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why dafuqwizat didn't cheat:
-16 Frags +
quintoshSpriteYou linked to a post from someone who isn't part of the AC team, why is he's your spokesperson??
SpriteYou can't tell me you can prove that he's guilty and not then actually prove it. It doesn't work like that.where did I say that
SpriteI literally work in security your shop analogy is bsas bs as your prison analogy

I originally thought it was collaide replying, the first statement was referring to clarks post.

quintoshyou just won't see the evidence regardless of how much it means to you. i already told you why we're not releasing it and that's not going to change in this case either.

You wont release the evidence proving his guilt, how is this NOT dodging proving his guilt?

And my prison analogy refers to the due legal process when it comes to arresting, charging and incarcerating someone with committing a crime. Your analogy is based up on some fantasy you have.

In all of the shops in my town with security cameras they have big circles painted on the ground to show where the cameras point just for the transparency of it, I mean it wouldn't be fair on the thieves if they didn't have blind spots to stand in right?

That's why you have security guards and radio comms to cover the blind spots, All of which are easily visible and in a court of law would be provided as evidence also.

[quote=quintosh][quote=Sprite]You linked to a post from someone who isn't part of the AC team, why is he's your spokesperson?[/quote]

[quote=Sprite]You can't tell me you can prove that he's guilty and not then actually prove it. It doesn't work like that.[/quote]
where did I say that

[quote=Sprite]I literally work in security your shop analogy is bs[/quote]
as bs as your prison analogy[/quote]

I originally thought it was collaide replying, the first statement was referring to clarks post.

you just won't see the evidence regardless of how much it means to you. i already told you why we're not releasing it and that's not going to change in this case either.

You wont release the evidence proving his guilt, how is this NOT dodging proving his guilt?

And my prison analogy refers to the due legal process when it comes to arresting, charging and incarcerating someone with committing a crime. Your analogy is based up on some fantasy you have.


In all of the shops in my town with security cameras they have big circles painted on the ground to show where the cameras point just for the transparency of it, I mean it wouldn't be fair on the thieves if they didn't have blind spots to stand in right?[/quote]

That's why you have security guards and radio comms to cover the blind spots, All of which are easily visible and in a court of law would be provided as evidence also.
-41 Frags +

Guys, maybe if you would've played more than 20 hours per 2 weeks, you'd actually be better and improve like Wiz does. I like how the players in prem division don't improve at all, playing the same as they played a couple seasons ago (talking about invidual skill). Almost no one imrproved that strong as Wizat did. Do any of you play as much as Wizat does? Does any of you play on only specific sniper maps and only as a sniper to become better? Why would you decided if a person is hacking by 1 lagging demo? Are you braindead? I can't even explain more circlejerk community than etf2l admins. You guys involve Quintosh into this shit, who HASN'T BEEN AN ADMIN FOR GODDAMN 5-7 YEARS. Why is he responsible for banning a person? I don't give a fuck about who says he's hacker or not. Clark? Wow, guy is ready to sell his balls to get another 1st prem place? What a nice opinion by the man who just wins without any punishment. Then here comes actually a good sniper main playing this game 24/7 only as the class he mains, and a couple of fags start complaining. You guys act so bad. People thought Odin was a hacker, because he played this game 24/7 unlike all of you. Same goes with nubbi, guy who improved from open into high/prem for such a short period of time. Wizat has been playing this game for so long, why would he cheat?

I asked Wiz about the video where he had been in voice with a hacker:
yeah i know it looks really bad on me
I never knew this dude was cheating and when he admitted it to me I stopped talking to him, not that i dont know cheaters either
but this is a classic example of knowing someone who got caught by police and somehow you are involved in it
because you are there

Let's talk more about etf2l policy. Aleskee's team Torpedo got put into div1 having 5 or even more prem players on main classes. No one said anything. They didn't even get put in prem quals? Don't you think there's something wrong? Same goes with Quintosh. Why is he responsible if he is not an admin? If "admins" on etf2l mean so much, even former, so let's talk about porky's stream.
First of all, his stream reviewing wizat's demo. I've rewatched the demo myself. There were a couple times when the crosshair was triggering up and down. With porky's cfg there was no fire, while on my demo with better gfx cfg actually was one. Second of all, there wasn't even reviewing, there were some fucking retards laughing at a person killing someone. He misses: no one talks. He hits: hahaha what a shot, hahahaha, hacks,hahaha. And AlesKee, Cronk and Detoed support porky and laugh at it with him. They fucking threw wiz under the bus and exploited drama for twitch followers. Is it the behaviour of the admins you want to see reviewing real case? Then good, it's your choice. Quintosh "not being an admin" does decision of banning a player and AlesKee and porky "not being the admins" go div1 with 5 prem players on main classes. Coincidence?

Fuck this league.

Guys, maybe if you would've played more than 20 hours per 2 weeks, you'd actually be better and improve like Wiz does. I like how the players in prem division don't improve at all, playing the same as they played a couple seasons ago (talking about invidual skill). Almost no one imrproved that strong as Wizat did. Do any of you play as much as Wizat does? Does any of you play on only specific sniper maps and only as a sniper to become better? Why would you decided if a person is hacking by 1 lagging demo? Are you braindead? I can't even explain more circlejerk community than etf2l admins. You guys involve Quintosh into this shit, who HASN'T BEEN AN ADMIN FOR GODDAMN 5-7 YEARS. Why is he responsible for banning a person? I don't give a fuck about who says he's hacker or not. Clark? Wow, guy is ready to sell his balls to get another 1st prem place? What a nice opinion by the man who just wins without any punishment. Then here comes actually a good sniper main playing this game 24/7 only as the class he mains, and a couple of fags start complaining. You guys act so bad. People thought Odin was a hacker, because he played this game 24/7 unlike all of you. Same goes with nubbi, guy who improved from open into high/prem for such a short period of time. Wizat has been playing this game for so long, why would he cheat?

I asked Wiz about the video where he had been in voice with a hacker:
yeah i know it looks really bad on me
I never knew this dude was cheating and when he admitted it to me I stopped talking to him, not that i dont know cheaters either
but this is a classic example of knowing someone who got caught by police and somehow you are involved in it
because you are there

Let's talk more about etf2l policy. Aleskee's team Torpedo got put into div1 having 5 or even more prem players on main classes. No one said anything. They didn't even get put in prem quals? Don't you think there's something wrong? Same goes with Quintosh. Why is he responsible if he is not an admin? If "admins" on etf2l mean so much, even former, so let's talk about porky's stream.
First of all, his stream reviewing wizat's demo. I've rewatched the demo myself. There were a couple times when the crosshair was triggering up and down. With porky's cfg there was no fire, while on my demo with better gfx cfg actually was one. Second of all, there wasn't even reviewing, there were some fucking retards laughing at a person killing someone. He misses: no one talks. He hits: hahaha what a shot, hahahaha, hacks,hahaha. And AlesKee, Cronk and Detoed support porky and laugh at it with him. They fucking threw wiz under the bus and exploited drama for twitch followers. Is it the behaviour of the admins you want to see reviewing real case? Then good, it's your choice. Quintosh "not being an admin" does decision of banning a player and AlesKee and porky "not being the admins" go div1 with 5 prem players on main classes. Coincidence?

Fuck this league.
-16 Frags +

Linking a flow chart still doesn't provide what I'm asking for, just because the process was right once doesn't mean it always is, This is why the death penalty isn't a thing in a lot of the world anymore, because if you get it wrong innocent people get punished.


Linking a flow chart still doesn't provide what I'm asking for, just because the process was right once doesn't mean it always is, This is why the death penalty isn't a thing in a lot of the world anymore, because if you get it wrong innocent people get punished.
-9 Frags +
magistrGuys, maybe if you would've played more than 20 hours per 2 weeks, you'd actually be better and improve like Wiz does. I like how the players in prem division don't improve at all, playing the same as they played a couple seasons ago (talking about invidual skill). Almost no one imrproved that strong as Wizat did. Do any of you play as much as Wizat does? Does any of you play on only specific sniper maps and only as a sniper to become better? Why would you decided if a person is hacking by 1 lagging demo? Are you braindead? I can't even explain more circlejerk community than etf2l admins. You guys involve Quintosh into this shit, who HASN'T BEEN AN ADMIN FOR GODDAMN 5-7 YEARS. Why is he responsible for banning a person? I don't give a fuck about who says he's hacker or not. Clark? Wow, guy is ready to sell his balls to get another 1st prem place? What a nice opinion by the man who just wins without any punishment. Then here comes actually a good sniper main playing this game 24/7 only as the class he mains, and a couple of fags start complaining. You guys act so bad. People thought Odin was a hacker, because he played this game 24/7 unlike all of you. Same goes with nubbi, guy who improved from open into high/prem for such a short period of time. Wizat has been playing this game for so long, why would he cheat?

I asked Wiz about the video where he had been in voice with a hacker:
yeah i know it looks really bad on me
I never knew this dude was cheating and when he admitted it to me I stopped talking to him, not that i dont know cheaters either
but this is a classic example of knowing someone who got caught by police and somehow you are involved in it
because you are there

Let's talk more about etf2l policy. Aleskee's team Torpedo got put into div1 having 5 or even more prem players on main classes. No one said anything. They didn't even get put in prem quals? Don't you think there's something wrong? Same goes with Quintosh. Why is he responsible if he is not an admin? If "admins" on etf2l mean so much, even former, so let's talk about porky's stream.
First of all, his stream reviewing wizat's demo. I've rewatched the demo myself. There were a couple times when the crosshair was triggering up and down. With porky's cfg there was no fire, while on my demo with better gfx cfg actually was one. Second of all, there wasn't even reviewing, there were some fucking retards laughing at a person killing someone. He misses: no one talks. He hits: hahaha what a shot, hahahaha, hacks,hahaha. And AlesKee, Cronk and Detoed support porky and laugh at it with him. They fucking threw wiz under the bus and exploited drama for twitch followers. Is it the behaviour of the admins you want to see reviewing real case? Then good, it's your choice. Quintosh "not being an admin" does decision of banning a player and AlesKee and porky "not being the admins" go div1 with 5 prem players on main classes. Coincidence?

Fuck this league.

u mad?

[quote=magistr]Guys, maybe if you would've played more than 20 hours per 2 weeks, you'd actually be better and improve like Wiz does. I like how the players in prem division don't improve at all, playing the same as they played a couple seasons ago (talking about invidual skill). Almost no one imrproved that strong as Wizat did. Do any of you play as much as Wizat does? Does any of you play on only specific sniper maps and only as a sniper to become better? Why would you decided if a person is hacking by 1 lagging demo? Are you braindead? I can't even explain more circlejerk community than etf2l admins. You guys involve Quintosh into this shit, who HASN'T BEEN AN ADMIN FOR GODDAMN 5-7 YEARS. Why is he responsible for banning a person? I don't give a fuck about who says he's hacker or not. Clark? Wow, guy is ready to sell his balls to get another 1st prem place? What a nice opinion by the man who just wins without any punishment. Then here comes actually a good sniper main playing this game 24/7 only as the class he mains, and a couple of fags start complaining. You guys act so bad. People thought Odin was a hacker, because he played this game 24/7 unlike all of you. Same goes with nubbi, guy who improved from open into high/prem for such a short period of time. Wizat has been playing this game for so long, why would he cheat?

I asked Wiz about the video where he had been in voice with a hacker:
yeah i know it looks really bad on me
I never knew this dude was cheating and when he admitted it to me I stopped talking to him, not that i dont know cheaters either
but this is a classic example of knowing someone who got caught by police and somehow you are involved in it
because you are there

Let's talk more about etf2l policy. Aleskee's team Torpedo got put into div1 having 5 or even more prem players on main classes. No one said anything. They didn't even get put in prem quals? Don't you think there's something wrong? Same goes with Quintosh. Why is he responsible if he is not an admin? If "admins" on etf2l mean so much, even former, so let's talk about porky's stream.
First of all, his stream reviewing wizat's demo. I've rewatched the demo myself. There were a couple times when the crosshair was triggering up and down. With porky's cfg there was no fire, while on my demo with better gfx cfg actually was one. Second of all, there wasn't even reviewing, there were some fucking retards laughing at a person killing someone. He misses: no one talks. He hits: hahaha what a shot, hahahaha, hacks,hahaha. And AlesKee, Cronk and Detoed support porky and laugh at it with him. They fucking threw wiz under the bus and exploited drama for twitch followers. Is it the behaviour of the admins you want to see reviewing real case? Then good, it's your choice. Quintosh "not being an admin" does decision of banning a player and AlesKee and porky "not being the admins" go div1 with 5 prem players on main classes. Coincidence?

Fuck this league.[/quote]

u mad?
33 Frags +

Holy fuck this is getting more pathetic by the minute, what's up with all these people flocking here in defense of Wizat, every single one of them with a weaker reason than the previous one as to why he should be unbanned
He's been banned from playing on 1 (one) site for 1 (one) year because of cheating, from the comments of Magister, sprite and jedi it would almost seem as if he was about to be jailed for life, holy shit

Holy fuck this is getting more pathetic by the minute, what's up with all these people flocking here in defense of Wizat, every single one of them with a weaker reason than the previous one as to why he should be unbanned
He's been banned from playing on 1 (one) site for 1 (one) year because of cheating, from the comments of Magister, sprite and jedi it would almost seem as if he was about to be jailed for life, holy shit
20 Frags +
  • It was weird he was banned from TF2Center a year before his ETF2L ban because of an AC admin.
  • It was weird that the Head AC admin made a twitter post celebrating his ban and then streamed immediately after referencing the ban to get more viewers.
  • It was weird that everyone knew they wanted him banned for the last 6 months

1. TF2Center bans are not related to ETF2L bans or ETF2L Admins in any way, unless they mirror ETF2L bans. We shared BlueBunny as a staff member back then, but we handled cases independently. He got banned for not uploading specific demos too often iirc, it's been too long. It was lifted again some time after BlueBunny left their staff and she left ours earlier this year as well.
2./3. I would like to apologise for the Twitter post, however after spending a lot of personal time on these cases having to stay neutral in your entire case work and then making the final decision it feels very good to finally be able to vent after banning someone, because at some point when working on a cheater/alt case (= the very end) you realise all this time was spend on someone who undermines the community. You feel happy to have caught someone and to have the evidence for it, but you also feel like shit because of nagging thoughts like "did we take too long with this?", "how will the community react to it?" etc. Believe me, we were very aware what kind of garbage storm this ban would probably conjure up, we don't do this shit because we enjoy getting shat on, we do this go keep cheaters out of the league.
The tweet I expressed at cheaters/these underminers in general and the stream was there for additional venting/clearing out my mind after my Discord was spammed to hell with negativity. I would like to apologise for it nevertheless.

As for demos, you should definitely bring that up in the ETF2L feedback channel.

[*] It was weird he was banned from TF2Center a year before his ETF2L ban because of an AC admin.
[*] It was weird that the Head AC admin made a twitter post celebrating his ban and then streamed immediately after referencing the ban to get more viewers.
[*] It was weird that everyone knew they wanted him banned for the last 6 months
1. TF2Center bans are not related to ETF2L bans or ETF2L Admins in any way, unless they mirror ETF2L bans. We shared BlueBunny as a staff member back then, but we handled cases independently. He got banned for not uploading specific demos too often iirc, it's been too long. It was lifted again some time after BlueBunny left their staff and she left ours earlier this year as well.
2./3. I would like to apologise for the Twitter post, however after spending a lot of personal time on these cases having to stay neutral in your entire case work and then making the final decision it feels very good to finally be able to vent after banning someone, because at some point when working on a cheater/alt case (= the very end) you realise all this time was spend on someone who undermines the community. You feel happy to have caught someone and to have the evidence for it, but you also feel like shit because of nagging thoughts like "did we take too long with this?", "how will the community react to it?" etc. Believe me, we were very aware what kind of garbage storm this ban would probably conjure up, we don't do this shit because we enjoy getting shat on, we do this go keep cheaters out of the league.
The tweet I expressed at cheaters/these underminers in general and the stream was there for additional venting/clearing out my mind after my Discord was spammed to hell with negativity. I would like to apologise for it nevertheless.

As for demos, you should definitely bring that up in the ETF2L feedback channel.
-14 Frags +
SasamiHoly fuck this is getting more pathetic by the minute, what's up with all these people flocking here in defense of Wizat, every single one of them with a weaker reason than the previous one as to why he should be unbanned
He's been banned from playing on 1 (one) site for 1 (one) year because of cheating, from the comments of Magister, sprite and jedi it would almost seem as if Wizat was about to be sent to Jail for life, holy shit

If the decision is not right and the punishment is not jail, then there's no reason to write and prove anything right?

[quote=Sasami]Holy fuck this is getting more pathetic by the minute, what's up with all these people flocking here in defense of Wizat, every single one of them with a weaker reason than the previous one as to why he should be unbanned
He's been banned from playing on 1 (one) site for 1 (one) year because of cheating, from the comments of Magister, sprite and jedi it would almost seem as if Wizat was about to be sent to Jail for life, holy shit[/quote]

If the decision is not right and the punishment is not jail, then there's no reason to write and prove anything right?
31 Frags +

It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt

It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt
11 Frags +

guys, he will get unbanned,,,, in a year,,,,,, please wait patiently

no but seriously a year for cheating? thats a slap on the wrist, i would understand the outcry if he was permabanned.

guys, he will get unbanned,,,, in a year,,,,,, please wait patiently

no but seriously a year for cheating? thats a slap on the wrist, i would understand the outcry if he was permabanned.
-31 Frags +

it's better for you to lose some weight and start moving your heavy hands properly. Maybe you will flick as hard as Wizat does, who knows

it's better for you to lose some weight and start moving your heavy hands properly. Maybe you will flick as hard as Wizat does, who knows
38 Frags +
magistrit's better for you to lose some weight and start moving your heavy hands properly. Maybe you will flick as hard as Wizat does, who knows

do not project your insecurities on others, thanks

[quote=magistr]it's better for you to lose some weight and start moving your heavy hands properly. Maybe you will flick as hard as Wizat does, who knows[/quote]

do not project your insecurities on others, thanks
3 Frags +
magistrGuys, maybe if you would've played more than 20 hours per 2 weeks, you'd actually be better and improve like Wiz does. I like how the players in prem division don't improve at all, playing the same as they played a couple seasons ago (talking about invidual skill). Almost no one imrproved that strong as Wizat did. Do any of you play as much as Wizat does? Does any of you play on only specific sniper maps and only as a sniper to become better? Why would you decided if a person is hacking by 1 lagging demo? Are you braindead? I can't even explain more circlejerk community than etf2l admins. You guys involve Quintosh into this shit, who HASN'T BEEN AN ADMIN FOR GODDAMN 5-7 YEARS. Why is he responsible for banning a person? I don't give a fuck about who says he's hacker or not. Clark? Wow, guy is ready to sell his balls to get another 1st prem place? What a nice opinion by the man who just wins without any punishment. Then here comes actually a good sniper main playing this game 24/7 only as the class he mains, and a couple of fags start complaining. You guys act so bad. People thought Odin was a hacker, because he played this game 24/7 unlike all of you. Same goes with nubbi, guy who improved from open into high/prem for such a short period of time. Wizat has been playing this game for so long, why would he cheat?

I asked Wiz about the video where he had been in voice with a hacker:
yeah i know it looks really bad on me
I never knew this dude was cheating and when he admitted it to me I stopped talking to him, not that i dont know cheaters either
but this is a classic example of knowing someone who got caught by police and somehow you are involved in it
because you are there

Let's talk more about etf2l policy. Aleskee's team Torpedo got put into div1 having 5 or even more prem players on main classes. No one said anything. They didn't even get put in prem quals? Don't you think there's something wrong? Same goes with Quintosh. Why is he responsible if he is not an admin? If "admins" on etf2l mean so much, even former, so let's talk about porky's stream.
First of all, his stream reviewing wizat's demo. I've rewatched the demo myself. There were a couple times when the crosshair was triggering up and down. With porky's cfg there was no fire, while on my demo with better gfx cfg actually was one. Second of all, there wasn't even reviewing, there were some fucking retards laughing at a person killing someone. He misses: no one talks. He hits: hahaha what a shot, hahahaha, hacks,hahaha. And AlesKee, Cronk and Detoed support porky and laugh at it with him. They fucking threw wiz under the bus and exploited drama for twitch followers. Is it the behaviour of the admins you want to see reviewing real case? Then good, it's your choice. Quintosh "not being an admin" does decision of banning a player and AlesKee and porky "not being the admins" go div1 with 5 prem players on main classes. Coincidence?

Fuck this league.


[quote=magistr]Guys, maybe if you would've played more than 20 hours per 2 weeks, you'd actually be better and improve like Wiz does. I like how the players in prem division don't improve at all, playing the same as they played a couple seasons ago (talking about invidual skill). Almost no one imrproved that strong as Wizat did. Do any of you play as much as Wizat does? Does any of you play on only specific sniper maps and only as a sniper to become better? Why would you decided if a person is hacking by 1 lagging demo? Are you braindead? I can't even explain more circlejerk community than etf2l admins. You guys involve Quintosh into this shit, who HASN'T BEEN AN ADMIN FOR GODDAMN 5-7 YEARS. Why is he responsible for banning a person? I don't give a fuck about who says he's hacker or not. Clark? Wow, guy is ready to sell his balls to get another 1st prem place? What a nice opinion by the man who just wins without any punishment. Then here comes actually a good sniper main playing this game 24/7 only as the class he mains, and a couple of fags start complaining. You guys act so bad. People thought Odin was a hacker, because he played this game 24/7 unlike all of you. Same goes with nubbi, guy who improved from open into high/prem for such a short period of time. Wizat has been playing this game for so long, why would he cheat?

I asked Wiz about the video where he had been in voice with a hacker:
yeah i know it looks really bad on me
I never knew this dude was cheating and when he admitted it to me I stopped talking to him, not that i dont know cheaters either
but this is a classic example of knowing someone who got caught by police and somehow you are involved in it
because you are there

Let's talk more about etf2l policy. Aleskee's team Torpedo got put into div1 having 5 or even more prem players on main classes. No one said anything. They didn't even get put in prem quals? Don't you think there's something wrong? Same goes with Quintosh. Why is he responsible if he is not an admin? If "admins" on etf2l mean so much, even former, so let's talk about porky's stream.
First of all, his stream reviewing wizat's demo. I've rewatched the demo myself. There were a couple times when the crosshair was triggering up and down. With porky's cfg there was no fire, while on my demo with better gfx cfg actually was one. Second of all, there wasn't even reviewing, there were some fucking retards laughing at a person killing someone. He misses: no one talks. He hits: hahaha what a shot, hahahaha, hacks,hahaha. And AlesKee, Cronk and Detoed support porky and laugh at it with him. They fucking threw wiz under the bus and exploited drama for twitch followers. Is it the behaviour of the admins you want to see reviewing real case? Then good, it's your choice. Quintosh "not being an admin" does decision of banning a player and AlesKee and porky "not being the admins" go div1 with 5 prem players on main classes. Coincidence?

Fuck this league.[/quote]
22 Frags +
magistrit's better for you to lose some weight and start moving your heavy hands properly. Maybe you will flick as hard as Wizat does, who knows

does his ass smell good?

[quote=magistr]it's better for you to lose some weight and start moving your heavy hands properly. Maybe you will flick as hard as Wizat does, who knows[/quote]
does his ass smell good?
25 Frags +
magistrit's better for you to lose some weight and start moving your heavy hands properly. Maybe you will flick as hard as Wizat does, who knows

Damn bro you got him

Maybe if you type 2 or 3 more messages Wizat will let you rosterride his team next time he plays (in one year)

[quote=magistr]it's better for you to lose some weight and start moving your heavy hands properly. Maybe you will flick as hard as Wizat does, who knows[/quote]
Damn bro you got him

Maybe if you type 2 or 3 more messages Wizat will let you rosterride his team next time he plays (in one year)
25 Frags +

so fucking cringe worthy lmaoooo

so fucking cringe worthy lmaoooo
9 Frags +

ban count : 1

ban count : 1
-14 Frags +


-24 Frags +

- a year is a large amount of time in competitive tf2 and long enough to make someone lose interest and quit competing as multiple lans or seasons can happen with that timespan while this person is barred from competing
- as quintosh said, countless sites mirror etf2l bans so he IS banned from competing in this game in every regard. pugchamp, ugc, etf2l, lobbies, rgl etc. he can likely only scrim and mix, but even then, people will refuse to scrim teams hes in and people wont invite him to mixes out of suspicion that he might cheat
- banning someone falsely for cheating does more than bar them from competing, it ruins their reputation. it can easily make people disregard his skill and just call him a cheater instead of recognising actual talent he developed through playing the game as much as he did.
- quintosh is an ac admin despite not being shown on the etf2l page of active admins
- admins have and always will show bias in multiple decisions, i dont need to mention which as you can easily find them by searching yourself, whether its decided by the league admin circlejerk or the ac admin circlejerk
- i reviewed the demo with an actual cheater and found no evidence detectable, the only thing not able to be disproved being a triggerbot, however he was banned for aimbot
- i highly doubt any "private tool" in the source engine can do anything to detect a cheat that console commands dont already do to help, the only way youd be able to tell hes cheating is through thorough analysis or seeing him vac banned, or a recording of his pov where he is literally cheating (which the admins refuse to give btw)
- i personally have seen wizat grinding for the years ive been grinding and highly doubt hed have a reason to cheat due to him actually developing this ability over the years hes played. its evident on his stream too, as there is no difference between how he played in the games that got requested on etf2l and how he plays there
- the admins have no idea how easy it is to cheat in their league
- "private" evidence cannot exist in team fortress 2 since all pov demos uploaded to etf2l are available to the public and any one could watch his youtube videos or ask him for pov demos
- the admins consistently apply unique punishments to people they are biased against, this isnt foreign knowledge.

watch the downvotes roll in

- a year is a large amount of time in competitive tf2 and long enough to make someone lose interest and quit competing as multiple lans or seasons can happen with that timespan while this person is barred from competing
- as quintosh said, countless sites mirror etf2l bans so he IS banned from competing in this game in every regard. pugchamp, ugc, etf2l, lobbies, rgl etc. he can likely only scrim and mix, but even then, people will refuse to scrim teams hes in and people wont invite him to mixes out of suspicion that he might cheat
- banning someone falsely for cheating does more than bar them from competing, it ruins their reputation. it can easily make people disregard his skill and just call him a cheater instead of recognising actual talent he developed through playing the game as much as he did.
- quintosh is an ac admin despite not being shown on the etf2l page of active admins
- admins have and always will show bias in multiple decisions, i dont need to mention which as you can easily find them by searching yourself, whether its decided by the league admin circlejerk or the ac admin circlejerk
- i reviewed the demo with an actual cheater and found no evidence detectable, the only thing not able to be disproved being a triggerbot, however he was banned for aimbot
- i highly doubt any "private tool" in the source engine can do anything to detect a cheat that console commands dont already do to help, the only way youd be able to tell hes cheating is through thorough analysis or seeing him vac banned, or a recording of his pov where he is literally cheating (which the admins refuse to give btw)
- i personally have seen wizat grinding for the years ive been grinding and highly doubt hed have a reason to cheat due to him actually developing this ability over the years hes played. its evident on his stream too, as there is no difference between how he played in the games that got requested on etf2l and how he plays there
- the admins have no idea how easy it is to cheat in their league
- "private" evidence cannot exist in team fortress 2 since all pov demos uploaded to etf2l are available to the public and any one could watch his youtube videos or ask him for pov demos
- the admins consistently apply unique punishments to people they are biased against, this isnt foreign knowledge.

watch the downvotes roll in
-33 Frags +

love the instant downvotes

here is to all of the people who believe etf2l is sunshine and rainbows and they can never make a mistake or have a bias opinion about a player in a 12 year old dead game :)


love the instant downvotes

here is to all of the people who believe etf2l is sunshine and rainbows and they can never make a mistake or have a bias opinion about a player in a 12 year old dead game :)

13 Frags +

even if this guy isn't cheating still keep him banned, one less sniper main

even if this guy isn't cheating still keep him banned, one less sniper main
48 Frags +


-27 Frags +
AnaThon>player gets banned
>"i didn't do nothing"
>"etf2l release evidence"
>lengthy nerd essays on why [gamer] should be unbanned
>nothing happens
>everyone stops caring and moves on

another riveting episode in etf2l bans a cheater

show me the evidence please

[quote=AnaThon]>player gets banned
>"i didn't do nothing"
>"etf2l release evidence"
>lengthy nerd essays on why [gamer] should be unbanned
>nothing happens
>everyone stops caring and moves on

another riveting episode in etf2l bans a cheater[/quote]

show me the evidence please
18 Frags +

"wizat is cheating". So you guys are the type of people who believe wizat exists?

"wizat is cheating". So you guys are the type of people who believe wizat exists?
-22 Frags +

Damn remember when tf2 drama was good? Chronos, Nursey and I guess Jedi was also pretty good (Jedi's ban is still the most undeserved ban.

KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK a guy got banned nice, you ban 1 sniper main 19571957195791 pop up out of no where, no one cares

thanks bye

Damn remember when tf2 drama was good? Chronos, Nursey and I guess Jedi was also pretty good (Jedi's ban is still the most undeserved ban.

KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK a guy got banned nice, you ban 1 sniper main 19571957195791 pop up out of no where, no one cares

thanks bye
12 Frags +
DaFuQWiZaTlove the instant downvotes

here is to all of the people who believe etf2l is sunshine and rainbows and they can never make a mistake or have a bias opinion about a player in a 12 year old dead game :)


yea yea insult the game now that ur banned bro make sure to remove it from ur top 5 videogames of all time also u epically owned all of us with that music video im boutta jam and forget this situation ever took place

[quote=DaFuQWiZaT]love the instant downvotes

here is to all of the people who believe etf2l is sunshine and rainbows and they can never make a mistake or have a bias opinion about a player in a 12 year old dead game :)


yea yea insult the game now that ur banned bro make sure to remove it from ur top 5 videogames of all time also u epically owned all of us with that music video im boutta jam and forget this situation ever took place
6 Frags +
Amaterasu1. TF2Center bans are not related to ETF2L bans or ETF2L Admins in any way, unless they mirror ETF2L bans. We shared BlueBunny as a staff member back then, but we handled cases independently. He got banned for not uploading specific demos too often iirc, it's been too long. It was lifted again some time after BlueBunny left their staff and she left ours earlier this year as well.

That isn't correct she told people he was hacking and that was why he was banned. It caused a huge drama at the time as internal ETF2L AC information was shared around which 100% shouldn't have been. And while all this had nothing to do with the case right now (and the person responsible is longer with the team) it is a big reason why there is a perception of someone being persecuted.

I'm sorry that you have received the level of personal abuse that you have. People suck.

1. TF2Center bans are not related to ETF2L bans or ETF2L Admins in any way, unless they mirror ETF2L bans. We shared BlueBunny as a staff member back then, but we handled cases independently. He got banned for not uploading specific demos too often iirc, it's been too long. It was lifted again some time after BlueBunny left their staff and she left ours earlier this year as well.

That isn't correct she told people he was hacking and that was why he was banned. It caused a huge drama at the time as internal ETF2L AC information was shared around which 100% shouldn't have been. And while all this had nothing to do with the case right now (and the person responsible is longer with the team) it is a big reason why there is a perception of someone being persecuted.

I'm sorry that you have received the level of personal abuse that you have. People suck.
-8 Frags +

I never said he should be unbanned. I'm not here to defend Wizat, I'm here to question the process by which cheaters are detected and punished. I've talked to etf2l staff about this before, just not on a public forum. Surprisingly this has been much more informative, especially that long post by Quintosh about their AC demo analyzer.

Hey Quintosh, if you're still here, does your analyzer ever get false positives? Has it been tested for that?

I never said he should be unbanned. I'm not here to defend Wizat, I'm here to question the process by which cheaters are detected and punished. I've talked to etf2l staff about this before, just not on a public forum. Surprisingly this has been much more informative, especially that long post by Quintosh about their AC demo analyzer.

Hey Quintosh, if you're still here, does your analyzer ever get false positives? Has it been tested for that?
-7 Frags +

any ex ac admin wanna leak the secret tips

at least for the baud one?

any ex ac admin wanna leak the secret tips

at least for the baud one?
8 Frags +
Show Content
- a year is a large amount of time in competitive tf2 and long enough to make someone lose interest and quit competing as multiple lans or seasons can happen with that timespan while this person is barred from competing
- as quintosh said, countless sites mirror etf2l bans so he IS banned from competing in this game in every regard. pugchamp, ugc, etf2l, lobbies, rgl etc. he can likely only scrim and mix, but even then, people will refuse to scrim teams hes in and people wont invite him to mixes out of suspicion that he might cheat
- banning someone falsely for cheating does more than bar them from competing, it ruins their reputation. it can easily make people disregard his skill and just call him a cheater instead of recognising actual talent he developed through playing the game as much as he did.
- quintosh is an ac admin despite not being shown on the etf2l page of active admins
- admins have and always will show bias in multiple decisions, i dont need to mention which as you can easily find them by searching yourself, whether its decided by the league admin circlejerk or the ac admin circlejerk
- i reviewed the demo with an actual cheater and found no evidence detectable, the only thing not able to be disproved being a triggerbot, however he was banned for aimbot
- i highly doubt any "private tool" in the source engine can do anything to detect a cheat that console commands dont already do to help, the only way youd be able to tell hes cheating is through thorough analysis or seeing him vac banned, or a recording of his pov where he is literally cheating (which the admins refuse to give btw)
- i personally have seen wizat grinding for the years ive been grinding and highly doubt hed have a reason to cheat due to him actually developing this ability over the years hes played. its evident on his stream too, as there is no difference between how he played in the games that got requested on etf2l and how he plays there
- the admins have no idea how easy it is to cheat in their league
- "private" evidence cannot exist in team fortress 2 since all pov demos uploaded to etf2l are available to the public and any one could watch his youtube videos or ask him for pov demos
- the admins consistently apply unique punishments to people they are biased against, this isnt foreign knowledge.

watch the downvotes roll in

Everything you said is irrelevant or wrong / based on nothing

[quote=kn][spoiler][b]- a year is a large amount of time in competitive tf2 and long enough to make someone lose interest and quit competing as multiple lans or seasons can happen with that timespan while this person is barred from competing[/b]
[b]- as quintosh said, countless sites mirror etf2l bans so he IS banned from competing in this game in every regard. pugchamp, ugc, etf2l, lobbies, rgl etc. he can likely only scrim and mix, but even then, people will refuse to scrim teams hes in and people wont invite him to mixes out of suspicion that he might cheat[/b]
[b]- banning someone falsely for cheating does more than bar them from competing, it ruins their reputation. it can easily make people disregard his skill and just call him a cheater instead of recognising actual talent he developed through playing the game as much as he did.[/b]
[b]- quintosh is an ac admin despite not being shown on the etf2l page of active admins[/b]
[i]- admins have and always will show bias in multiple decisions, i dont need to mention which as you can easily find them by searching yourself, whether its decided by the league admin circlejerk or the ac admin circlejerk[/i]
- [b]i reviewed the demo with an actual cheater and found no evidence detectable, the only thing not able to be disproved being a triggerbot, however he was banned for aimbot[/b]
[i]- i highly doubt any "private tool" in the source engine can do anything to detect a cheat that console commands dont already do to help[/i], [b]the only way youd be able to tell hes cheating is through thorough analysis or seeing him vac banned, or a recording of his pov where he is literally cheating (which the admins refuse to give btw)[/b]
[b]- i personally have seen wizat grinding for the years ive been grinding and highly doubt hed have a reason to cheat due to him actually developing this ability over the years hes played. its evident on his stream too, as there is no difference between how he played in the games that got requested on etf2l and how he plays there[/b]
[i]- the admins have no idea how easy it is to cheat in their league[/i]
[i]- "private" evidence cannot exist in team fortress 2 since all pov demos uploaded to etf2l are available to the public and any one could watch his youtube videos or ask him for pov demos[/i]
[i]- the admins consistently apply unique punishments to people they are biased against, this isnt foreign knowledge.[/i]

watch the downvotes roll in[/spoiler][/quote]

Everything you said is [b]irrelevant[/b] or [i]wrong / based on nothing[/i]
-16 Frags +
Everything you said is irrelevant or wrong / based on nothing

Can you explain how "Everything you said is irrelevant or wrong / based on nothing" or does a legitimate response come under one of those "private tools" you have


Everything you said is [b]irrelevant[/b] or [i]wrong / based on nothing[/i][/quote]

Can you explain how "Everything you said is irrelevant or wrong / based on nothing" or does a legitimate response come under one of those "private tools" you have
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