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I dont wanna play entropy
12 Frags +
YeeHawflickI like testing new maps but not when lan has just been announced :(This is really the problem I have with the map pool. I have nothing against entropy but realistically it will be removed for polish LAN, probably for granary. The ETF2L admins have always had a problem with structuring their seasons around big events.

we are not bound to what ETF2L enforces as a map pool on PoLANd.tf and we are going to decide what will be the map pool for the event in the best interest of the people who will actually play on the event, possibly by gathering feedback from them

[quote=YeeHaw][quote=flick]I like testing new maps but not when lan has just been announced :([/quote]
This is really the problem I have with the map pool. I have nothing against entropy but realistically it will be removed for polish LAN, probably for granary. The ETF2L admins have always had a problem with structuring their seasons around big events. [/quote]
we are not bound to what ETF2L enforces as a map pool on PoLANd.tf and we are going to decide what will be the map pool for the event in the best interest of the people who will actually play on the event, possibly by gathering feedback from them
37 Frags +

First they took badlands, now granary is gone. When will this end? I spent half my life perfecting my gameplay on these maps only to have it all taken away by fucking zoomers

First they took badlands, now granary is gone. When will this end? I spent half my life perfecting my gameplay on these maps only to have it all taken away by fucking zoomers
11 Frags +

the only reason you are crying about entropy but not about sultry is because sultry was made to be "league ready" when it was added to rgl and they essentially did what you are supposed to be doing with entropy

this is the scout speed debate all over again where people want everything to be "tested" everywhere but outside of the one place where the most valuable feedback would come from, just use the season to test it instead, if it can be molded into a great map, sick, if the progress isnt promising just remove it next season, whats the problem?

the only reason you are crying about entropy but not about sultry is because sultry was made to be "league ready" when it was added to rgl and they essentially did what you are supposed to be doing with entropy

this is the scout speed debate all over again where people want everything to be "tested" everywhere but outside of the one place where the most valuable feedback would come from, just use the season to test it instead, if it can be molded into a great map, sick, if the progress isnt promising just remove it next season, whats the problem?
9 Frags +
dannythe only reason you are crying about entropy but not about sultry is because sultry was made to be "league ready" when it was added to rgl and they essentially did what you are supposed to be doing with entropy

this is the scout speed debate all over again where people want everything to be "tested" everywhere but outside of the one place where the most valuable feedback would come from, just use the season to test it instead, if it can be molded into a great map, sick, if the progress isnt promising just remove it next season, whats the problem?

it wasn't as bad if they only added entropy, or only added sultry, but adding multiple maps in one season seems too drastic, bagel was added and everything is fine, even if not everyone likes it at least it was only one map at a time.
adding multiple maps in a single season especially before a lan is definitely not the way.

[quote=danny]the only reason you are crying about entropy but not about sultry is because sultry was made to be "league ready" when it was added to rgl and they essentially did what you are supposed to be doing with entropy

this is the scout speed debate all over again where people want everything to be "tested" everywhere but outside of the one place where the most valuable feedback would come from, just use the season to test it instead, if it can be molded into a great map, sick, if the progress isnt promising just remove it next season, whats the problem?[/quote]
it wasn't as bad if they only added entropy, or only added sultry, but adding multiple maps in one season seems too drastic, bagel was added and everything is fine, even if not everyone likes it at least it was only one map at a time.
adding multiple maps in a single season especially before a lan is definitely not the way.
-7 Frags +
dannythe only reason you are crying about entropy but not about sultry is because sultry was made to be "league ready" when it was added to rgl and they essentially did what you are supposed to be doing with entropy


Here is a video of sultry from the first season it was added in RGL. It looks 99% the same as it does now

[quote=danny]the only reason you are crying about entropy but not about sultry is because sultry was made to be "league ready" when it was added to rgl and they essentially did what you are supposed to be doing with entropy

Here is a video of sultry from the first season it was added in RGL. It looks 99% the same as it does now
12 Frags +
YeeHawdannythe only reason you are crying about entropy but not about sultry is because sultry was made to be "league ready" when it was added to rgl and they essentially did what you are supposed to be doing with entropyhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XONpKKLrFDQ

Here is a video of sultry from the first season it was added in RGL. It looks 99% the same as it does now

rip bozo


[quote=YeeHaw][quote=danny]the only reason you are crying about entropy but not about sultry is because sultry was made to be "league ready" when it was added to rgl and they essentially did what you are supposed to be doing with entropy

Here is a video of sultry from the first season it was added in RGL. It looks 99% the same as it does now[/quote]
rip bozo

[img] https://i.gyazo.com/90a19ab186d6c52ce79f943846ba9d8d.png[/img]
-3 Frags +

the "Grant" has spoken

the "Grant" has spoken
20 Frags +

Sultry is a really fun map though, really glad it's been added. The devs have been super open to feedback and have actively made lots of changes.

I think the attitude towards playing new maps actually comes from top players. If the top players can convince everyone else to pug that map, people will eventually get comfortable with it.

I've been around long enough to remember this happening with sunshine, where there were /just/ enough invite players pulling for it to be played (specifically pushing for it to be pugged), that it eventually grew to be a staple. This is what makes me think that this could realistically happen with any map that has a really active dev team. Sunshine ran like absolute dog shit too for the longest time, and we overcame it lol.

I haven't played entropy I don't think but at least give it a season. Scrim it a little bit, pug it a little bit. DM the devs or get in a discord call with them. I'm totally sick of voting granary in and out every other season. It's a stupid map and we can do better

Sultry is a really fun map though, really glad it's been added. The devs have been super open to feedback and have actively made lots of changes.

I think the attitude towards playing new maps actually comes from top players. If the top players can convince everyone else to pug that map, people will eventually get comfortable with it.

I've been around long enough to remember this happening with sunshine, where there were /just/ enough invite players pulling for it to be played (specifically pushing for it to be pugged), that it eventually grew to be a staple. This is what makes me think that this could realistically happen with any map that has a really active dev team. Sunshine ran like absolute dog shit too for the longest time, and we overcame it lol.

I haven't played entropy I don't think but at least give it a season. Scrim it a little bit, pug it a little bit. DM the devs or get in a discord call with them. I'm totally sick of voting granary in and out every other season. It's a stupid map and we can do better
27 Frags +

Also if anyone is still crazy enough to try and make a new 6s map, don't make one with a dark skybox. I don't know what it is but I'm pretty sure the bright sky box maps are always preferred.

Also if anyone is still crazy enough to try and make a new 6s map, don't make one with a dark skybox. I don't know what it is but I'm pretty sure the bright sky box maps are always preferred.
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Sneakyit’s a comment about how little people seem to understand that to make a good map you have to play it, not just in a weekend cup or pug but in consecutive seasons.

Reminder this is exactly what happened with bagel at prem level - the majority were not happy with the addition of the map and quickly dismissed the idea of playing it. Fast forward to today and plays differently to product in a positive way plus it fills the long due 2nd koth map slot. I think it's safe to say most don't mind playing it at the very least.

[quote=Sneaky]it’s a comment about how little people seem to understand that to make a good map you have to play it, not just in a weekend cup or pug but in consecutive seasons.[/quote]

Reminder this is exactly what happened with bagel at prem level - the majority were not happy with the addition of the map and quickly dismissed the idea of playing it. Fast forward to today and plays differently to product in a positive way plus it fills the long due 2nd koth map slot. I think it's safe to say most don't mind playing it at the very least.
-10 Frags +

Having both admined for ETF2L and organised LANs, I do not think ETF2L should necessarily adjust its map pool because of the LAN in Poland. Autumn season has always been the one where you can go a little crazy with maps because there usually aren't any LANs directly after. Not to hate on the PoLANd event, but I don't think it is that household name yet. If they were to do it leading up to insomnia, it would be a whole different debate...
For CPH Games and RCADIA we have usually simply gone with the most recent ETF2L map pool so people could scrim the maps in the season and perform at LAN. Now, I get that this might be not a popular decision with two new maps in the mix, but it is a possibility.

Having both admined for ETF2L and organised LANs, I do not think ETF2L should necessarily adjust its map pool because of the LAN in Poland. Autumn season has always been the one where you can go a little crazy with maps because there [b]usually[/b] aren't any LANs directly after. Not to hate on the PoLANd event, but I don't think it is that household name yet. If they were to do it leading up to insomnia, it would be a whole different debate...
For CPH Games and RCADIA we have usually simply gone with the most recent ETF2L map pool so people could scrim the maps in the season and perform at LAN. Now, I get that this might be not a popular decision with two new maps in the mix, but it is a possibility.
7 Frags +

Addition: introducing two new maps at once is indeed a bit much though

Addition: introducing two new maps at once is indeed a bit much though
-11 Frags +

after playing the season i can admit i was wrong... the map is even poopier than i thought it would be :'D

after playing the season i can admit i was wrong... the map is even poopier than i thought it would be :'D
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Maybe "the Entropy" was the friends we made along the way...

Maybe "the Entropy" was the friends we made along the way...
24 Frags +
Makafter playing the season i can admit i was wrong... the map is even poopier than i thought it would be :'D

I understand ppl disliking entropy in particular, or even the concept of new maps in general. But cmon man you played it 2 times this season and 4 times overall. You pretty much didn't play it


ETF2L shouldn't have added the map alongside sultry though. D2 and below lost gullywash for entropy basically lmao

[quote=Mak]after playing the season i can admit i was wrong... the map is even poopier than i thought it would be :'D[/quote]
I understand ppl disliking entropy in particular, or even the concept of new maps in general. But cmon man you played it 2 times this season and 4 times overall. You pretty much didn't play it

ETF2L shouldn't have added the map alongside sultry though. D2 and below lost gullywash for entropy basically lmao
-4 Frags +

sorry but I've never heard someone saying "let's play entropy" on mix/pug/scrim

sorry but I've never heard someone saying "let's play entropy" on mix/pug/scrim
-14 Frags +

i loat granary for a map with too many doors in transition and a workable mid / subpar last, sorry i only played it 5 times as a result hehe

im chill with new maps, sultry is aight, u can see this season people have finally warmed up to and honed their metalworks (understabd its not new but it was reintroduced around 10 szns ago and has consistently been a bit hated). it takes time and for a map to be (about) completed for people to learn to accept it. thats ehy logjam failed (constantly chablnged and constantly subpar). this map is straight up incomplete, and thats fine, but its also true.

abyway my poont stands thay gran is dope and deep and has been taken away from me by noobs and i wasnt eben wromg lol

i loat granary for a map with too many doors in transition and a workable mid / subpar last, sorry i only played it 5 times as a result hehe

im chill with new maps, sultry is aight, u can see this season people have finally warmed up to and honed their metalworks (understabd its not new but it was reintroduced around 10 szns ago and has consistently been a bit hated). it takes time and for a map to be (about) completed for people to learn to accept it. thats ehy logjam failed (constantly chablnged and constantly subpar). this map is straight up incomplete, and thats fine, but its also true.

abyway my poont stands thay gran is dope and deep and has been taken away from me by noobs and i wasnt eben wromg lol
5 Frags +
Maki loat granary for a map with too many doors in transition

I think I've been playing the wrong granary or something

[quote=Mak]i loat granary for a map with too many doors in transition

I think I've been playing the wrong granary or something
-11 Frags +

gran has 2 doors bro

gran has 2 doors bro
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