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Invite players who upload match POVs to YouTube
posted in Videos
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I have a list of some but if anybody has anything to add that'd be appreciated

https://youtube.com/user/P4nK4c3s Sigh has a few POVs with comms from MAL.

https://youtube.com/c/jayhyunpae Jay has POVs with comms

https://youtube.com/c/b4nny B4nny uploads every match POV with comms.

https://youtube.com/channel/UCi42hYNuCYHYVGO6y7823-Q Hasn't uploaded any POVs in a while, but Habib has POVs with comms dating back to when he played in IM.

https://youtube.com/c/arekk Arekk has match POVs with comms.

https://youtube.com/c/corsatf2 Corsa has a single Snakewater POV, no comms

https://youtube.com/user/GamingMovieDbTF2 A staggering amount of demos from different regions/divisions of play. Every video has audio desync issues.

https://youtube.com/channel/UCDogGB6cezn5-YbQe-ctZyQ Lot of demos, mostly ETF2L.

https://youtube.com/c/MRSLIN Mr Slin has some pug commentary videos if it counts.

https://youtube.com/c/officerreekz Officer Reekz has a wealth of stream VODs that include matches/scrims/pugs.

I have a list of some but if anybody has anything to add that'd be appreciated

https://youtube.com/user/P4nK4c3s Sigh has a few POVs with comms from MAL.

https://youtube.com/c/jayhyunpae Jay has POVs with comms

https://youtube.com/c/b4nny B4nny uploads every match POV with comms.

https://youtube.com/channel/UCi42hYNuCYHYVGO6y7823-Q Hasn't uploaded any POVs in a while, but Habib has POVs with comms dating back to when he played in IM.

https://youtube.com/c/arekk Arekk has match POVs with comms.

https://youtube.com/c/corsatf2 Corsa has a single Snakewater POV, no comms

https://youtube.com/user/GamingMovieDbTF2 A staggering amount of demos from different regions/divisions of play. Every video has audio desync issues.

https://youtube.com/channel/UCDogGB6cezn5-YbQe-ctZyQ Lot of demos, mostly ETF2L.

https://youtube.com/c/MRSLIN Mr Slin has some pug commentary videos if it counts.

https://youtube.com/c/officerreekz Officer Reekz has a wealth of stream VODs that include matches/scrims/pugs.
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https://www.youtube.com/c/b3arodactyl/ has some lan POVs with comms

https://www.youtube.com/c/Extelevision There are old POVs of various invite players with comms if you can find them

https://www.youtube.com/c/ThatGuyTagg Tagg has old POVs from himself and lansky and shade with comms if you scroll down

https://www.youtube.com/user/Mangachuuu Mangachu has some really old roamer povs with comms

https://www.youtube.com/user/b4nnyable/ only 2013 b4nny pugs with comms

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtjIQuWFASZn9ghqrrLYX7Q some additional stream VOD uploads

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_QADQ4qm4RAHE_8T7uN__w even more stream VOD uploads (only the match part of the streams)

https://www.youtube.com/c/b3arodactyl/ has some lan POVs with comms

https://www.youtube.com/c/Extelevision There are old POVs of various invite players with comms if you can find them

https://www.youtube.com/c/ThatGuyTagg Tagg has old POVs from himself and lansky and shade with comms if you scroll down

https://www.youtube.com/user/Mangachuuu Mangachu has some really old roamer povs with comms

https://www.youtube.com/user/b4nnyable/ only 2013 b4nny pugs with comms

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtjIQuWFASZn9ghqrrLYX7Q some additional stream VOD uploads

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_QADQ4qm4RAHE_8T7uN__w even more stream VOD uploads (only the match part of the streams)
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ive got a couple povs n demo reviews uploaded on my yt :]

[url=https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_WtgsYK_JNuoo19maAGMKQ]ive got a couple povs n demo reviews uploaded on my yt :][/url]
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I've 3 uploaded matches from S29 Invite with Comms

[url=https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLILd-w6i20yauuuRKq_D37ziou-j2d5KC]I've 3 uploaded matches from S29 Invite with Comms[/url]
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kobe1920 lan pov

[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWDNKtZj2MU]kobe1920 lan pov[/url]
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Channels with demo reviews done by Invite/Prem players I've found that haven't been mentioned:

https://youtube.com/c/ASeagullOW Old but gold Seagull demos
https://youtube.com/user/chugaaconroynumber2 Cin mentoring sessions
https://youtube.com/c/RGLgg Has some 6s demo reviews with Invite players (well at least one with Soapy idk if there's more)
https://youtube.com/user/PaddiiBear Paddie has demo content as well as a great Let's Learn w/ Froyo Paddie series.
https://youtube.com/c/CeeJaey HL again (cring) but has some 6s

Ones that have:
B4nny, Slin, Officer Reekz, Mak

Channels with demo reviews done by Invite/Prem players I've found that haven't been mentioned:

https://youtube.com/c/ASeagullOW Old but gold Seagull demos
https://youtube.com/user/chugaaconroynumber2 Cin mentoring sessions
https://youtube.com/c/RGLgg Has some 6s demo reviews with Invite players (well at least one with Soapy idk if there's more)
https://youtube.com/user/PaddiiBear Paddie has demo content as well as a great Let's Learn w/ Froyo Paddie series.
https://youtube.com/c/CeeJaey HL again (cring) but has some 6s

Ones that have:
B4nny, Slin, Officer Reekz, Mak
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https://youtube.com/@donovin_ has POVs
https://youtube.com/@marmaloo9343 has done reviews of Invite POVs

https://youtube.com/@donovin_ has POVs
https://youtube.com/@marmaloo9343 has done reviews of Invite POVs
Fireside Casts
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i upload povs regularly but cant find any etf2l streams for prem scrims/matches


i upload povs regularly but cant find any etf2l streams for prem scrims/matches

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siyoi upload povs regularly but cant find any etf2l streams for prem scrims/matches



[quote=siyo]i upload povs regularly but cant find any etf2l streams for prem scrims/matches


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