sacAlso, try being a gay muslim lmao, i've read enough stories of gay muslims and convos that their own community in this country basically expel them from the family or worse, trying to "correct" them. seems better, than enforcing a local underfunded school in the countryside to install a genderneutral bathroom, becuase one person can just sue them for not being compliant with the laws. Also, Syria, Tunisia and Libya had a notorious underground gay community, guess what happens when the salafists got in charge.
This just in: fundamentalist religion sucks. You really think fundamentalist Christianity is better than fundamentalist Islam?
Anyway, this thread is a great example of how Trump is normalizing racism. People getting downfragged for calling Trump Islamophobic is ridiculous, but it makes sense that people have convinced themselves Trump isn't racist. When you already hold subconscious racist views and then a major party nominee starts repeating those racist views regularly it's very easy for you to decide that your racist views are actually truth. It really makes me depressed about the human race as a whole.