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Signed Up July 21, 2012
Last Posted November 9, 2016 at 4:10 PM
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#10 Can you add my stream to the list? in Site Discussion
jerryjigglerMe 5. Going to start streaming scrims too next week.

I think you missed this forum:

posted about 12 years ago
#3 Just some feedback in Hardware

The layout is suppose to be compatible across all monitor sizes. If you want it to fill more, zoom in.

Although there could be a non-logo banner.

posted about 12 years ago
#80 To this day in Off Topic

This thread is awful.

Also, calling people out for doing weird shit should be fine. Continually harassing people over it isn't unless it affects them (stinking counts, clogging toilets every fucking week because they're using 5-10 seat covers in the bathroom counts, etc). Only mental illnesses should get a pass for that stuff, but people will still be annoyed and have a right to be (honestly, getting sneezed on by an autistic guy was pretty fucking annoying). They just don't have the right to bully.

posted about 12 years ago
#13 Game of Thrones Season 3 trailer in Off Topic

I dropped the show in the middle of the 2nd season. I have no clue why I keep losing interest in good shows like this and WD, BB :x.

posted about 12 years ago
#8 Need Practice Players for Community Vs Pro's Event in TF2 General Discussion

Jaeger returns.

posted about 12 years ago
#14 Learning web design in TF2 General Discussion

PHP is ezmode if you know a C language. Ruby takes much more effort to learn, and then you have to learn Rails and stuff. But it's suppose to have a much better code structure and performance.

PHP is the way to go unless you really want to spend weeks-months learning Ruby before you make progress. Python w/ Flask is also an option, but I haven't personally worked with it. Ask TronPaul, he's coding LobbyPy with it.

To omp: even if PHP is an inferior language, it is the standard. Going against the standard isn't always worth it, although Ruby on Rails is probably growing (I've seen a few more internships asking for knowledge of it).

posted about 12 years ago
#24 Comms that make a 6s mumble terrible in TF2 General Discussion
flippers'med took 149'


posted about 12 years ago
#4 Comms that make a 6s mumble terrible in TF2 General Discussion

"Why was no one watching flank?"

"Where was everyone?"

"I thought we were pushing?"

"I was the only one at <place>."

"I can't believe we're losing to <person>. He's such a shitty player."

"Ahaha kinda blazed right now ahahahha."

posted about 12 years ago
#34 TF2 Web Spectator in TF2 General Discussion
vtableI see. The downside of doing it as a VPS is that you have to deal with all kinds of silliness in Valve's APIs, and if a server update breaks some obscure part of your plugin, you have to fix it yourself, which can be quite… entertaining.

The benefit would be you don't have to wait for SM to update if you update first too. I also like VSPs for not having to install SM with it.

posted about 12 years ago
#25 New player seeks emense knowledge in Q/A Help
Saltysally1100 competitive hours are twice as valuable as 100 pub hours...

Yeah, but playing with somebody who doesn't know how to rocket jump in a pug is really annoying. And also doesn't know how/when to cap. Fundamentals should come first. I was incredibly annoyed a few years ago when people who had played maybe 10 hours of TF2 wanted to play competitive, but didn't understand the objectives of push maps, or how uber is used/the mechanic specifics, rocket jumping (you don't need to be amazing at it, but understand it at least), some general aspects of classes. I don't think you start competitive TF2 to learn the game. You learn the game then play competitive once you feel that there's better competition out there with a better game style for you. I don't think you should just start comp TF2 and ignore learning the general mechanics through pubbing and other experimentation.

Although lobbies are probably bad enough that it won't matter that you start there. But it's filled with unfriendly people so then again maybe it's a bad idea.

posted about 12 years ago
#69 Who pioneered 6s in TF2? in TF2 General Discussion
dlI think a lot of comp players would be disgusted by how dumb the game is and wouldn't even consider playing it competitively.

This probably. I don't think I could look at TF2 the way I do if I grouped it in with all the other F2P games of the current era. And hats. If TF2 came with hats, I don't think anyone from the competitive community would take it seriously. TF2 has added so much silliness, for better or worse.

posted about 12 years ago
#31 Oldschool TOURNY in TF2 General Discussion
FzeroI'm talking about like 2-3 months after launch, maybe we're not talking about the same time?

I don't remember it being 10 damage at launch, but I guess I never thought about it that much back then.


This was right after launch, the first jump he takes 36 damage.

posted about 12 years ago
#27 Oldschool TOURNY in TF2 General Discussion
FzeroI think most of the stuff that you said are completely correct, but I swear that I played some comp while the self damage was quite limited. Granted this was quite a bit ago and I could be incorrect, but I really feel this was a hot-topic when it was started.

PS- for those of you that don't know, Valve actually listened to us, albeit slow, but at least listened.

There were a few updates that completely changed rocket/sticky jumping (though you took more damage). The fixed it most of the time. Also, gunboats used to be 75% damage reduction, which was about 10-15 damage a rocket jump.

posted about 12 years ago
#25 Oldschool TOURNY in TF2 General Discussion
Fzero1) Does anyone remember what the old self damage was from shooting the ground as a solly? I think it was 10-15, right?

Not at launch, I believe. Maybe in beta.

2) I completely forgot that rollers would also hit on hit models, how do we fix that?

I don't think it's possible, maybe detect ticks where the pipe hitbox and player hitbox are intersecting. Also, I think they changed it at launch.

3) When was the FOV changed? I know the first season I used 75, but I was also stubborn and refused to use the fast pistol script to the "idea" of the game. I was so young and stupid, lol

I thought it was always fov 90 and people had bad computers that autoset to 75? Not sure though.

4) Crits were soo weird back then, and little knowledge was known about when they triggered. This may be incorrect, but I remember a shit ton of mis-information about them until like 3 months after the game was out of beta.


5) If I find this HHD, I can just change the name of the map to, like, ctf_well_old and it will stay intact, correct?

You mean map? Yes, unless there were entity changes.

6) Going with 5, wouldn't all of us have to have the exact same version of the game that goes with the server?

Yeah, but that already applies. Just upload the maps and we should still be able to play them (don't log in using that computer, just keep it offline and take stuff from the .gcf file).

posted about 12 years ago
#12 New player seeks emense knowledge in Q/A Help
k0ngzy#10 Thanks that's really cool! Using it now!
What are the common xhairs used by the pro scouts?

Preference. Some use crosses, some use dots, some use X.

Also, how much of the game have you played non-competitively? I think it's too hard to just jump into competitive playstyle without understanding the underlying mechanics of the game. Pub a lot more, you need a few hours to understand the way classes work in general. Also try to play on control point push maps (cp_badlands, cp_granary).

posted about 12 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 ⋅⋅ 139