Kevin, I feel you man.
Miggy, having personal experience with the OW team taking feedback seriously during the early beta, trust me when I say they'll definitely listen to what you have to say. Templates for settings are definitely the kind of thing they'll happily implement. They'll probably even be willing to keep it up to date for each league upon request - one for WCS, UGC, ESL, etc (I honestly don't know what leagues have picked up OW but I know it'll be at WCS and ESL probably has).
Frankly I don't know how well UGC will be able to host Overwatch but at the same time, I love you guys for trying. Bryan Lunduke has a great talk about this kind of thing, if you're up for listening to it sometime. It's a long winded metaphor but worth the listen in the background.
I don't care if I'm downfragged. You guys really need to man up if you're so scared about someone in your own community putting his heart into something you personally don't like. It doesn't fucking matter if you like it or not, experimentation and competition is what makes this community evolve. Lessons learned from other games can always be applied here.
Good luck UGC.