Still never got paid +frags for coming up with the name. Guess I'll have to buy a shoutout.
Account Details | |
SteamID64 | 76561197967818426 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:7552698] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:0:3776349 |
Country | United States |
Signed Up | July 21, 2012 |
Last Posted | November 9, 2016 at 4:10 PM |
Posts | 2126 (0.5 per day) |
Game Settings | |
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Raw Input | |
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Hardware Peripherals | |
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Keyboard | |
Mousepad | |
Headphones | |
Monitor |
A lot of my friends are playing again, but they're on Spring break so they're going hardcore on it. Also, didn't know RoS was just 1 Act, seems small for a $40 expansion.
WithADanceNumberpolk, sub 100$ is his budget.
buy these
+ whatever mic you can find for cheap. You're playing video games not producing professional sound.
You still pay for material quality. My $20 headphones had an awful cord and it split in half. My new ones have a fancy coil at the ends and is heavily protected. Also seems much less likely to break off an ear speaker based on the way the plastic is secured to the arch. I'd rather get headphones that have good build quality than having to patch up my headphones often.
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I got audio technicas M45 2 weeks ago. They're pretty good, but I'm still trying to "break" them because it's too much pressure on my ears. My $20 Sennheisers were more comfortable, but started to fall apart after ~1 year (though I treated it roughly).
RoS actually looks good, but I can't bring myself to buy it yet because I'm still bitter over D3. Maybe if all my friends get it for spring break next week I can do it.
relytAlright once you beat this game try this one
Got to 100k, shit is too tiring to spam 3 directions.
Also, easy way to get ~10k points is to spam 3 directions. You should only ever have to use 3 if you play it right, since the highest numbers should all be on one side as you try to fit everything else into them. If you want to win, you have to pay more attention.
Ranknew patch. anyone want to do some merveil or whatever ambush merciless. ill roll in invasion with somebody if they dont suck as well
my name is rankfacenospace
Invasion kinda sucks. Unless you want the first Atziri kill, there's really no incentive to play since you fight ridiculous bosses that give you rare-level loot. The difficulty becomes avoiding almost all of them since you're not going to be geared enough in Merciless unless you're going Searing bond. Ambush gives you a shit ton of loot at a really low cost (especially since you can die). Also, I made the mistake of rolling melee so I probably have to spend another 6-8 hours if I want to get level 50 again with a ranged character (or I could go spectral throw, but I'm tired of that skill). Literally the Searing Bond league.
Great and fitting end. Hopefully next season the new cast can match this one.
Aside from inhouse pugs, is the most competitive. Mix if you get fatkidded a lot.
Wish M2K didn't be a gentleman, could have had more games. Ridiculously fast grand finals.
That all in rest didn't work out. M2K rematch.