimination playoffs are rewards for making it to higher divisions.

posted about 9 years ago
#34 Killing Floor 2 in Other Games
Foxyeah but i think it's silly you're striking against the devs that seem to be putting their heart into it and are actually using early access the proper way

i really doubt the kf devs would ever leave the game unfinished, and i'm willing to put that into text now because i really doubt they are going to abandon their game even a year from now

I'm not actually striking against the devs, I'm just not going to buy the game until full release. And I absolutely plan to buy this because I love Killing Floor.

posted about 9 years ago
#299 Cheater/Hacker thread in TF2 General Discussion
#     48 "WTF YOU GOT TO EAT IN THIS BITC" [U:1:177648844] 01:17   81    0 active

This is from DM servers? We talked about him already and schnell banned him, so I think it's taken care of.

posted about 9 years ago
#31 Killing Floor 2 in Other Games
Foxi'd rather them early access the games and allow us to give us feedback rather than just hoping that their game works out for the best and fully releases it and patches it after

The problem is that devs take their sweet time getting to the finished state because they already got paid and there is next to no motivation to complete the full release. It's happened many times with indie games, and I've gotten burned by one too many early access/kickstarter titles that failed to deliver.

KF2 looks like they're doing things right, but i'm holding back to "vote with my wallet" against the early access fad.

posted about 9 years ago
#12 LFT mid open Scout in Recruitment (looking for team)

bump s19? will play below or above mid open if you need me to

EDIT: I thought the season was starting a little later than it is. I can't play weekdays for the next two weeks due to exams so I'm probably not going to be able to join a team this season. My bad!

posted about 9 years ago
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