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Signed Up July 21, 2012
Last Posted November 9, 2016 at 4:10 PM
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1 ⋅⋅ 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 ⋅⋅ 139
#25 IPL 6 cancelled in TF2 General Discussion

TF2's competitive scene may die, but TF2 itself likely won't. F2P + hats, it's going to last a long time. I don't think TF2 is going to die anytime soon anyways, as it's been pretty stable (even growing, though I can't say that for 1+ years).

posted about 12 years ago
#3 Twitch no longer showing cover image for TF2? in TF2 General Discussion

Plenty of other games are like that too. Just wait for twitch to rebuild their thumbnails.

But great thumbnail for djc.

posted about 12 years ago
#2 Mumble not working in Q/A Help
TechnobladeI played my first pug yesterday. After waiting forever for two medics to join, the lobby started, all was well, but I couldn't connect to the mumble server.

I had installed the mumble right before I entered the pug. I put the address and port in, quintuple checked it with the other people in the pug, but nothing they suggested worked.

I was using the backwards compatible version, and I'm certain I had everything typed in. But every time I tried to join, I got this message:

Server connection failed: The remote host closed the connection.

Could somebody help me fix this?

That usually means you're banned/blocked. That error means the server is rejecting you for whatever reason. You can try changing your certificate or changing your username though.

posted about 12 years ago
#9 lf cs:s mentor? :D in Mentoring
downpourtime to get into the even shittier game that is cs:go
jesus christ, how can everything be so inaccurate

There will never be another 1.5/1.6.

posted about 12 years ago
#14 E-blue Cobra (1600 dpi) in Hardware
azelffminimum? what the fuck? I play with 900 dpi

I mean minimum as in best for using the computer without having to use windows sensitivity. Also a good compromise if you want to try high dpi and normal mouse dpi (since most like this have adjustable DPI). Although it really does depend on preference, 1600 DPI lets me move across one edge of my 1440 width screen to the other in about 2" using default windows sensitivity. Honestly it really is all preference, and so long as your mouse isn't shitty on you and bugging out you can play at any DPI, but 1600 is right where the scaling can work for people with high sens without changing other sensitivities as much. Trivial if you do mess around with other sensitivity settings.

Also, 5400 dpi is kinda hilarious because the mouse moves a lot because of a little movement. I don't think most people need beyond 2k DPI, and most people I know don't get DPI for accuracy (like smaka said).

posted about 12 years ago
#11 E-blue Cobra (1600 dpi) in Hardware
azelffbrownymasterazelff1600 max dpi doesnt sound amazingTo me anything over 2000 DPI is overkill.

I play at 1600 DPI w/ my mx518 and G400, don't see why it not being amazing matters when it works well enough (double the DPI of a standard non-gaming mouse).
I think a lot of mice should have atleast 1800 dpi, I mean, a lot of people play with that

I'm confused by the sentence a little, but I think the people who want more DPI would buy a different mouse in the first place. Most people in this community don't care about getting super high DPI, as it's really not necessary. 1600 is just the right amount for a minimum DPI imo, considering it's double the DPI of a standard optical mouse (4x the shitty 400dpi mouses). The only thing arguably better is that you don't have to mess with window sensitivity with a larger DPI range, but TF2 has rawinput anyways so it doesn't matter as much.

posted about 12 years ago
#4 E-blue Cobra (1600 dpi) in Hardware
azelff1600 max dpi doesnt sound amazing

To me anything over 2000 DPI is overkill.

I play at 1600 DPI w/ my mx518 and G400, don't see why it not being amazing matters when it works well enough (double the DPI of a standard non-gaming mouse).

posted about 12 years ago
#45 hey fog can you unban sniper in TF2 General Discussion

New proposal: Add a spawn timer/time limit to play sniper. Gonna go to bed, but I can agree to this. Or make snipers always spawn within 256-512 units of enemy players. If there's no travel time penalty to reach snipers or a much longer time when you can fight sniper free, it wouldn't be so bad.

posted about 12 years ago
#43 hey fog can you unban sniper in TF2 General Discussion
AllealbrownymasterAnd it's pretty selfish to put one person's enjoyment over the rest of the people in the server.But you respawn instantly. It does literally nothing to you but prevents you from fighting for an entire second. It costs the other players nothing.

DM spawns you in the same spot now? I vaguely remember having to run from granary yard back to mid half the time I die. Deaths aren't nothing except on turbine. You also force people to travel to the sniper unless they want to live with the chance of getting shot.

zigzterA scout shooting me in the back does not contribute to my enjoyment (or learning). Maybe we need a plugin that makes it so scouts can't do damage if their target is facing away because it ruins their fun and dm is all about having fun.

You can react and still do damage though. Plenty of DM moments somebody will shoot me from behind and I'll end up killing them. Plenty of times in game where somebody flanks, and you learn how to snap a rocket instantly behind you or change focus and 1v1 the scout. How do you react to a sniper? Don't be in vision of half of the mid area. You're not going to be able to kill him if he's intelligent and in a far away place. You can't eliminate or deal with the threat quickly, you have to give up and screw fighting.

EDIT: You know, I actually could support sniper if there's just a timer on how much per round anyone can play sniper. If it was just 2-4 minutes or when the sniper dies he doesn't respawn instantly (has a respawn timer), I think less people would care. I just can't think of many situations with an undead sniper that's never truly eliminated and will always be there shooting at you.

posted about 12 years ago
#40 hey fog can you unban sniper in TF2 General Discussion
zigzterYou could argue that you learn how to choose where to engage targets and how to move when you know there's a sniper up.

Regardless, the point of my original post is that "I don't learn anything from that" is an incredibly selfish way to look at it. What about someone who wants to improve at sniper and doesn't want to play in pubs where people move like zombies?

Scrims, pugs, and pubs with good players. And it's pretty selfish to put one person's enjoyment over the rest of the people in the server. Lets be honest, everyone advocating to allow sniper is probably sniper. And assuming fog doesn't go crazy, that's 1/4 the people on the server at most. 3/4 other people have to deal with sniper in play for an entire map time, very common nowhere except gpit and viaduct (the only maps arguably fine with running snipers for DM thanks to spawns and accessibility of angles). Even then, it's unpleasant to play with.

The problem with sniper is that the range in which he can force the adaptation is too large. On gpit, if you're standing at B-C connecter, you force a bomb or chase from scouts. Otherwise, anyone fighting near rocks to you is going to have to deal with a sniper. So then you have to fight away in crappy areas. On badlands, you can force people to go into closet or jump down into valley connector. I mean yeah there is "learning", but it detracts from useful learning.

posted about 12 years ago
#37 hey fog can you unban sniper in TF2 General Discussion
zigzterOh man, the "you're in Open" line. Good one.

If you bothered to read my post, you'd realize I said "learn from", not "deal with".

You can deal with snipers by bombing them. Do you learn something from that? Probably not, which I assume is the entire point of the sentence I quoted.

You learn how and practice how to deal with m1m2 demos though. You learn how to deal with retreating scouts, how to tell if they're just going to corner hide then hop out, you learn and practice how to deal with different styles. Not much learned or practiced getting sniped. Also very little learned bombing/chasing a sniper when you could be fighting against other significant classes, and learning small quirks in a matchup.

posted about 12 years ago
#35 hey fog can you unban sniper in TF2 General Discussion
zigzter"You don't learn anything from playing against a sniper in DM."

I also don't learn anything from the following:
Scouts running away after getting shot.
Soldiers bombing in and shooting the ground in my vicinity when I'm fighting someone else.
Demos m1m2ing me.

plz ban scout, soldier, and demo from dm because I don't learn anything from playing against them

Is that why you're still open?

I mean I hate to go there, but you can learn to deal with most those things. It's a lot less likely that a demo or soldier or scout will be in the vicinity halfway across the map. Only the interference is slightly different in the cases of bad spawns, but you should learn how to deal with scouts running away (either efficient chase paths or zoning away) and demo m1m2 by using terrain or bombing.

Yes, the bad spawns and other classes double/triple teaming you could be much more equivalent to sniper, but they don't one shot, and their proximity is usually much closer. You can learn how to deal with m1m2 demos, you learn how to deal with a scout running away, and you can usually pick your "fight area" to minimize the chance of significant interference in DM (except turbine). Getting spawned on terribly is honestly not a big deal on most maps (thanks to good spawn design).

Also, please tell me why it's fun to get sniped in DM. It's generally enjoyable to fight scouts, demos, and soldiers. I can't say it's fun having to hunt down the one guy across the map because if I don't I'll be constantly taking damage or randomly dying, whereas everyone else is running around and will actually fight you. I can safely say that the three main classes are much more enjoyable to play against.

posted about 12 years ago
#31 hey fog can you unban sniper in TF2 General Discussion
AllealThere is value in fighting a good Sniper. If you don't already know that then I don't know how to tell you.

Does it really matter though? The Sniper benefits from it, and if there's benefits to be had then it should be allowed. It doesn't stop you from DMing because of instant respawn, and if only having 3 scouts/soldiers to shoot at ruins your DM experience then I think you're better off doing something else.

If you find value in fighting snipers in DM, I really can't argue with you.

Also, I interpret you to want every class enabled by the way you're arguing. There's a fundamental difference that can't be changed through reason of either side.

posted about 12 years ago
#25 hey fog can you unban sniper in TF2 General Discussion
AllealIt's super annoying to get killed by a Scout from behind but nobody is demanding that Scout be removed from DM. Practicing fighting good snipers is actually a thing. Most people don't know how to do it, not that it's really their fault since most Snipers aren't that good. Soldier's put too much arc in their jumps and think a strafe will save them, and Scouts think that if they just jump when they turn a corner they get a free kill. It's not any different than trying to dodge a Scout's scatter or a Soldier's shotgun, just that the stakes are a bit higher. Except in DM, where you respawn instantly so stupid deaths don't matter.

Spoken like a true DM sniper. By your logic we should add heavy since heavies need to aim and a lot of people don't know how to fight heavies. Maybe add medics too so they can practice surfing and needling since some people will run into them, gotta practice dodging them needles and walking around where the needles are. Add pyro too, since some people don't know how to time rockets or when to switch to shotgun. And spies, not like backstabs matter since you instantly respawn.

posted about 12 years ago
#7 TF2 Bhop badlands and steel no plugin in Off Topic
zzzzzzi dont know why he has so many videos and not just make them into one

Good question. A compilation by him would be amazing.

posted about 12 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 ⋅⋅ 139