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Vent your anger
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9 Frags +

I wanted to quit my team last season and when I was about to message a teammate that I was quitting I found out that I got mutinied the night before and now I can't tell people I wanted to quit without it seeming like I just didn't want to get mutinied.
I deserved to get mutinied because I was playing like shit and being a retard but I also deserved to be mutinied for picking up the two other retards (brulee and neo) that everyone told me not to pick up.
It also sucks because I was banned and couldn't really defend myself when people were stacking things against me even though I agreed with a lot of things they said.
Sorry for venting about something from back in May but ever since quitting tf2 things have been better for me so that's really the biggest thing that sticks out.

I wanted to quit my team last season and when I was about to message a teammate that I was quitting I found out that I got mutinied the night before and now I can't tell people I wanted to quit without it seeming like I just didn't want to get mutinied.
I deserved to get mutinied because I was playing like shit and being a retard but I also deserved to be mutinied for picking up the two other retards (brulee and neo) that everyone told me not to pick up.
It also sucks because I was banned and couldn't really defend myself when people were stacking things against me even though I agreed with a lot of things they said.
Sorry for venting about something from back in May but ever since quitting tf2 things have been better for me so that's really the biggest thing that sticks out.
14 Frags +

i dont wanna be told to grow up!!!!
and i dont wanna change, i just wanna have fun!!!

i dont wanna be told to grow up!!!!
and i dont wanna change, i just wanna have fun!!!
11 Frags +
alec_i dont wanna be told to grow up!!!!
and i dont wanna change, i just wanna have fun!!!

I don't wanna grow up, I wanna be a Toys R Us kid!

[quote=alec_]i dont wanna be told to grow up!!!!
and i dont wanna change, i just wanna have fun!!![/quote]

I don't wanna grow up, I wanna be a Toys R Us kid!
-1 Frags +


8 Frags +

asian's small comp tf2 scene is slowly dying and i can't do anything about it

asian's small comp tf2 scene is slowly dying and i can't do anything about it
2 Frags +

im a walking talking meme

im a walking talking meme
-1 Frags +
CleepopleTore my ACL and now I'm out for around 8 months. What really fucking sucks is that this is my junior year of high school and I was on track to getting a D1 scholarship. I wonder how much my times are fucked once I'm back from rehabilitation.

what sport?

[quote=Cleepople]Tore my ACL and now I'm out for around 8 months. What really fucking sucks is that this is my junior year of high school and I was on track to getting a D1 scholarship. I wonder how much my times are fucked once I'm back from rehabilitation.[/quote]

what sport?
10 Frags +

I'm slowly quitting tf2 and it makes me sad but at the same time it's something positive

I'm slowly quitting tf2 and it makes me sad but at the same time it's something positive
4 Frags +

i cant play any 6v6 matches cuz my freund is banned from MM for a day, im banned from tf2c for 2 days, faceit is dead, mixchamps are dead, pugchamps are boring cuz ppl keep aborting drafts or i get picked on a team made to be rolled, tf2stadium lobbies take ages to start

wtf do i play omfg

i cant play any 6v6 matches cuz my freund is banned from MM for a day, im banned from tf2c for 2 days, faceit is dead, mixchamps are dead, pugchamps are boring cuz ppl keep aborting drafts or i get picked on a team made to be rolled, tf2stadium lobbies take ages to start

wtf do i play omfg
3 Frags +

my bus arrived 1 hour late and im gonna arrive home hungry

my bus arrived 1 hour late and im gonna arrive home hungry
-3 Frags +
titzieI'm slowly quitting tf2 and it makes me sad but at the same time it's something positive

Same, I'm losing interest for the game because Valve just makes it worse with every update, and I'm getting a bit bored, but it's definitely something good for my life. More time to practice drums, hang out with friends...

[quote=titzie]I'm slowly quitting tf2 and it makes me sad but at the same time it's something positive[/quote]

Same, I'm losing interest for the game because Valve just makes it worse with every update, and I'm getting a bit bored, but it's definitely something good for my life. More time to practice drums, hang out with friends...
11 Frags +


-3 Frags +

I want to get the items from Halloween but most of the maps you have to play on are complete garbage

I want to get the items from Halloween but most of the maps you have to play on are complete garbage
3 Frags +

that was a lie I know what I should do but I can't find the effort to execute it.
fuck me

that was a lie I know what I should do but I can't find the effort to execute it.
fuck me
10 Frags +

The two games I take interest in are slowly dying (TF2) or requires you to play with a group or else you guaranteed won't have fun (OW).
I can't be bothered to get better at any neighboring games either because I'm simply not good enough. (CS)
I beat myself up too much over video games

The two games I take interest in are slowly dying (TF2) or requires you to play with a group or else you guaranteed won't have fun (OW).
I can't be bothered to get better at any neighboring games either because I'm simply not good enough. (CS)
I beat myself up too much over video games
-4 Frags +

You get things like this everywhere including the last place it should be
But no tf2 ads anywhere cause valve don't care

You get things like this everywhere including the last place it should be
But no tf2 ads anywhere cause valve don't care
0 Frags +

i wish i decided to play when i had the energy, time, and the drive for the game. only thing i can do now is make sure others can do so

i wish i decided to play when i had the energy, time, and the drive for the game. only thing i can do now is make sure others can do so
6 Frags +

Young Justice is coming back which makes me feel good
but Teen Titans Go still exists over Teen Titans which did not make me feel good

Young Justice is coming back which makes me feel good
but Teen Titans Go still exists over Teen Titans which did not make me feel good
1 Frags +


0 Frags +

I would have made far more friends, been taken more seriously and had a much better public reputation if I didn't fucking name myself yipyapper or change it when I moved to ESEA before it was too late

I would have made far more friends, been taken more seriously and had a much better public reputation if I didn't fucking name myself yipyapper or change it when I moved to ESEA before it was too late
19 Frags +

you overestimate the impact of your name

no one has trouble taking EvilMrMuffinz :D or CheesyMacgyver seriously

you overestimate the impact of your name

no one has trouble taking EvilMrMuffinz :D or CheesyMacgyver seriously
5 Frags +

skeez and broking are on a top 4 invite team...

skeez and broking are on a top 4 invite team...
7 Frags +
YipyapperI would have made far more friends, been taken more seriously and had a much better public reputation if I didn't fucking name myself yipyapper or change it when I moved to ESEA before it was too late

how is it late? look at pelt

[quote=Yipyapper]I would have made far more friends, been taken more seriously and had a much better public reputation if I didn't fucking name myself yipyapper or change it when I moved to ESEA before it was too late[/quote]

how is it late? look at pelt
6 Frags +

i lent a classmate (who sits next to me) a pen to fill out a survey
she gives it back to me after class and the fucking clip is snapped off

that was my only pen

i lent a classmate (who sits next to me) a pen to fill out a survey
she gives it back to me after class and the fucking clip is snapped off

that was my only pen
16 Frags +

It's very upsetting when people put their bread in the refrigerator

It's very upsetting when people put their bread in the refrigerator
3 Frags +

how does this community want a bigger comp scene for tf2 but put down all new players

how does this community want a bigger comp scene for tf2 but put down all new players
-6 Frags +
tonyswedeyhow does this community want a bigger comp scene for tf2 but put down all new players

I hear this shit all the time and I see people helping more often then putting down new players

[quote=tonyswedey]how does this community want a bigger comp scene for tf2 but put down all new players[/quote]
I hear this shit all the time and I see people helping more often then putting down new players
4 Frags +
SpaceGhostsCoffeeIt's very upsetting when people put their bread in the refrigerator

yes the real strat is to slice it and then put it in the freezer so you kinda forget its there unless you actually need bread

[quote=SpaceGhostsCoffee]It's very upsetting when people put their bread in the refrigerator[/quote]

yes the real strat is to slice it and then put it in the freezer so you kinda forget its there unless you actually need bread
4 Frags +
SpaceGhostsCoffeeIt's very upsetting when people put their bread in the refrigerator

Where am I supposed to put it so it doesn't dry up?

[quote=SpaceGhostsCoffee]It's very upsetting when people put their bread in the refrigerator[/quote]

Where am I supposed to put it so it doesn't dry up?
-5 Frags +
fluftonyswedeyhow does this community want a bigger comp scene for tf2 but put down all new playersI hear this shit all the time and I see people helping more often then putting down new players

um where?

[quote=fluf][quote=tonyswedey]how does this community want a bigger comp scene for tf2 but put down all new players[/quote]
I hear this shit all the time and I see people helping more often then putting down new players[/quote]
um where?
1 ⋅⋅ 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ⋅⋅ 42
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