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Last Posted November 9, 2016 at 4:10 PM
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#4 TF2 Bhop badlands and steel no plugin in Off Topic

This guy has quite a bit:

posted about 11 years ago
#2 New Daft Punk After 8 Years in Off Topic

Fav. song from them, it's about time.


Now if Tool would too.

posted about 11 years ago
#24 hey fog can you unban sniper in TF2 General Discussion

Nerd essay, but I think I should explain why 8 stickies and sniper is bad for DM in the first place.

#1) You learn nothing when you get killed by a long range headshot, bodyshot, or sticky trap in DM. When you're playing scout, demo, or soldier, you're not playing to check sticky spots. You can shut down a window or pathway as demo and instakill someone. Every other class generally takes at least two shots to kill. It forces zoning in DM, which really doesn't work. And in the end, you feel cheated in the engagement. There's nothing you could have practically done against 3 stickies that you had no clue were there or a sniper you can't kill halfway across the map.

#2) Sniping only favors the sniper. When you play DM as scout, soldier, or demo, did you join that server to get used to getting shot by a sniper? Are you trying to practice your DM skills against sniper? Chances are it's a no. You joined DM to fight scouts, soldiers, and demos. Nobody joins DM to practice killing snipers except snipers themselves. On the other hand, snipers benefit from sniping any class. Everybody but the sniper loses in DM. Scouts, soldiers, and demos gain nothing from playing against or with a sniper. There is no real practice gained, no enjoyment gained, and no reason to deal with it. Same with 8 stickies, you aren't joining a server to get used to checking gay sticky spots or trying to run around and away from a stickied area.

EDIT: basically what #23 said.

posted about 11 years ago
#22 hey fog can you unban sniper in TF2 General Discussion
miwoI don't understand why people hate sniper in DM.

If you hit your shots when you should be hitting your shots, why does it matter if you die? Isn't DM about hitting your shots?

Getting 2 shot by a scout that spawned behind you is dumb too, but only if you actually care about dying or k/d in DM. Which you shouldn't, imo.

It's the fundamental issue with sniper, but exemplified if the sniper is really good. Read the TF2 blog post, it explains it pretty well. Getting spawned on from behind at least lets you react (since it takes two shots), even if its a futile reaction.


The second was whether you felt you were actually engaged with the person who killed you. Dying to someone you weren't engaged with, especially when you were already engaged with someone else, was aggravating. Even worse was dying to someone who you couldn't have engaged with, even if you chose to. In that case, you're very unlikely to believe you could have done anything differently to survive.

In particular, the second seemed to be the root cause of the hatred of Snipers. You're often killed by them while you're engaged with an enemy in the foreground, and most of the time the Sniper is so far away it feels like you couldn't have dealt with him even if you didn't have enemies nearby. In fact, the Sniper's goal is to create that relationship: he specifically wants to fight enemies outside their engagement range, because that's his primary advantage.
posted about 11 years ago
#20 hey fog can you unban sniper in TF2 General Discussion
snacksthe reason for the headshot only plugin is to make it less dumb being bodyshot from across the map. getting full ammo and half health every kill teaches horrible habits as well in dm but it doesn't matter. it isn't a real game or a pug, it's DeathMatch

Technically, it doesn't make it any less dumb, it just makes it impossible. And I still think it's just as annoying to get headshot halfway across the map considering you're still losing HP/dying.

posted about 11 years ago
#15 hey fog can you unban sniper in TF2 General Discussion
Blurrwhy not just die->respawn

What's your threshold for complication?

I mean no bodyshot makes the hs+bodyshot not work against soldiers, which is arguably a fair kill. And a shot disappearing isn't intuitive.

posted about 11 years ago
#13 hey fog can you unban sniper in TF2 General Discussion

Is it possible to force a feign death to players? I think it'd be cool if you couldn't actually kill anyone with the sniper rifle who's beyond say 750 hammer units and instead get ubered or something so people fighting halfway across the map don't have to deal with it. Basically the plugin lets people get the headshot kill satisfaction, but other players don't have to deal with dying randomly. And close range headshots within the 512 range will actually kill the person since at that point it's much like any other DM situation. It'd be interesting at the very least.

posted about 11 years ago
#19 Shoot Mania anyone? in Off Topic
Nin2246Browny the game is a bit complex when you get into the finer details. Accuracy is more important than any movement could bring you this game though. Miss 2 shots and it is GG.

How is this different from any other FPS?? I am so confused. If you miss a scattergun shot in a 1v1 vs a scout, could be death. If you miss a rocket, could be death. Miss a close range headshot as sniper, you're dead. I don't really understand how you could call the game any more complex because you have to aim well. If anything, you're highlighting how shallow the game is.

posted about 11 years ago
#2 theblackbanjo in Off Topic

Best ESEA frag vid, even if from a pug pregame. Shame it was deleted.

posted about 11 years ago
#62 Looking for low IM pocket soldier s14 in Recruitment (looking for team)
potwas a legitimate question

Was rude.

posted about 11 years ago
#39 Looking for low IM pocket soldier s14 in Recruitment (looking for team)

Wow this team has a logs resume, must be good.

posted about 11 years ago
#8 TF2FAN at twitter in TF2 General Discussion

Don't they ban people for having attitudes? I mean yeah acting like an asshole isn't a good thing, but I think people should have the right to compete just the same. Especially if the game is suppose to be really competitive, so what if people act up? Only personality that's acceptable will be goody-two shoes, which is kinda boring.

posted about 11 years ago
#10 Shoot Mania anyone? in Off Topic

What do you guys see in the game that warrants $18-$20? Honestly I don't get what people see in the game. The gameplay is so basic you could just play some source mod that could emulate everything but maybe the weird air hover movement. Graphics are so out of place (no complex models and blocky stages, yet high definition grass and what not), weapons are just rocket and railgun, there are modes where 2 people sit out while one plays, etc. I could see you messing around with it for a beta, but what would make you pay $20?

Carnage was smart to try to take any of the $ tournaments they had right now though, but I'm sure most people realize it won't last.

posted about 11 years ago
#21 Recommended upgrades in Hardware
Ellie_GouldingSSD as a boot drive and upgrade your card to a 7870. There are some nice promotions with them right now and they perform great.

Did you really need to bump this?

posted about 11 years ago
#13 What most schools don't teach in Off Topic

Coding is a great logic exercise, and I honestly think schools could benefit from them.

posted about 11 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 ⋅⋅ 139