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Why aren't the other parties talked about anymore?
posted in The Dumpster
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<rant>When people think of political parties, they think of the left and right party. Sadly those two parties are the only ones publicly recognized, which causes problems since if one side loses, the other gains control. There are far more political parties than those two, and if we can have more political parties to choose from, then may be politics won't be so fucking oppressive. </rant>

<rant>When people think of political parties, they think of the left and right party. Sadly those two parties are the only ones publicly recognized, which causes problems since if one side loses, the other gains control. [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_political_parties_in_the_United_States]There are far more political parties than those two[/url], and if we can have more political parties to choose from, then may be politics won't be so fucking oppressive. </rant>
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unfortunately, the standard metric used by "experts" to diagnose low party-creation rates is "new political parties per year." This is actually an inferior metric for determining why we don't get more political parties. Instead, we should be using "years per new political party" to visualize the ocillations in time between the creation of new parties. This would really help us map out changes and see how world events are influencing their creation.

unfortunately, the standard metric used by "experts" to diagnose low party-creation rates is "new political parties per year." This is actually an inferior metric for determining why we don't get more political parties. Instead, we should be using "years per new political party" to visualize the ocillations in time between the creation of new parties. This would really help us map out changes and see how world events are influencing their creation.
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i bullied kids like you in high school

i bullied kids like you in high school
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sco_i bullied kids like you in high school

used to handcuff 'em to tables in the cafeteria

[quote=sco_]i bullied kids like you in high school[/quote]
used to handcuff 'em to tables in the cafeteria
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you fundamentally misunderstand power in the united states

you fundamentally misunderstand power in the united states
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Another day, another AimisADick post

Another day, another AimisADick post
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two party system makes it very easy to control the population? why wouldnt the ruling class want that??

two party system makes it very easy to control the population? why wouldnt the ruling class want that??
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us elections are decided by spire mge so y would u want more than 2 players for that ??

us elections are decided by spire mge so y would u want more than 2 players for that ??
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Tholetwo party system makes it very easy to control the population? why wouldnt the ruling class want that??

or FPTP just turns any system into a two party state

[quote=Thole]two party system makes it very easy to control the population? why wouldnt the ruling class want that??[/quote]
or FPTP just turns any system into a two party state
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Tholetwo party system makes it very easy to control the population? why wouldnt the ruling class want that??

the jews are too powerful, Assad isn't in the wrong here. Free Palestine

[quote=Thole]two party system makes it very easy to control the population? why wouldnt the ruling class want that??[/quote]
the jews are too powerful, Assad isn't in the wrong here. Free Palestine
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if any third party every manages to do something remotely meaningful (other than sway some states' presidential election votes to less representative outcomes), i will happily start paying attention to them

but given how the green party is seemingly made up of TERFs/ ppl afraid of wifi and the libertarian party is primarily made up of fucking idiots, i don't have any meaningful reason to care about their existence. other parties are even less important here in america

if any third party every manages to do something remotely meaningful (other than sway some states' presidential election votes to less representative outcomes), i will happily start paying attention to them

but given how the green party is seemingly made up of TERFs/ ppl afraid of wifi and the libertarian party is primarily made up of fucking idiots, i don't have any meaningful reason to care about their existence. other parties are even less important here in america
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KevinIsPwnif any third party every manages to do something remotely meaningful (other than sway some states' presidential election votes to less representative outcomes), i will happily start paying attention to them

but given how the green party is seemingly made up of TERFs/ ppl afraid of wifi and the libertarian party is primarily made up of fucking idiots, i don't have any meaningful reason to care about their existence. other parties are even less important here in america

About three weeks ago the DSA steamrolled establishment democrats in Nevada for state party leadership positions. Not much, but it is worth noting.

[quote=KevinIsPwn]if any third party every manages to do something remotely meaningful (other than sway some states' presidential election votes to less representative outcomes), i will happily start paying attention to them

but given how the green party is seemingly made up of TERFs/ ppl afraid of wifi and the libertarian party is primarily made up of fucking idiots, i don't have any meaningful reason to care about their existence. other parties are even less important here in america[/quote]
About three weeks ago the DSA steamrolled establishment democrats in Nevada for state party leadership positions. Not much, but it is worth noting.
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5unnyAbout three weeks ago the DSA steamrolled establishment democrats in Nevada for state party leadership positions. Not much, but it is worth noting.

my understanding may not be full

but they're just caucusing, right? not starting a new party from scratch? democratic socialists is not a party but an organization.

they took over the leadership roles of one of the two major parties and will actually have a chance at accomplishing their goals. cool stuff regardless

[quote=5unny]About three weeks ago the DSA steamrolled establishment democrats in Nevada for state party leadership positions. Not much, but it is worth noting.[/quote]

my understanding may not be full

but they're just caucusing, right? not starting a new party from scratch? democratic socialists is not a party but an organization.

they took over the leadership roles of one of the two major parties and will actually have a chance at accomplishing their goals. cool stuff regardless
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the unironic, simple answer is First Past the Post voting system, instead of ranked choice, by the way

the unironic, simple answer is First Past the Post voting system, instead of ranked choice, by the way
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<rant>dont care</rant>

<rant>dont care</rant>
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