i've been spending the last couple days digging thru tf2 pure code and just getting angrier and angrier at how incompetent valve is in regards to sv pure AND my lack of ability to fix it from a sourcemod / server side because srcds doesn't expose ANYTHING i can find that will let me flush a client's soundemitter system, outside of loading a map_sounds_txt override file which has to be downloaded to the client, which personally doesn't seem like a workable solution.
even the laziest hacky fix that would take literally ONE FUCKING LINE OF CODE would be flushing the client's soundemitter system after L969 here: https://github.com/lua9520/source-engine-2018-hl2_src/tree/master/soundemittersystem/soundemittersystembase.cpp#L967-L969
it's gotta be mentioned that for some god damn reason AddSoundsFromFile there is taking the file it was just told to reload as an input to readd to the soundsystem? what the fuck dude!
of course, actually fixing sv pure to work would be a better solution than just adding a hack kludge fix. maybe even make it not wholly client authoritative!
then again, that's too much to expect from a company like valve innit????
from what i can tell, they wholesale just ripped out the "check crc hashes" part of sv pure (deprecating sv_pure_trace, sv_pure_retiretime, and sv_pure_consensus), but they just ... never bothered to set up anything else like it? at all? when you connect to a tf2 server from what I can tell the server just politely asks you to copy its sv pure whitelist to your local whitelist in memory and not mess with it at all which is HILARIOUSLY easy to bypass for cheats and trivially easy EVEN IF YOU'RE NOT CHEATING by just fucking fiddling with directories and/or preloading because the pure code wasnt updated to properly check for the custom folder's existence (at least that's what i can gather). ugh dude just fucking give this game to another studio already it's just fucking embarrassing