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Warning about Nursey trying to come back
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Tonight me and my team scrimmed against a team, after checking logs we found some interesting and worrying things.
The player "phase #" links directly to Nursey's RGL, and the player "atlas" is apparently a 14 year old child, who when asked about this responded as such
We've already contacted RGL about this, but my team and I wanted to make this public so people know that Nursey may be doing the same disgusting shit they were doing before.

Tonight me and my team scrimmed against a team, after checking logs we found some interesting and worrying things.
The player "phase #" links directly to Nursey's RGL, and the player "atlas" is apparently a 14 year old child, who when asked about this responded as such
We've already contacted RGL about this, but my team and I wanted to make this public so people know that Nursey may be doing the same disgusting shit they were doing before.
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-116 Frags +

playing tf2 with you isn't that gross man have some self confidence

playing tf2 with you isn't that gross man have some self confidence
45 Frags +

Man they didn't even use an alt. A disgusting person who didn't learn their lesson.

Man they didn't even use an alt. A disgusting person who didn't learn their lesson.
138 Frags +

Nursey you're obviously going to read this so listen champ: stay the fuck out of tf2. No one wants your pedophiliac self anywhere near them or the young members of the community.

Nursey you're obviously going to read this so listen champ: stay the fuck out of tf2. No one wants your pedophiliac self anywhere near them or the young members of the community.
108 Frags +
Nub_Danishplaying tf2 with you isn't that gross man have some self confidence

hello Nursey's Friend

[quote=Nub_Danish]playing tf2 with you isn't that gross man have some self confidence[/quote]
hello Nursey's Friend
45 Frags +

As one of the people in this scrim, it was absolutely shocking to find out that Nursey was in the game, I never thought that Nursey ever left tf2 but they fact that young people are still playing with them is so fucking upsetting and disgusting.

As one of the people in this scrim, it was absolutely shocking to find out that Nursey was in the game, I never thought that Nursey ever left tf2 but they fact that young people are still playing with them is so fucking upsetting and disgusting.
19 Frags +

Nursey has been mentoring and ringing for a highlander team for a few seasons now as well p sure, also the alias nursey is using is impersonating the leader of said team so

Nursey has been mentoring and ringing for a highlander team for a few seasons now as well p sure, also the alias nursey is using is impersonating the leader of said team so
16 Frags +

that's an omega giga yikes from me dog

that's an omega giga yikes from me dog
116 Frags +

damn if nursey can't quit tf2 i doubt she'll quit children

damn if nursey can't quit tf2 i doubt she'll quit children
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8 Frags +

nursey, please fuck off and play smash if you want to touch kids

nursey, please fuck off and play smash if you want to touch kids
61 Frags +

Not going to lie that screenshot of you talking to one of their team screams concern.

When you try and warn them off and tell them that Nursey is a child predator, their response is "no u"

For me that just points out this team/these players need protection from a scumbag like Nursey who really at this point needs to be reported to the authorities. These players on the team are probably too naive to know what Nursey may do or perhaps they have already been manipulated as such and do not realise the danger they're in.

Not going to lie that screenshot of you talking to one of their team screams concern.

When you try and warn them off and tell them that Nursey is a child predator, their response is "no u"

For me that just points out this team/these players need protection from a scumbag like Nursey who really at this point needs to be reported to the authorities. These players on the team are probably too naive to know what Nursey may do or perhaps they have already been manipulated as such and do not realise the danger they're in.
15 Frags +

return of da groomer

was she never reported to the authorities?

return of da groomer

was she never reported to the authorities?
19 Frags +

Stay away

Stay away
15 Frags +

Alien pedo caugh again in 4k

Alien pedo caugh again in 4k
48 Frags +
S4mskiNot going to lie that screenshot of you talking to one of their team screams concern.

When you try and warn them off and tell them that Nursey is a child predator, their response is "no u"

For me that just points out this team/these players need protection from a scumbag like Nursey who really at this point needs to be reported to the authorities. These players on the team are probably too naive to know what Nursey may do or perhaps they have already been manipulated as such and do not realise the danger they're in.

DEFINITELY sounds like the kid has bought into nursey's 'boohoo i am innocent' bullshit

[quote=S4mski]Not going to lie that screenshot of you talking to one of their team screams concern.

When you try and warn them off and tell them that Nursey is a child predator, their response is "no u"

For me that just points out this team/these players need protection from a scumbag like Nursey who really at this point needs to be reported to the authorities. These players on the team are probably too naive to know what Nursey may do or perhaps they have already been manipulated as such and do not realise the danger they're in.[/quote]
DEFINITELY sounds like the kid has bought into nursey's 'boohoo i am innocent' bullshit
-8 Frags +

punish anyone cooperating with nursey, even if they are victims themselves, create a real deterrent. Don't come back, nonce. Also some of these players don't give a shit they are playing with nursey becuase they are just as degenerate.

punish anyone cooperating with nursey, even if they are victims themselves, create a real deterrent. Don't come back, nonce. Also some of these players don't give a shit they are playing with nursey becuase they are just as degenerate.
42 Frags +

damn, not only is she trynna come back, but shes trynna come back by playing with children

damn, not only is she trynna come back, but shes trynna come back by playing with children
7 Frags +

disgusting POS needs to fuck outta here and stay gone

disgusting POS needs to fuck outta here and stay gone
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68 Frags +

What about the unbridled passion for 14 year olds?


What about the unbridled passion for 14 year olds?
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this is so cringe


this is so cringe
44 Frags +

What about the unbridled passion for 14 year olds?

"That's what I love about these high school girls, man. I get older, they stay the same age."

- Nursey, probably


What about the unbridled passion for 14 year olds?[/quote]

"That's what I love about these high school girls, man. I get older, they stay the same age."

- Nursey, probably
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ahhhh spunkie this is why you like playing with david so much...

ahhhh spunkie this is why you like playing with david so much...
43 Frags +

As someone that has vaguely kept up with nurseys insane ramblings on twitter, the single minded delusion that there is any chance of them making a triumphant return is super concerning to me. There's a lot of people who still chat with them in the replies(which is probably a convo for a different thread) but it's seriously a scary idea that nurseys thinks this can be salvaged somehow.

As someone that has vaguely kept up with nurseys insane ramblings on twitter, the single minded delusion that there is any chance of them making a triumphant return is super concerning to me. There's a lot of people who still chat with them in the replies(which is probably a convo for a different thread) but it's seriously a scary idea that nurseys thinks this can be salvaged somehow.
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