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best pub quotes
84 Frags +

Taiyousei Pcei6mT6 : kiheer cheat, use aimshoot
KiH. Herr_P : ?
Taiyousei Pcei6mT6 : you use aimshoot

Taiyousei Pcei6mT6 : kiheer cheat, use aimshoot
KiH. Herr_P : ?
Taiyousei Pcei6mT6 : you use aimshoot
3 Frags +
Smithsonian†Jo̡͉̝̽̇no : Where's your Highlander badge SHRAK?
SHRAK : i dont play highlander :S
†Jo̡͉̝̽̇no : Okay
†Jo̡͉̝̽̇no : Just a really good pub player then

omfg i remember this

[quote=Smithsonian]†Jo̡͉̝̽̇no : Where's your Highlander badge SHRAK?
SHRAK : i dont play highlander :S
†Jo̡͉̝̽̇no : Okay
†Jo̡͉̝̽̇no : Just a really good pub player then[/quote]
omfg i remember this
-6 Frags +
glorygzuzboey : white people will be a minority in 50 years


gzuzboey : white people will be a minority in 50 years

12 Frags +

jt : oh yeah well i bet i've had more girls touch my penis in real life than u

2396837971 : any one ready to get fucked by five hony chinese man?

jt : oh yeah well i bet i've had more girls touch my penis in real life than u

2396837971 : any one ready to get fucked by five hony chinese man?
3 Frags +

*DEAD* SnuggleMoose : U know what drug can really kill you in reality, fkin alcohol it even makes you loose youre mind and vomit why do we do this

*DEAD* SnuggleMoose : U know what drug can really kill you in reality, fkin alcohol it even makes you loose youre mind and vomit why do we do this
26 Frags +
domthewhiteguypost the best quotes youve seen in pubs

(TEAM) armykid.11 : what is smesi?

i'm getting trolled

[quote=domthewhiteguy]post the best quotes youve seen in pubs

(TEAM) armykid.11 : what is smesi?[/quote]
i'm getting trolled
33 Frags +

(Team) Generic5: hey FMX r u muselk
(Team) FMX1: No
(Team) Generic5: but u have the pointy wizard hat

(Team) Generic5: hey FMX r u muselk
(Team) FMX1: No
(Team) Generic5: but u have the pointy wizard hat
36 Frags +

A couple of players were using voice comms to discuss strategy and tactics during a game. A new player used chat to ask the following question, presumably for want of a microphone:

"What are tack ticks?"

A couple of players were using voice comms to discuss strategy and tactics during a game. A new player used chat to ask the following question, presumably for want of a microphone:

"What are tack ticks?"
-3 Frags +

this is from cs but i thought it was funny
*DEAD* ILIKETACOS : alas swatta bong nice spary control or i could say spray control hacsk

this is from cs but i thought it was funny
*DEAD* ILIKETACOS : alas swatta bong nice spary control or i could say spray control hacsk
5 Frags +

I made this one a bind

dINK : TRAPSTER!!!!!! (Raised Fist)

I made this one a bind

dINK : TRAPSTER!!!!!! (Raised Fist)
-40 Frags +

Why do you nerds save pub chat logs is my question...

Why do you nerds save pub chat logs is my question...
9 Frags +

*DEAD* TheBurgerCow : Fuck your Tide Turner.

phanth0m1 : that dude krub4s has a one shot kill gun
krub4s : also known as a stock scattergun
phanth0m1 : not impressed, you may be cheeting but fuck it
phanth0m1 : enjoy your cheats

Train-God (Totaly not a brony) : you guys are so bad you have to spawn camp?


WOOD CECERTIFIED WOOD CONSPIRAC : troup23 why are you mad on a skial 24/7 fast respawn harvest server

from cs:

Kyliex : LEave please
Kyliex : ^^^^^^^^^^^
krub4s : well its a 1v2 now
Player DAMN DANIELLL left the game (Disconnect)
Kyliex : reaLLY??
Kyliex : Ur a dick
krub4s : so i cant play on a public server?

Darkshadow35 : hey icy keep tryharding those walls
toby mickwire : how do u tryhard a wall

*DEAD* TheBurgerCow : Fuck your Tide Turner.

phanth0m1 : that dude krub4s has a one shot kill gun
krub4s : also known as a stock scattergun
phanth0m1 : not impressed, you may be cheeting but fuck it
phanth0m1 : enjoy your cheats

Train-God (Totaly not a brony) : you guys are so bad you have to spawn camp?


WOOD CECERTIFIED WOOD CONSPIRAC : troup23 why are you mad on a skial 24/7 fast respawn harvest server

from cs:

Kyliex : LEave please
Kyliex : ^^^^^^^^^^^
krub4s : well its a 1v2 now
Player DAMN DANIELLL left the game (Disconnect)
Kyliex : reaLLY??
Kyliex : Ur a dick
krub4s : so i cant play on a public server?

Darkshadow35 : hey icy keep tryharding those walls
toby mickwire : how do u tryhard a wall
6 Frags +

forgot the guys name but i used to go to a fort wars server and i popped a guy up and airshot him and he said word from word

"your not even good at soldier, ur just wraging rockets at me wtf"

Unknown ringme: i call you shit
Unknown ringme: because you are shit
Unknown ringme: but you arent bad

forgot the guys name but i used to go to a fort wars server and i popped a guy up and airshot him and he said word from word

"your not even good at soldier, ur just wraging rockets at me wtf"

Unknown ringme: i call you shit
Unknown ringme: because you are shit
Unknown ringme: but you arent bad
13 Frags +

hidden wraith : i just jerked off
hidden wraith : so my arm is soar

hidden wraith : i just jerked off
hidden wraith : so my arm is soar
2 Frags +

johnny's travel : dude sick is hacking
SHMEE88 : dude sick has speed hack and aimbot
dude sick!!! : ??
SHMEE88 : your hacking
SHMEE88 : i spec
johnny's travel : cheate cheats
SHMEE88 : yeah

TheAcer: p u cant even talk u have no honor and smell like fish

johnny's travel : dude sick is hacking
SHMEE88 : dude sick has speed hack and aimbot
dude sick!!! : ??
SHMEE88 : your hacking
SHMEE88 : i spec
johnny's travel : cheate cheats
SHMEE88 : yeah

TheAcer: p u cant even talk u have no honor and smell like fish
2 Frags +

a long time ago i was domming some random pup dude and he spammed this in chat for like 15 minutes constantly:

[TnT x] Grapes cheater motherfucker

a long time ago i was domming some random pup dude and he spammed this in chat for like 15 minutes constantly:

[TnT x] Grapes cheater motherfucker
16 Frags +


17 Frags +

your an looser

your an looser
1 Frags +
bind "KP_SLASH" "say �?�: Yeah you guys suck on red team AKA rekt team"
bind "KP_MULTIPLY" "say LaserUnicorn [Fr]: the noob it's u"
bind "KP_MINUS" "say MrFireMugge25: omogsh why real god players leave when they lose MrFireMugge25: they r crying"
bind "KP_ENTER" "say 92: wait, are you against homo ?"
bind "KP_DEL" "say Mr. Dr. Professor Donger: i want peace int hsi world"
[code]bind "KP_SLASH" "say �?�: Yeah you guys suck on red team AKA rekt team"
bind "KP_MULTIPLY" "say LaserUnicorn [Fr]: the noob it's u"
bind "KP_MINUS" "say MrFireMugge25: omogsh why real god players leave when they lose MrFireMugge25: they r crying"
bind "KP_ENTER" "say 92: wait, are you against homo ?"
bind "KP_DEL" "say Mr. Dr. Professor Donger: i want peace int hsi world"[/code]
103 Frags +

(TEAM) Pho3niX : i'm going pyro...i'll try and deflect that SG's rockets
(TEAM) notor : thats a stupid idea
(TEAM) notor : ull just die..
(Voice) notor: MEDIC!
(TEAM) Pho3niX : you think this is the first time i've done this?

(TEAM) Pho3niX : i'm going pyro...i'll try and deflect that SG's rockets
(TEAM) notor : thats a stupid idea
(TEAM) notor : ull just die..
(Voice) notor: MEDIC!
(TEAM) Pho3niX : you think this is the first time i've done this?
17 Frags +

❤Star❤ : you think doing stiky tramp you can win ?

XxDoritoMasterxX : meatball you just killed a hoovy. you are now declared a but face

(TEAM) belalhabibi : how to join the headbut

*DEAD* SpyCrab : neat ball has killed a innocent spy crab D:


*DEAD* BUBBLES : suck my dick out my ass

❤Star❤ : you think doing stiky tramp you can win ?

XxDoritoMasterxX : meatball you just killed a hoovy. you are now declared a but face

(TEAM) belalhabibi : how to join the headbut

*DEAD* SpyCrab : neat ball has killed a innocent spy crab D:


*DEAD* BUBBLES : suck my dick out my ass
2 Frags +

*some russian guy on lobby, the year 2011*: you fucking zadrots you not have live

*some russian guy on lobby, the year 2011*: you fucking zadrots you not have live
5 Frags +


36 Frags +

does this count? one of my friends trading:

Bobby Joe: Hey man
chachuatemo: hey
Bobby Joe: what can i help you with?
chachuatemo: antraktik
chachuatemo: park
Bobby Joe: right
chachuatemo: yor
chachuatemo: hat
chachuatemo: fhor
chachuatemo: my
chachuatemo: hat
chachuatemo: peint is
chachuatemo: 1 key
chachuatemo: peint
Bobby Joe: sorry man i can't help you
chachuatemo: how
chachuatemo: mach
chachuatemo: my
chachuatemo: peint
chachuatemo: need
chachuatemo: sey
Bobby Joe: well your hat is worth about 3 ref
chachuatemo: and
chachuatemo: peint
chachuatemo: whiz
chachuatemo: peint
chachuatemo: wat
Bobby Joe: look buddy the item you're looking to trade for the parka is not worth the amount of ref im looking for
Bobby Joe: as soon as you have 12 ref come back and see me and i'll be happy to trade with you
chachuatemo: wait
chachuatemo: a wont asc how toadd items to somwna traid you in bacpac tf2
Bobby Joe: i'm sorry?
chachuatemo: wat
chachuatemo: you
Bobby Joe: i'm afraid i can't understand what you're asking me to do
chachuatemo: do you need strange snow stromgers
chachuatemo: ok
Bobby Joe: could you show me in a trade window?
chachuatemo: my frend
chachuatemo: haw
chachuatemo: and
chachuatemo: he
chachuatemo: sey
chachuatemo: a will
chachuatemo: traid
chachuatemo: you
chachuatemo: and
chachuatemo: wat
chachuatemo: you
chachuatemo: will
chachuatemo: give
chachuatemo: fhor
chachuatemo: thet
chachuatemo: ?
Bobby Joe: one moment please
chachuatemo: ok
chachuatemo: sey
Bobby Joe: what item does your friend have?
Bobby Joe: is it the Snow Sleeves?
chachuatemo: strange
chachuatemo: stormers
chachuatemo: strange snow stormes
chachuatemo: stompes
chachuatemo: wont
chachuatemo: you
chachuatemo: kan not bay thet to bacpac tf2
Bobby Joe: i will trade the parka for it and add some metal if necessary
chachuatemo: ok
Bobby Joe: could you tell me the Steam username of your friend?
chachuatemo: no
Bobby Joe: well how will i trade with him then?
chachuatemo: you
chachuatemo: will
chachuatemo: give
chachuatemo: antarktic park
chachuatemo: and
Bobby Joe: if you could get the strange from your friend; then me and you could do the trade
chachuatemo: a will give thet hat fhor antarktic park and 1 kay
chachuatemo: wait
chachuatemo: wat
chachuatemo: you
chachuatemo: will
chachuatemo: give
Bobby Joe: look do me a favour go and copy the name of the item that your friend is selling, into chat so i can see what strange it is your talking about.
Bobby Joe: then if its worth the parka; i will trade it to you and if its worth more i'll make up the differance
Bobby Joe: do you understand now?
Bobby Joe: now tell me clearly what strange item does your friend have?
chachuatemo: wait
chachuatemo: wat
chachuatemo: you
chachuatemo: will
chachuatemo: give
chachuatemo: onley
chachuatemo: thes
Bobby Joe: i don't know what item your looking to trade
chachuatemo: you
chachuatemo: wiil
chachuatemo: give
chachuatemo: onnley thes
Bobby Joe: please put it in the trade window.
chachuatemo: antraktik
chachuatemo: park
chachuatemo: ?
Bobby Joe: what will you give me for it?
chachuatemo: wat
chachuatemo: you
chachuatemo: will
chachuatemo: give
chachuatemo: onley
chachuatemo: thes
Bobby Joe: do you have anything else to trade?
chachuatemo: wait
chachuatemo: and
chachuatemo: a
chachuatemo: wat
chachuatemo: you will give fhor thet hat
chachuatemo: snow
chachuatemo: stormy
chachuatemo: and
chachuatemo: antarktik park
chachuatemo: no
chachuatemo: you
chachuatemo: haw
Bobby Joe: look man as soon as you have 12 ref (or something worth 12 ref) come back and see me until then i have to go.
chachuatemo: wat
chachuatemo: you
chachuatemo: will
chachuatemo: give
chachuatemo: fhor
chachuatemo: strange
chachuatemo: snow
Bobby Joe: strange snow what?
chachuatemo: wat
chachuatemo: a sey
Bobby Joe: look man its been nice talking to you but i have to go
Bobby Joe: take care and have a nice day.

does this count? one of my friends trading:

Bobby Joe: Hey man
chachuatemo: hey
Bobby Joe: what can i help you with?
chachuatemo: antraktik
chachuatemo: park
Bobby Joe: right
chachuatemo: yor
chachuatemo: hat
chachuatemo: fhor
chachuatemo: my
chachuatemo: hat
chachuatemo: peint is
chachuatemo: 1 key
chachuatemo: peint
Bobby Joe: sorry man i can't help you
chachuatemo: how
chachuatemo: mach
chachuatemo: my
chachuatemo: peint
chachuatemo: need
chachuatemo: sey
Bobby Joe: well your hat is worth about 3 ref
chachuatemo: and
chachuatemo: peint
chachuatemo: whiz
chachuatemo: peint
chachuatemo: wat
Bobby Joe: look buddy the item you're looking to trade for the parka is not worth the amount of ref im looking for
Bobby Joe: as soon as you have 12 ref come back and see me and i'll be happy to trade with you
chachuatemo: wait
chachuatemo: a wont asc how toadd items to somwna traid you in bacpac tf2
Bobby Joe: i'm sorry?
chachuatemo: wat
chachuatemo: you
Bobby Joe: i'm afraid i can't understand what you're asking me to do
chachuatemo: do you need strange snow stromgers
chachuatemo: ok
Bobby Joe: could you show me in a trade window?
chachuatemo: my frend
chachuatemo: haw
chachuatemo: and
chachuatemo: he
chachuatemo: sey
chachuatemo: a will
chachuatemo: traid
chachuatemo: you
chachuatemo: and
chachuatemo: wat
chachuatemo: you
chachuatemo: will
chachuatemo: give
chachuatemo: fhor
chachuatemo: thet
chachuatemo: ?
Bobby Joe: one moment please
chachuatemo: ok
chachuatemo: sey
Bobby Joe: what item does your friend have?
Bobby Joe: is it the Snow Sleeves?
chachuatemo: strange
chachuatemo: stormers
chachuatemo: strange snow stormes
chachuatemo: stompes
chachuatemo: wont
chachuatemo: you
chachuatemo: kan not bay thet to bacpac tf2
Bobby Joe: i will trade the parka for it and add some metal if necessary
chachuatemo: ok
Bobby Joe: could you tell me the Steam username of your friend?
chachuatemo: no
Bobby Joe: well how will i trade with him then?
chachuatemo: you
chachuatemo: will
chachuatemo: give
chachuatemo: antarktic park
chachuatemo: and
Bobby Joe: if you could get the strange from your friend; then me and you could do the trade
chachuatemo: a will give thet hat fhor antarktic park and 1 kay
chachuatemo: wait
chachuatemo: wat
chachuatemo: you
chachuatemo: will
chachuatemo: give
Bobby Joe: look do me a favour go and copy the name of the item that your friend is selling, into chat so i can see what strange it is your talking about.
Bobby Joe: then if its worth the parka; i will trade it to you and if its worth more i'll make up the differance
Bobby Joe: do you understand now?
Bobby Joe: now tell me clearly what strange item does your friend have?
chachuatemo: wait
chachuatemo: wat
chachuatemo: you
chachuatemo: will
chachuatemo: give
chachuatemo: onley
chachuatemo: thes
Bobby Joe: i don't know what item your looking to trade
chachuatemo: you
chachuatemo: wiil
chachuatemo: give
chachuatemo: onnley thes
Bobby Joe: please put it in the trade window.
chachuatemo: antraktik
chachuatemo: park
chachuatemo: ?
Bobby Joe: what will you give me for it?
chachuatemo: wat
chachuatemo: you
chachuatemo: will
chachuatemo: give
chachuatemo: onley
chachuatemo: thes
Bobby Joe: do you have anything else to trade?
chachuatemo: wait
chachuatemo: and
chachuatemo: a
chachuatemo: wat
chachuatemo: you will give fhor thet hat
chachuatemo: snow
chachuatemo: stormy
chachuatemo: and
chachuatemo: antarktik park
chachuatemo: no
chachuatemo: you
chachuatemo: haw
Bobby Joe: look man as soon as you have 12 ref (or something worth 12 ref) come back and see me until then i have to go.
chachuatemo: wat
chachuatemo: you
chachuatemo: will
chachuatemo: give
chachuatemo: fhor
chachuatemo: strange
chachuatemo: snow
Bobby Joe: strange snow what?
chachuatemo: wat
chachuatemo: a sey
Bobby Joe: look man its been nice talking to you but i have to go
Bobby Joe: take care and have a nice day.
2 Frags +


111 Frags +


4 Frags +

Exper1enc aka Tiran : wtf zigiter? are you a retard?
Exper1enc aka Tiran : FUCKING ZIG U FUCK
Exper1enc aka Tiran : FUXK
Exper1enc aka Tiran : dont get to cocky u fuck
Exper1enc aka Tiran : i wil rape ur child zig
Exper1enc aka Tiran : go to crap land and eat poooh
Exper1enc aka Tiran : as if i could ever kill somone it would be zig
Exper1enc aka Tiran : ZIG GO TO HEVEN WITH UY

Exper1enc aka Tiran : wtf zigiter? are you a retard?
Exper1enc aka Tiran : FUCKING ZIG U FUCK
Exper1enc aka Tiran : FUXK
Exper1enc aka Tiran : dont get to cocky u fuck
Exper1enc aka Tiran : i wil rape ur child zig
Exper1enc aka Tiran : go to crap land and eat poooh
Exper1enc aka Tiran : as if i could ever kill somone it would be zig
Exper1enc aka Tiran : ZIG GO TO HEVEN WITH UY
14 Frags +

St4nG : ady is not cheater is fucking sheater like bitch

Paarthurnax_DOVA : engine in my team don't buil the portal

St4nG : ady is not cheater is fucking sheater like bitch

Paarthurnax_DOVA : engine in my team don't buil the portal
2 Frags +
Show Content
does this count? one of my friends trading:

Bobby Joe: Hey man
chachuatemo: hey
Bobby Joe: what can i help you with?
chachuatemo: antraktik
chachuatemo: park
Bobby Joe: right
chachuatemo: yor
chachuatemo: hat
chachuatemo: fhor
chachuatemo: my
chachuatemo: hat
chachuatemo: peint is
chachuatemo: 1 key
chachuatemo: peint
Bobby Joe: sorry man i can't help you
chachuatemo: how
chachuatemo: mach
chachuatemo: my
chachuatemo: peint
chachuatemo: need
chachuatemo: sey
Bobby Joe: well your hat is worth about 3 ref
chachuatemo: and
chachuatemo: peint
chachuatemo: whiz
chachuatemo: peint
chachuatemo: wat
Bobby Joe: look buddy the item you're looking to trade for the parka is not worth the amount of ref im looking for
Bobby Joe: as soon as you have 12 ref come back and see me and i'll be happy to trade with you
chachuatemo: wait
chachuatemo: a wont asc how toadd items to somwna traid you in bacpac tf2
Bobby Joe: i'm sorry?
chachuatemo: wat
chachuatemo: you
Bobby Joe: i'm afraid i can't understand what you're asking me to do
chachuatemo: do you need strange snow stromgers
chachuatemo: ok
Bobby Joe: could you show me in a trade window?
chachuatemo: my frend
chachuatemo: haw
chachuatemo: and
chachuatemo: he
chachuatemo: sey
chachuatemo: a will
chachuatemo: traid
chachuatemo: you
chachuatemo: and
chachuatemo: wat
chachuatemo: you
chachuatemo: will
chachuatemo: give
chachuatemo: fhor
chachuatemo: thet
chachuatemo: ?
Bobby Joe: one moment please
chachuatemo: ok
chachuatemo: sey
Bobby Joe: what item does your friend have?
Bobby Joe: is it the Snow Sleeves?
chachuatemo: strange
chachuatemo: stormers
chachuatemo: strange snow stormes
chachuatemo: stompes
chachuatemo: wont
chachuatemo: you
chachuatemo: kan not bay thet to bacpac tf2
Bobby Joe: i will trade the parka for it and add some metal if necessary
chachuatemo: ok
Bobby Joe: could you tell me the Steam username of your friend?
chachuatemo: no
Bobby Joe: well how will i trade with him then?
chachuatemo: you
chachuatemo: will
chachuatemo: give
chachuatemo: antarktic park
chachuatemo: and
Bobby Joe: if you could get the strange from your friend; then me and you could do the trade
chachuatemo: a will give thet hat fhor antarktic park and 1 kay
chachuatemo: wait
chachuatemo: wat
chachuatemo: you
chachuatemo: will
chachuatemo: give
Bobby Joe: look do me a favour go and copy the name of the item that your friend is selling, into chat so i can see what strange it is your talking about.
Bobby Joe: then if its worth the parka; i will trade it to you and if its worth more i'll make up the differance
Bobby Joe: do you understand now?
Bobby Joe: now tell me clearly what strange item does your friend have?
chachuatemo: wait
chachuatemo: wat
chachuatemo: you
chachuatemo: will
chachuatemo: give
chachuatemo: onley
chachuatemo: thes
Bobby Joe: i don't know what item your looking to trade
chachuatemo: you
chachuatemo: wiil
chachuatemo: give
chachuatemo: onnley thes
Bobby Joe: please put it in the trade window.
chachuatemo: antraktik
chachuatemo: park
chachuatemo: ?
Bobby Joe: what will you give me for it?
chachuatemo: wat
chachuatemo: you
chachuatemo: will
chachuatemo: give
chachuatemo: onley
chachuatemo: thes
Bobby Joe: do you have anything else to trade?
chachuatemo: wait
chachuatemo: and
chachuatemo: a
chachuatemo: wat
chachuatemo: you will give fhor thet hat
chachuatemo: snow
chachuatemo: stormy
chachuatemo: and
chachuatemo: antarktik park
chachuatemo: no
chachuatemo: you
chachuatemo: haw
Bobby Joe: look man as soon as you have 12 ref (or something worth 12 ref) come back and see me until then i have to go.
chachuatemo: wat
chachuatemo: you
chachuatemo: will
chachuatemo: give
chachuatemo: fhor
chachuatemo: strange
chachuatemo: snow
Bobby Joe: strange snow what?
chachuatemo: wat
chachuatemo: a sey
Bobby Joe: look man its been nice talking to you but i have to go
Bobby Joe: take care and have a nice day.






found the lad

[quote=Scrambled][spoiler]does this count? one of my friends trading:

Bobby Joe: Hey man
chachuatemo: hey
Bobby Joe: what can i help you with?
chachuatemo: antraktik
chachuatemo: park
Bobby Joe: right
chachuatemo: yor
chachuatemo: hat
chachuatemo: fhor
chachuatemo: my
chachuatemo: hat
chachuatemo: peint is
chachuatemo: 1 key
chachuatemo: peint
Bobby Joe: sorry man i can't help you
chachuatemo: how
chachuatemo: mach
chachuatemo: my
chachuatemo: peint
chachuatemo: need
chachuatemo: sey
Bobby Joe: well your hat is worth about 3 ref
chachuatemo: and
chachuatemo: peint
chachuatemo: whiz
chachuatemo: peint
chachuatemo: wat
Bobby Joe: look buddy the item you're looking to trade for the parka is not worth the amount of ref im looking for
Bobby Joe: as soon as you have 12 ref come back and see me and i'll be happy to trade with you
chachuatemo: wait
chachuatemo: a wont asc how toadd items to somwna traid you in bacpac tf2
Bobby Joe: i'm sorry?
chachuatemo: wat
chachuatemo: you
Bobby Joe: i'm afraid i can't understand what you're asking me to do
chachuatemo: do you need strange snow stromgers
chachuatemo: ok
Bobby Joe: could you show me in a trade window?
chachuatemo: my frend
chachuatemo: haw
chachuatemo: and
chachuatemo: he
chachuatemo: sey
chachuatemo: a will
chachuatemo: traid
chachuatemo: you
chachuatemo: and
chachuatemo: wat
chachuatemo: you
chachuatemo: will
chachuatemo: give
chachuatemo: fhor
chachuatemo: thet
chachuatemo: ?
Bobby Joe: one moment please
chachuatemo: ok
chachuatemo: sey
Bobby Joe: what item does your friend have?
Bobby Joe: is it the Snow Sleeves?
chachuatemo: strange
chachuatemo: stormers
chachuatemo: strange snow stormes
chachuatemo: stompes
chachuatemo: wont
chachuatemo: you
chachuatemo: kan not bay thet to bacpac tf2
Bobby Joe: i will trade the parka for it and add some metal if necessary
chachuatemo: ok
Bobby Joe: could you tell me the Steam username of your friend?
chachuatemo: no
Bobby Joe: well how will i trade with him then?
chachuatemo: you
chachuatemo: will
chachuatemo: give
chachuatemo: antarktic park
chachuatemo: and
Bobby Joe: if you could get the strange from your friend; then me and you could do the trade
chachuatemo: a will give thet hat fhor antarktic park and 1 kay
chachuatemo: wait
chachuatemo: wat
chachuatemo: you
chachuatemo: will
chachuatemo: give
Bobby Joe: look do me a favour go and copy the name of the item that your friend is selling, into chat so i can see what strange it is your talking about.
Bobby Joe: then if its worth the parka; i will trade it to you and if its worth more i'll make up the differance
Bobby Joe: do you understand now?
Bobby Joe: now tell me clearly what strange item does your friend have?
chachuatemo: wait
chachuatemo: wat
chachuatemo: you
chachuatemo: will
chachuatemo: give
chachuatemo: onley
chachuatemo: thes
Bobby Joe: i don't know what item your looking to trade
chachuatemo: you
chachuatemo: wiil
chachuatemo: give
chachuatemo: onnley thes
Bobby Joe: please put it in the trade window.
chachuatemo: antraktik
chachuatemo: park
chachuatemo: ?
Bobby Joe: what will you give me for it?
chachuatemo: wat
chachuatemo: you
chachuatemo: will
chachuatemo: give
chachuatemo: onley
chachuatemo: thes
Bobby Joe: do you have anything else to trade?
chachuatemo: wait
chachuatemo: and
chachuatemo: a
chachuatemo: wat
chachuatemo: you will give fhor thet hat
chachuatemo: snow
chachuatemo: stormy
chachuatemo: and
chachuatemo: antarktik park
chachuatemo: no
chachuatemo: you
chachuatemo: haw
Bobby Joe: look man as soon as you have 12 ref (or something worth 12 ref) come back and see me until then i have to go.
chachuatemo: wat
chachuatemo: you
chachuatemo: will
chachuatemo: give
chachuatemo: fhor
chachuatemo: strange
chachuatemo: snow
Bobby Joe: strange snow what?
chachuatemo: wat
chachuatemo: a sey
Bobby Joe: look man its been nice talking to you but i have to go
Bobby Joe: take care and have a nice day.[/spoiler][/quote]

found the lad
1 Frags +

nev: I need to sell my sister

twitch.tv/troflecopter: Stevie, if you wann get gud, u just gotta download cheats man

Fettii: I will literally rape anyone involved in the making of this map

nev: I need to sell my sister

twitch.tv/troflecopter: Stevie, if you wann get gud, u just gotta download cheats man

Fettii: I will literally rape anyone involved in the making of this map
1 2 3 4 5 ⋅⋅ 65
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