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Last Posted November 9, 2016 at 4:10 PM
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#10 SGDQ 2014 Games List in Off Topic
Fog\o/ Octodad \o/
It'll be nice to see some of my strats being streamed to thousands of people

What strats did you come up with? Elevator skip 2 strong.

posted about 11 years ago
#3 NS2 world championships today in Esports

Overclocked i5/i7 and $300 video card or better required to play.

posted about 11 years ago
#96 Sacramento LANFest spring edition in LAN Discussion

Shit I need to start buying tickets anyways scalping them.

Also, I wonder if it's worth it to start promoting casual LANs like this and PAX on the front page. Could also be used to put out information like hotels etc if we get a community member to update a page.

posted about 11 years ago
#25 True Detective in Off Topic

Finished episode 5, it's really creepy. And the preview's no better. I love this.

posted about 11 years ago
#240 Twitch Plays Pokemon in Off Topic

Over 125k viewers. League killer confirmed.

posted about 11 years ago
#23 True Detective in Off Topic

Started first episode today, and now I'm going to work late tomorrow.

EDIT: 2 episodes is enough for tonight. Shit is kinda creepy.

posted about 11 years ago
#163 Twitch Plays Pokemon in Off Topic
freakinim not convinced getting surf will actually be achievable with this many people

Eventually, when the hype dies down, less people = greater chance of succeeding. Unless the hype never dies, then it probably will take forever.

I still can't believe 1 day per badge so far. I originally thought 2-3 months, but I think it can be done under 2 months now.

EDIT: 2 pokedolls bought. The dream is dead soon.

posted about 11 years ago
#161 Twitch Plays Pokemon in Off Topic

Wanna take bets on how long until they beat the game (no M2)? Considering it only took ~4 days exact to get 4 badges, I imagine 8 badges might take only 1.5-2 weeks (since the later stuff is much more complicated). Victory Road will probably take a week+ on its own though.

posted about 11 years ago
#21 VAC sending info to valve in TF2 General Discussion
kirbybrowny, did you purposely turn that MPGH logo into a gif? lol

Nope, literally just googled counter strike hacks and took the first two link's logos.

Also, it's been so fucking long since I went on MPGH. I remember getting my first Maplestory VAC hacks and GGG bypasses there. And learning how to change CE's source code to obfuscate functions, learning assembly, god those days.

synchroYou could match the list of people who visited X cheat website with the list of people who run Y programs alongside their games. If the only people who run a program called TotallyNotACheat.exe are also all on a list of people who visited TotallyACheat.com, then that's pretty convincing evidence that TotallyNotACheat.exe is, in fact, a cheat.

So I could make a program that's called the same thing as a hack and visit the website, but not actually hack and still get banned? That's completely retarded and I'm pretty sure that's not how they do it.

AC should work on detecting injection or illegal memory reads, not reading your browser history and using circumstantial evidence. ACs should always catch a person in the act, not in any other way. Considering everybody is running VAC when they play on a VAC server, there shouldn't be any filtering between people who visited X website or not. It should be are you playing on a VAC server? If yes, run the VAC module and ban people who hack on these servers. Running a hack when you're not on a VAC server should not result in a VAC ban. You're "allowed" to do it (depends on the server owner obviously, but outside of valve's jurisdiction).

posted about 11 years ago
#152 Twitch Plays Pokemon in Off Topic

Does money even matter when you're basically incapable of buying anything?

Also Pigeotto OP, 12hp and paralyzed beats trainer. I really wish there was less stream delay like twitch used to have.

posted about 11 years ago
#18 VAC sending info to valve in TF2 General Discussion
synchroI'm about to make a terrible analogy that I always call people out on buuut...

That's essentially the same as saying a description of a criminal is a terrible way to do police work. If you're looking for a white male, around 6' and 200 lbs, yeah, you're bound to get a ton of false positives.

However, it's still a starting point: it's fairly safe to say that of the 1000 people who have that site in their cache, there's probably at least one of them who actually uses the cheat. It's better than saying of the hundreds of thousands of people who have the game, at least one of them probably cheats.

But that's to find a specific suspect; if they're not going to investigate someone because they've never visited a hack site/have a hack site on their DNS, then it's pretty useless information. I just don't see it being very useful or necessary information for them to have.

Also, I don't think they very often do individual investigations (except when profiling and what not new cheats) and instead look at a statistical pool. The exceptions being people like Mr Kaori and Drunken Fool, which often isn't even related to in game cheating.

posted about 11 years ago
#14 VAC sending info to valve in TF2 General Discussion
synchroThe reddit post linked gives a pretty good idea of why they probably do it.

It's really hard for a program to figure out what other programs are running accurately, because it's really easy for programs to pretend to be something else. We had software on our laptops in high school that blocked access to most programs; we were able to get around it by just tricking it into thinking we were running internet explorer.

However, it's hard for a hack to mask its website; if people are looking for a cheat client, they can't be expected to find it on a different website every day, which is the only way checking the DNS wouldn't work. Otherwise, if someone goes to organner.pl, Valve now has a bit more reason to believe there's cheating software on the client's computer, and that can help them figure out how to detect it.



Grats, just got everyone viewing this page a hack site in their DNS cache.

That's a horrible way to do AC. Just link to an image on a hack site and it's on your DNS. Sure, they can be clues, but the evidence is NEVER conclusive looking at DNS, and really why it's just free data mining from players.

The "perfect" AC would only scan your current game and the OS, but of course there's almost always a way to circumvent detection. DNS isn't any strong evidence.

posted about 11 years ago
#9 VAC sending info to valve in TF2 General Discussion
ReminixeI honestly don't see why this is that big of a deal even if they can see what websites you go to.
How is this any different from google tailoring ads to your web history?

Not trying to be condescending, genuinely want to understand

People don't like being tracked. Also people have things to hide. Even if they MD5 the websites, you can eventually figure out the sites by rainbow tabling a lot of sites.

Not saying it's likely for valve to do anything malicious, but they shouldn't need that data to do anti-cheat. It's like anal probing someone for a teeth cleaning, though less physically uncomfortable.

posted about 11 years ago
#132 Twitch Plays Pokemon in Off Topic

GG, TELEPORT BACK. They were gonna die anyways.

posted about 11 years ago
#130 Twitch Plays Pokemon in Off Topic

SS Ticket #1 battle item.

Also Whirlwind #1 ability.

posted about 11 years ago
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