kurt & lange
Account Details | |
SteamID64 | 76561197994749697 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:34483969] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:1:17241984 |
Country | United States |
Signed Up | April 1, 2014 |
Last Posted | July 5, 2024 at 6:46 PM |
Posts | 2137 (0.5 per day) |
Game Settings | |
In-game Sensitivity | 6.0 |
Windows Sensitivity | 6/11 |
Raw Input | 1 |
1600 |
Resolution |
1920x1080 |
Refresh Rate |
144Hz |
Hardware Peripherals | |
Mouse | Logitech MX Master |
Keyboard | Ducky 9008G2 Pro Limited Edition (PBT, MX Greens) |
Mousepad | Razer Sphex |
Headphones | Philips SHP9500 |
Monitor | HP L1925 (vert), BenQ XL2420Z, Apple Monitor II |
loserprancethis might be right but i think the reason was because of the bonk super scouts at the very end of wave 5 or 6 that would pick up the bomb and just run to the hatch while invincible; if you didn't have a sentry blocking the bridge or a kritz demo you were boned
even with those all you had to do was mark them as they run over a sticky trap, or get a pyro, or wall with a heavy, or anything like that. there are a lot of creative solutions to these things that a lot of people didn't think of. soldiers were also very strong because explosive expert (or whatever it's called) would stun them in place even if they were bonked back then.
anyway let's not make this an mvm thread
SUSAltdOne of the Mannhattan waves (the one with the giant Black Box soldiers) used to have like five times the giant Black Box soldiers, it was super annoying and impossible when it first came out (which is when I assume the stuff in his post happened).
Even then it wasn't that difficult. They healed more but all you had to do was use med shields or the Short Circuit. I guess there are just different levels to MvM that some people aren't used to. Even Expert isn't that tough, you can easily 4-man most of Decoy. The only actually hard MvM missions are custom ones like on Normandy.
loserprancethat hard ass mission on mannhattan
sorry but no two shitties missions are hard
JesseBurnkeep in mind he mains med. he has an obsession with taking 1 on 1s. a friend of mine who used to heavy with him in pubs told me a lot about it.
someone make a frag movie of him making stupid plays with quotes from him overlayed on top
don't tease me like this. i've been hurt before
PankeymanNo, I'm done with anime and waifus. I've been anime clean for nearly a year now.
flatlineare u actually going to die soon or is this a shitpost
isnt it a shitpost either way
MagikarpI don't know about that completely, I've seen some SC2 matches with maps that have 4 spawning locations and it has had an effect:
If it were fixed spawns, MC would've known where to 4gate with no problems. That was in 2013 though, but the latest was in 2015 at Blizzcon where they played Iron Fortress LE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9T_tVQdMoA
Which is apparently a a 4 spawn position map so idk. But don't the players themselves choose the maps from the ladder rotation? I definitely agree though that most of the maps played at the competitive level are 2 spawn position maps though.
4 spawn maps exist but they usually force cross positions. The rule of thumb is that the map must be symmetrical no matter what spawns occur. An interesting map is called Korhal Floating Island, where the map would always be symmetrical but depending on which set of spawns occur, it could play totally differently. This randomness never puts a player at an advantage or disadvantage though, because the map is always symmetrical.
The map you showed didn't force cross positions, which isn't always a problem except that the map was rotationally symmetrical, which isn't an okay combination. This doesn't happen anymore.
Maps are picked from the ladder pool, yes. Those maps aren't allowed in the ladder anymore though.
SmytherFall damage has random variance? I've never heard of that. Actually I don't really know how fall damage works.
You're right about SC2, thought it can have random spawns, which is pretty big compared to pistol spread.
All competitive maps in SC2 have fixed spawns. Maps with random spawns never make it into the competitive rotation.
SmytherEdit: Fuck, I forgot the heavy's minigun and the spy's revolver. I swear, I do play this game sometimes.
Also forgot fall damage. The least random competitively played game out there is SC2. There is literally one random aspect in the entire game, and that's if you choose to play as Random, giving you a random race at the start. Once the game begins there are ZERO elements of RNG anywhere in that game. It's one of the few though and TF2 is definitely up there.
someone else posted about this too. I would expect a hot fix soon
source says it was streamed? thats fucked up
it was recorded and posted to Facebook. I don't think it was streamed
kirbyDawn of War 3
i think u missed one
but it's ok we still love u
this thread needs to be put in the dumpster already