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Last Posted November 9, 2016 at 4:10 PM
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1 ⋅⋅ 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 ⋅⋅ 139
#8 Remove PYYYOUR from streamer list. in Site Discussion
flippersi thought they were hiding their strats for lan, which they arent using in normal matches

But unless they only scrim on their server, people can just record an STV demo and figure them out. Unless they're not going to scrim against their competition (other invite teams).

posted about 11 years ago
#15 Oldschool TOURNY in TF2 General Discussion

Didn't ctf well come out really late? Dunno if 7's/8's used it though.

posted about 11 years ago
#8 Oldschool TOURNY in TF2 General Discussion

Someone start a sourcemod now. I think you'll have to disabled normal crits and remake the old curve (server sided crit mod). Damage spread can be turned off then scaled randomly by the mod. Dunno how to disable first shot is accurate though (because pistol missed first shot, you'd miss a sticky).

I think asymmetric granary has been lost, though someone can remove the grates at 2nd that let scouts go upper. Decompile well and you might get something to remake 2nd.

posted about 11 years ago
#4 Oldschool TOURNY in TF2 General Discussion

Crits on, random weapon spread, and a mod that increases damage spread to +/-25% damage on 2fort and dustbowl. Also, no badlands because that came after launch. Should also play granary with gates (was added then removed), old well without the stairwell and reopenable spawn @ second. A

Also, you'll have to reimplement the crit rates so we get the reptile permacrit mode (see the old video on dustbowl). God the game was so freaking flawed. I wonder if TF2 would have done better before if pipes didn't randomly one shot scouts and crits were disabled from the start.

posted about 11 years ago
#19 SteamPipe in TF2 General Discussion
omp[note] As far as my HUD is concerned, I intend to continue shipping the HUD in the same format as now, through Git and ZIP files. If there exists a command-line tool to create VPKs, I will generate nightly packages; otherwise, I won't.

I'd be very disappointed if they didn't release packaging software/library for the new file format. I imagine they will though.

posted about 11 years ago
#27 Further expansion/coverage in Site Discussion

It's all about manpower when it comes to expanding. If people are willing to put out the quality content, I'm sure enigma has no complaints. It's just harder for him to reach out than it is for other people to come to him (dealing with the time zone difference to communicate and possible language barriers in Asia). Australia doesn't seem as hard though, so long as someone notable contacts him and sets up arrangements/manages it.

posted about 11 years ago
#64 tf2 bhopping in TF2 General Discussion
drmtcBrownymaster, what you don't understand about bhop is that the ratio of speed to each class remains the same, with or without bhop. so the max bhop speed of a heavy is slower than the max of a medic, in the same ratio that it is without the existence of bhop. this cancels out any argument about one class being more powerful than another one, unless you can explain it to me another way. as for finding a way to implement bhop that keeps it challenging, im not sure if this is possible, but maybe there is away if you play around with the physics engine (idk im not an expert in this field).

you use the heavy with gru as an example for bhop not being balanced, but bhop would be nothing like the gru, because everyone would be able to bhop whenever they wanted to, unlike gru where only heavy can use it when he switches to his melee.

i dont see how everybody getting to mid faster is a con, because everyone still gets to mid in the same ratio of time as they would without bhop.

IDEALLY, someone would make a mod where bhop would be as challenging as it is in tfc, where you CAN'T do a low rj to accelerate to your max bhop speed, because a low rj is much faster than 170% of the soldiers defualt speed, and if you do do a low rj and try to bhop in tfc, you will be dropped down to 100% default speed the second you touch the ground b/c you went over the 170% default speed cap.

so far the only really arguments i see are that it would make a even greater barrier between pubbers and comp players, and that the tf2 engine limits the creation of a bhop system that has a significantly steep learning curve.

The mod would have to manually adjust the max speed; as far as I know, max bhop speed isn't capped unless the mod has it's own vector limiter (in which case, would a heavy blasted by 8 stickies while ubered lose speed on a bounce?). Which would be kinda dumb, since an rjing soldier would lose speed on a bounce when currently you can still maintain some speed off the first jump.

As you can see, you're proposing a new mod with more modifications adding more complexity to what was meant to be a simple mechanic (bhopping is pretty simple, mastering it is more difficult that it's implementation). As is, you're asking for a complex mechanic with a simpler learning curve (which IMO is dumb).

Also, the ratios are NOT preserved because demo and soldier use explosives, scout is nerfed on maps like badlands where you'll constantly bump into places (like dropdown @ badlands), and plus the rollouts often go to entirely different positions (sniper bhop to badlands choke).

Basically, the mod you're proposing is more complex than most current implementations of bhop (from games like quake and NS, I swear your momentum is conserved for the most part on a bounce after a RJ or blink). It's also severely dumbed down because server sided bouncing isn't synchronized like an engine bounce is (which means you need a TF2 promod).

Basically, it boils down to you not understanding how pure ratios != preserved balance. How about if we made it so every class moved 5000% faster? Even if the ratios are preserved, gameplay isn't. The marginal difference between each class isn't preserved, considering you could touch any wall in under a second. The bhop scaling will not preserve the balance, especially with explosives.

posted about 11 years ago
#18 Who pioneered 6s in TF2? in TF2 General Discussion
kirbyWas it two medics and two demos when it was 8v8? I can't remember.

Man comp. TF2 has changed a lot, even since I started.

Yeah, only demo was restricted to one (at a time when euros still had two demos, silly euros).

posted about 11 years ago
#14 Who pioneered 6s in TF2? in TF2 General Discussion

Don't think it was CAL. I remember TGL had 6's for roughneck, but beta tournaments probably fixed it. CEVO ended the discussion afterwards.

I remember TWL had 7's, STA and something else had 8's.

dianadid animeman ever go by a different alias? i could have sworn he was called something else way back when i started getting interested in comp, but every time i try and find out, it doesnt lead anywhere

Mithun? I think that was one of his other names (it's his real name anyways).

posted about 11 years ago
#53 tf2 bhopping in TF2 General Discussion
...can't get good precision on the server side for bhopping.

your cons are all shit and you come off as extremely bias
for the guy legitimately wondering.
the only class it breaks is scout, but that alone is plenty reason why this can never happen. To make scout balanced again you would literally have to give him fly, but remove the accel/deceleration.
The other reason is that we would basically be creating a new game.

I am biased. Cons aren't shit, I don't think anyone wants to deal with fast heavies again (see gru's). Desync is a problem, ever try the mod wth 100+ ping? It registers the bhop late. I also dislike when people suggest turning comp tf2 into a promod game. We shouldn't add mods like that to the game and make it into another. I wish people realized that it's not feasible and will just divide the community.

Also, I dislike how you're fine with completely rebalancing the game years after it's come out. This is a mechanic, not an unlock that can be moderated and assimilated slowly.

posted about 11 years ago
#6 PoE hour races in Off Topic

Oh dang, lots of short races coming up. Gonna be fun.


posted about 11 years ago
#9 ESEA and Maps: A proposal in TF2 General Discussion
drshdwpuppetI agree that it is not an issue, but is an example of other problems.

And a while ago (before the granary shit-hole update) every time I played a scrim or match on granary, I would send a bug report about red spawns. Never responded to :(

How about we organize another emailing? Pick a TF2 dev's email address and send similar complaints. It works surprisingly well when it's multiple people at once (which rarely gets fixed).

posted about 11 years ago
#7 ESEA and Maps: A proposal in TF2 General Discussion

If someone is above your spawn on gullywash mid while you're pushing last and someone is exiting spawn, I honestly think it's a non-issue.

Granary spawns aren't too gamebreaking (sometimes annoying though), though we could just email spam them about the exact issue and they might actually do something about it.

Dunno what gpit issues you're talking about though.

posted about 11 years ago
#10 SteamPipe in TF2 General Discussion

TF2 was a test ground for micro-transaction model. It was also one of the "test" games for the Orange Box Source engine. That's not the big issue with valve's updates. It's more that they keep adding features that can't be handled by older systems and stopped supporting old features (dx81, matmip -1, etc).

Steam pipe has nothing to do with it, and should honestly be an improvement over the current system (unless you like validating files all the time). This system could theoretically fix it if they fragment the files well.

Also, this could possible be the end of the .gcf, so I can stop using GCFscape from nemtools to extra stuff.

posted about 11 years ago
#37 tf2 bhopping in TF2 General Discussion
drmtcturtsmcgurtsbecause the cons so obviously outweigh the pros that it isn't worth it.plz i would like to hear the cons

Holding +jump for free speed is dumb.
Heavy becomes broken.
Heavy becomes top tier.
Every class to mid faster (mainly heavy)
Soldiers don't need to sacrifice as much HP for speed (only height)
Scout is less useful (you can just bunnyhop around as pyro with more HP, go sniper to mid really fast, and chasing things is harder since you'll probably push them faster)
Defeats the purpose of classes having different speed pro/cons.
Makes any explosive class move more efficiently (1 RJ and bhop and you stream across mid).

And if you ever say that there should be a special part of the mod that doesn't let heavies bunny hop, you'll see how shitty it is to complicate the game even more for a stupid hold +jump mod.

You can airstrafe more.
You can "offclass" more.
You need less engagement intelligence to play the game effectively in exchange for the immense skill of learning how to do small airstrafes and hold down +jump

EDIT: Also, those who want to say not +jump holding but instead require precise timing, that's impossible without changing the game itself. Ever been desynced? It's because bhop is server-sided, as it's not a normal game mechanic, and you can't get good precision on the server side for bhopping.

posted about 11 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 ⋅⋅ 139