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Any confirmed corona cases in the tf2 community?
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First confirmed case at my work place so I was wondering what you guys are dealing with currently

First confirmed case at my work place so I was wondering what you guys are dealing with currently
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patient tf2

patient tf2
25 Frags +

I don't ever leave my house so no

I don't ever leave my house so no
124 Frags +

My rockets are pretty sick so anyone I scrim may want to get tested

My rockets are pretty sick so anyone I scrim may want to get tested
5 Frags +

dont join my dc channel if u have corona

dont join my dc channel if u have corona
2 Frags +

Have they still got you coming in to work or is it work from home?

Have they still got you coming in to work or is it work from home?
-60 Frags +

I live in Washington and I'm pretty sure I had a mild version. So did my friend and one of my coworkers. We basically just had a fever and a gnarly cough for two weeks and then it went away. None of us bothered to go to the doctor and we just dealt with it.

It's not even that bad if you're not old or don't have other medical issues. I'd rather have it than the normal flu because I didn't throw up and the fever wasn't as bad. Everyone is completely overreacting. Everyone should just get the virus and get it over with already. Lmao@weak ppl.

I live in Washington and I'm pretty sure I had a mild version. So did my friend and one of my coworkers. We basically just had a fever and a gnarly cough for two weeks and then it went away. None of us bothered to go to the doctor and we just dealt with it.

It's not even that bad if you're not old or don't have other medical issues. I'd rather have it than the normal flu because I didn't throw up and the fever wasn't as bad. Everyone is completely overreacting. Everyone should just get the virus and get it over with already. Lmao@weak ppl.
-35 Frags +

No but my college canceled classes for a month. I'm not complaining but wow people overreact to dumb things.

No but my college canceled classes for a month. I'm not complaining but wow people overreact to dumb things.
38 Frags +
seven1No but my college canceled classes for a month. I'm not complaining but wow people overreact to dumb things.

ah yes, because this is so dumb right?

[quote=seven1]No but my college canceled classes for a month. I'm not complaining but wow people overreact to dumb things.[/quote]

ah yes, because this is so dumb right?
31 Frags +

hey seven i hate to break it to you but coronas actually pretty serious

hey seven i hate to break it to you but coronas actually pretty serious
33 Frags +

after age 65 you lose status as a human being in america

after age 65 you lose status as a human being in america
11 Frags +
denisbit13after age 65 you lose status as a human being in america

interesting take. maybe you've never been here but those are in fact the only people who vote

[quote=denisbit13]after age 65 you lose status as a human being in america[/quote]
interesting take. maybe you've never been here but those are in fact the only people who vote
8 Frags +
seven1No but my college canceled classes for a month. I'm not complaining but wow people overreact to dumb things.

Yeah dude, the whole world stops for the biggest emergency since post-war period, it must be a sort of excessive reaction to a stupid trivial virus.
I always wonder how a world where Trump is USA president can exist, but then I remember there are so many people like you lmao

[quote=seven1]No but my college canceled classes for a month. I'm not complaining but wow people overreact to dumb things.[/quote]
Yeah dude, the whole world stops for the biggest emergency since post-war period, it must be a sort of excessive reaction to a stupid trivial virus.
I always wonder how a world where Trump is USA president can exist, but then I remember there are so many people like you lmao
45 Frags +

youre laughing, corona just caused the biggest stock market crash since 1987 and youre laughing

youre laughing, corona just caused the biggest stock market crash since 1987 and youre laughing
1 Frags +
torrit3youre laughing, corona just caused the biggest stock market crash since 1987 and youre laughing

it was just the straw the broke the camel's back. fed lowering rates during a record long expansion, and inverted bond yields so this has been coming for a while now. not to mention Russia and Saudi Arabia fucking with oil took it's toll as well

[quote=torrit3]youre laughing, corona just caused the biggest stock market crash since 1987 and youre laughing[/quote]

it was just the straw the broke the camel's back. fed lowering rates during a record long expansion, and inverted bond yields so this has been coming for a while now. not to mention Russia and Saudi Arabia fucking with oil took it's toll as well
-62 Frags +

Lmao. You guys are pissed. It's dumb to have to cancel classes for people who are aged 18-23. The death rate for that age group is like .4% which is lower than the flu. It's more dangerous to older people and those with immune system issues. I get that they are trying to slow the rate of infection, but the likely hood of someone of regular college age dying is not enough to have great concern. If you make the case of, "Trying to prevent the spread to those people that I mentioned it mostly effects" I'll give you that. It's my opinion no need to get triggered about it on a tf2 forum site.

Lmao. You guys are pissed. It's dumb to have to cancel classes for people who are aged 18-23. The death rate for that age group is like .4% which is lower than the flu. It's more dangerous to older people and those with immune system issues. I get that they are trying to slow the rate of infection, but the likely hood of someone of regular college age dying is not enough to have great concern. If you make the case of, "Trying to prevent the spread to those people that I mentioned it mostly effects" I'll give you that. It's my opinion no need to get triggered about it on a tf2 forum site.
22 Frags +

If all the young people have it they're going to transfer it to older people. Look up herd immunity; this isn't exactly the same thing but it's a similar concept. And there are plenty of young people with compromised immune systems too.

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also we should start banning people who say "this a tf2 forum dum dum stop posting about non tf2 haha"
If all the young people have it they're going to transfer it to older people. Look up herd immunity; this isn't exactly the same thing but it's a similar concept. And there are plenty of young people with compromised immune systems too.[spoiler]also we should start banning people who say "this a tf2 forum dum dum stop posting about non tf2 haha"[/spoiler]
17 Frags +

leading health officials dumb me smart

leading health officials dumb me smart
-3 Frags +

not a big fan of media hysteria or politicians, but people will always just blame the government for overreacting, so the government does worthless half measures or if it's too late and it's already spreading they'll blame the government for doing nothing while this is the moment where every poor sob who works in tax funded healthcare work themselves to death.

not a big fan of media hysteria or politicians, but people will always just blame the government for overreacting, so the government does worthless half measures or if it's too late and it's already spreading they'll blame the government for doing nothing while this is the moment where every poor sob who works in tax funded healthcare work themselves to death.
5 Frags +
seven1Lmao. You guys are pissed. It's dumb to have to cancel classes for people who are aged 18-23. The death rate for that age group is like .4% which is lower than the flu. It's more dangerous to older people and those with immune system issues. I get that they are trying to slow the rate of infection, but the likely hood of someone of regular college age dying is not enough to have great concern. If you make the case of, "Trying to prevent the spread to those people that I mentioned it mostly effects" I'll give you that. It's my opinion no need to get triggered about it on a tf2 forum site.

if you have the opinion of someone with no education or common sense then why are you surprised that we react as such?

[quote=seven1]Lmao. You guys are pissed. It's dumb to have to cancel classes for people who are aged 18-23. The death rate for that age group is like .4% which is lower than the flu. It's more dangerous to older people and those with immune system issues. I get that they are trying to slow the rate of infection, but the likely hood of someone of regular college age dying is not enough to have great concern. If you make the case of, "Trying to prevent the spread to those people that I mentioned it mostly effects" I'll give you that. It's my opinion no need to get triggered about it on a tf2 forum site.[/quote]
if you have the opinion of someone with no education or common sense then why are you surprised that we react as such?
18 Frags +
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seven1Lmao. You guys are pissed. It's dumb to have to cancel classes for people who are aged 18-23. The death rate for that age group is like .4% which is lower than the flu. It's more dangerous to older people and those with immune system issues. I get that they are trying to slow the rate of infection, but the likely hood of someone of regular college age dying is not enough to have great concern. If you make the case of, "Trying to prevent the spread to those people that I mentioned it mostly effects" I'll give you that. It's my opinion no need to get triggered about it on a tf2 forum site.

Oh right, let's just ignore your parents/grandparents/immunosuppressed/people with previous illnesses who could very easly be infected by the super humans invulnerable college students.
Thank you for confirming your stupidity, but it wasn't necessary, really

[spoiler][quote=seven1]Lmao. You guys are pissed. It's dumb to have to cancel classes for people who are aged 18-23. The death rate for that age group is like .4% which is lower than the flu. It's more dangerous to older people and those with immune system issues. I get that they are trying to slow the rate of infection, but the likely hood of someone of regular college age dying is not enough to have great concern. If you make the case of, "Trying to prevent the spread to those people that I mentioned it mostly effects" I'll give you that. It's my opinion no need to get triggered about it on a tf2 forum site.[/quote] [/spoiler]
Oh right, let's just ignore your parents/grandparents/immunosuppressed/people with previous illnesses who could very easly be infected by the super humans invulnerable college students.
Thank you for confirming your stupidity, but it wasn't necessary, really
37 Frags +
seven1Lmao. You guys are pissed. It's dumb to have to cancel classes for people who are aged 18-23. The death rate for that age group is like .4% which is lower than the flu. It's more dangerous to older people and those with immune system issues. I get that they are trying to slow the rate of infection, but the likely hood of someone of regular college age dying is not enough to have great concern. If you make the case of, "Trying to prevent the spread to those people that I mentioned it mostly effects" I'll give you that. It's my opinion no need to get triggered about it on a tf2 forum site.

its my OPINION grandad no need to get TRIGGERED, he said in hospital after carrying the virus to his immuno-compromised family

[quote=seven1]Lmao. You guys are pissed. It's dumb to have to cancel classes for people who are aged 18-23. The death rate for that age group is like .4% which is lower than the flu. It's more dangerous to older people and those with immune system issues. I get that they are trying to slow the rate of infection, but the likely hood of someone of regular college age dying is not enough to have great concern. If you make the case of, "Trying to prevent the spread to those people that I mentioned it mostly effects" I'll give you that. It's my opinion no need to get triggered about it on a tf2 forum site.[/quote]
its my OPINION grandad no need to get TRIGGERED, he said in hospital after carrying the virus to his immuno-compromised family
25 Frags +
seven1The death rate for that age group is like .4% which is lower than the flu.


seven1It's more dangerous to older people and those with immune system issues. I get that they are trying to slow the rate of infection


[quote=seven1]The death rate for that age group is like .4% which is lower than the flu.[/quote]
[quote=seven1]It's more dangerous to older people and those with immune system issues. I get that they are trying to slow the rate of infection[/quote]
21 Frags +
seven1Lmao. You guys are pissed. It's dumb to have to cancel classes for people who are aged 18-23. The death rate for that age group is like .4% which is lower than the flu. It's more dangerous to older people and those with immune system issues. I get that they are trying to slow the rate of infection, but the likely hood of someone of regular college age dying is not enough to have great concern. If you make the case of, "Trying to prevent the spread to those people that I mentioned it mostly effects" I'll give you that. It's my opinion no need to get triggered about it on a tf2 forum site.

this dude just forgot about his professors that's crazy

[quote=seven1]Lmao. You guys are pissed. It's dumb to have to cancel classes for people who are aged 18-23. The death rate for that age group is like .4% which is lower than the flu. It's more dangerous to older people and those with immune system issues. I get that they are trying to slow the rate of infection, but the likely hood of someone of regular college age dying is not enough to have great concern. If you make the case of, "Trying to prevent the spread to those people that I mentioned it mostly effects" I'll give you that. It's my opinion no need to get triggered about it on a tf2 forum site.[/quote]

this dude just forgot about his professors that's crazy
11 Frags +
seven1Lmao. You guys are pissed. It's dumb to have to cancel classes for people who are aged 18-23. The death rate for that age group is like .4% which is lower than the flu. It's more dangerous to older people and those with immune system issues. I get that they are trying to slow the rate of infection, but the likely hood of someone of regular college age dying is not enough to have great concern. If you make the case of, "Trying to prevent the spread to those people that I mentioned it mostly effects" I'll give you that. It's my opinion no need to get triggered about it on a tf2 forum site.

The regular flu has a death rate of 0.1% across all ages. Coronavirus has a death rate of 0.4% among young adults and >10% in the elderly.

[quote=seven1]Lmao. You guys are pissed. It's dumb to have to cancel classes for people who are aged 18-23. The death rate for that age group is like .4% which is lower than the flu. It's more dangerous to older people and those with immune system issues. I get that they are trying to slow the rate of infection, but the likely hood of someone of regular college age dying is not enough to have great concern. If you make the case of, "Trying to prevent the spread to those people that I mentioned it mostly effects" I'll give you that. It's my opinion no need to get triggered about it on a tf2 forum site.[/quote]

The regular flu has a death rate of 0.1% across all ages. Coronavirus has a death rate of 0.4% among young adults and >10% in the elderly.
23 Frags +

"One challenge we face is that people who are young and generally healthy won't perceive personal risk and they'll govern their behavior based on what they perceive their personal risk to be."


Exhibit A

"One challenge we face is that people who are young and generally healthy won't perceive personal risk and they'll govern their behavior based on what they perceive their personal risk to be."
Exhibit A
-23 Frags +

Yes. Let's send me home where my mom has lung issues and my dad has cardiovascular issues. Yes great idea. Let them have someone else around who may or may not have it. You claim I'm stupid forn saying sending home the students, but the people at home are more likely to be hurt by this virus. The less human interactions they have overall the safer they are.

Yes. Let's send me home where my mom has lung issues and my dad has cardiovascular issues. Yes great idea. Let them have someone else around who may or may not have it. You claim I'm stupid forn saying sending home the students, but the people at home are more likely to be hurt by this virus. The less human interactions they have overall the safer they are.
11 Frags +
seven1Yes. Let's send me home where my mom has lung issues and my dad has cardiovascular issues. Yes great idea. Let them have someone else around who may or may not have it. You claim I'm stupid forn saying sending home the students, but the people at home are more likely to be hurt by this virus. The less human interactions they have overall the safer they are.

how do u figure its gonna spread from family to family if people stay home????????? u know the virus just doesn't randomly appear in your body

[quote=seven1]Yes. Let's send me home where my mom has lung issues and my dad has cardiovascular issues. Yes great idea. Let them have someone else around who may or may not have it. You claim I'm stupid forn saying sending home the students, but the people at home are more likely to be hurt by this virus. The less human interactions they have overall the safer they are.[/quote] how do u figure its gonna spread from family to family if people stay home????????? u know the virus just doesn't randomly appear in your body
-12 Frags +
Collaideseven1Yes. Let's send me home where my mom has lung issues and my dad has cardiovascular issues. Yes great idea. Let them have someone else around who may or may not have it. You claim I'm stupid forn saying sending home the students, but the people at home are more likely to be hurt by this virus. The less human interactions they have overall the safer they are. how do u figure its gonna spread from family to family if people stay home????????? u know the virus just doesn't randomly appear in your body

To get home I have to travel around 7-8 hours through 4 states. How can I be sure that I won't meet a carrier on the way? How am I sure I'm not already a carrier? Even then everyone that goes home isn't going to literally sit in their house for 1 month straight. The more people that they interact with the higher the probability they will get it.

[quote=Collaide][quote=seven1]Yes. Let's send me home where my mom has lung issues and my dad has cardiovascular issues. Yes great idea. Let them have someone else around who may or may not have it. You claim I'm stupid forn saying sending home the students, but the people at home are more likely to be hurt by this virus. The less human interactions they have overall the safer they are.[/quote] how do u figure its gonna spread from family to family if people stay home????????? u know the virus just doesn't randomly appear in your body[/quote]
To get home I have to travel around 7-8 hours through 4 states. How can I be sure that I won't meet a carrier on the way? How am I sure I'm not already a carrier? Even then everyone that goes home isn't going to literally sit in their house for 1 month straight. The more people that they interact with the higher the probability they will get it.
-1 Frags +
seven1To get home I have to travel around 7-8 hours through 4 states. How can I be sure that I won't meet a carrier on the way? How am I sure I'm not already a carrier? Even then everyone that goes home isn't going to literally sit in their house for 1 month straight. The more people that they interact with the higher the probability they will get it.

Try washing your hands, I heard it may help. :-)

[quote=seven1]To get home I have to travel around 7-8 hours through 4 states. How can I be sure that I won't meet a carrier on the way? How am I sure I'm not already a carrier? Even then everyone that goes home isn't going to literally sit in their house for 1 month straight. The more people that they interact with the higher the probability they will get it.[/quote]
Try washing your hands, I heard it may help. :-)
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