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Signed Up October 13, 2014
Last Posted September 8, 2022 at 5:11 PM
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#650 Donald Trump in World Events
owlI don't expect you to see socialism in a positive light. We've been fed misinformation about it for our entire lives. There's no better propaganda machine than the US of A.

I don't know what you're getting at. I actually see Scandinavian countries as having some of the most successful governments in the modern era, due largely to their socialist elements. I just think that Marxism-Leninism is too extreme and is bound to lead to corruption whenever implemented because of the large amount of power invested in the government under such a system.

posted about 7 years ago
#647 Donald Trump in World Events
owlwhere is our lenin

Yes, because that worked out so well.

posted about 7 years ago
#612 Donald Trump in World Events

Can any of the Trump supporters who keep posting in this thread come up with five reasons why Trump is a good candidate that don't mention Hillary?

posted about 7 years ago
#604 Donald Trump in World Events

When all your arguments for why your candidate is a good candidate revolve around badmouthing your opponent, it's pretty obvious you have a shitty candidate. All Trump supporters ever do is cry about how corrupt Hillary is even though Trump is a conman who is known to regularly stiff those he's hired to work for him and literally ran a shitty scam that he tried to call a university.

Of course, every Trump supporter who just read that last paragraph is furiously typing on their keyboard "All that Clinton supporters ever talk about is how how shitty Trump is, so by your logic Clinton is also a shitty candidate! Checkmate!" No. Fucking. Shit. Anyone with two brain cells to rub together knows that Clinton is a terrible candidate. She's your standard corrupt, lying politician who leans way too far to the right. However, anyone with two brain cells can also compare Clinton and Trump policy wise and realize that while Clinton is certainly a garbage candidate for president, Trump is magnitudes worse.

posted about 7 years ago
#570 Donald Trump in World Events

I die inside a little every time this thread gets bumped and I read the same pro-Trump arguments that have been made and refuted 1,000 times.

posted about 7 years ago
#34 TFTV Melee Netplay Tourney #6 in Other Games

Was fun as always, looking forward to the next. c:

Would be cool if we could break 16 people for the next one! Maybe we should make an effort to spread the word and try and get more people signed up for it (whenever it's announced)? You guys think a small prize pot of some keys would help? I might do that again.

posted about 7 years ago
#31 TFTV Melee Netplay Tourney #6 in Other Games
dippidyim actually going 2 play this time

3:30 and ur not here smfh

posted about 7 years ago
#15 Why cut snakes? They do no harm! in Map Discussion


posted about 7 years ago
#15 TFTV Melee Netplay Tourney #6 in Other Games

Btw is there any actual reason to use faster melee? Last time I read about it it seemed like it was just a scam that didn't do anything different from the newest Dolphin.

posted about 7 years ago
#9 TFTV Melee Netplay Tourney #6 in Other Games


posted about 7 years ago
#547 Donald Trump in World Events
sacwell go from page 45-47 in the rapport and take a closer look.

the UK has the most terrorist attacks (103 out of 211 incidents) but doesn't give data under which category they fall in, skewing the stats since half of the incidents or not specified.
Jihad attacks were non existent, now they are the second largest category. Having people coming/ or returning from Syria with the training and conviction to do these attacks which by far caused the most death toll.

page 45-46: 66% of arrests are jihadist ellements with a whopping 687 vs 1077 although those include 144 non specified (134 from the uk which fills in neither category)
page 47: 198 Jihadi court verdicts filling the biggest category on a total of 527 with once again 109 non specified included thats nearly half, of all court verdicts,

How is this a fraction? What mental gymnastics are here at work?

In 2015, the majority of verdicts pronounced were in relation
to jihadist terrorism. The highest number of those (120) was
pronounced in Belgium.

There were 17 Jihadist attacks in 2015 and 65 separatist terrorist attacks. And yet Jihadists were arrested at much higher rates than separatist terrorists. It's almost like everyone is hyper focused on Jihadists when there's other problems.

posted about 7 years ago
#538 Donald Trump in World Events
sacif the number Islamic terrorism is just a fraction compared to the rest, then why is it the main concern of the EU and its rise the very reason the rapport was made in the first place? Did you actually even read it, because you didn't even city any number out of the rapport.

It's the "main concern reported by EU Member States" because people like you exist in those countries lol.

And yes you can look at the numbers yourself, they're literally put in nice little bullet points at the start of each section. Islamic terrorist attacks are not a large percentage of terrorist attacks in the EU.

posted about 7 years ago
#535 Donald Trump in World Events
sacmillions of people do not have the luxury in living in a society that tolerates them, if that is not an ethical issue, when you deal with other nations then what is with all the rage of American politicians on Putin's anti "gay propaganda laws" but close their eyes and ears when the rich investors from the united arab emirates come over.

Hey, I can totally agree with you on this one. US politicians generally don't actually care that much about human right's and will rail against countries the US is not allied with (like Russia) for their human rights abuses while ignoring human right's abuses in countries the US is allied with (like Saudi Arabia or The United Arab Emirates).

However, this doesn't make the human right's abuse in Russia any less real.

posted about 7 years ago
#531 Donald Trump in World Events
sacAlso https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terrorism_in_Europe

go down the page and sort on deathcount highest, and compare it to all other attacks or incidents. see a similarity? More deaths and wounded then from every other cathegory combined.
now, go sort on date from newest to oldest. well gee thats like uniquely islamist attacks in the last two decades.


My source, statistics from Europol, clearly show that Islamic terrorist attacks were a small percentage of terrorist attacks in the EU in 2015. You linked an incomplete list from Wikipedia that marks itself as incomplete.

posted about 7 years ago
#526 Donald Trump in World Events

What do you mean by that? It's not bait, it's just a fact. We can get into terrorism statistics if you want but spoiler: Jihadist terrorism is only a very small percentage of terrorist acts committed in the EU and even smaller in the US. In the EU right-wing terrorism, largely motivated by "anti-immigration and anti-Islam sentiments", is on the rise right along with Jihadist terrorism. They're both very small and largely negligible compared to ethnonationalist and separatist terrorism.

Fundamentalist Christians kill people they disagree with just like fundamentalist Muslims.

posted about 7 years ago
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