KevinIsPwnForefatherDid you guys really expect anything but aids from the people who watch his videos?
Hello friend.
I watch his videos. And star's. And Jerma's. And Dane's. And etc. They all highlight TF2 in a completely different way than I play it, and them trying to bring their sub-communities closer to ours will be seriously awesome. It's kinda the thing I take away from the TF2Can event from a while back. Separating tf2 into different tiers of quality/elitism, as you are doing, doesn't get anything accomplished.
SORRY if your lobby experience is less than optimal over the next few weeks. A true tragedy.
Agreed, Kevin. You can't expect everyone to fit in with the comp community before they even get to understand it. Some of them are pretty young and impressionable, so setting a good example (instead of calling them aids) could go a long way.